Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19)
Infection control measures and mask-wearing

The Japanese government has taken various measures and made requests in response to COVID 19, based on relevant laws. However, due to the reclassification of COVID-19 into Class 5 on May 8, 2023, individual choice is now respected, and the implementation of infection control measures is left up to the judgement of individuals and business operators in principle.
Starting on March 13, 2023, wearing a mask is left up to the judgement of individuals.
Please remember not to force people to wear masks or take off their masks.
We recommend that you keep COVID-19 antigen test kits and household medicines such as fever-reducing medicines at home. If your symptom is not severe, you can test yourself for COVID-19 at home using a government-approved test kit. Those test kits are labeled “in vitro diagnostic drug" or " class 1 OTC drug” and are available at pharmacies or drug stores and online. Test kits labeled “research use” are also available, but the performance of such test kits is not verified by the government.
If you test positive for COVID-19 (Recovery period)
Before the reclassification, people who tested positive for COVID-19 were requested to refrain from going out for seven days in principle while those who were in close contact with COVID-19 patients were requested to refrain from going out for five days. However, there are no longer such movement restrictions after the reclassification. Although the government will not impose restrictions on COVI-19 patients and their close contacts, you should take precautions to prevent spreading the virus to other people if you feel sick.
If you still have symptoms after recovering
Although many things still remain unexplained about post-COVID conditions (so-called long COVID), documents and information are available on this page (only in Japanese) for people suffering from long COVID symptoms, for health care workers and local government officials.
COVID-19 Vaccines
People aged 65 and older, those with underlying medical conditions and health care workers will be vaccinated twice a year while the others once a year. Vaccinations remain free of charge.
You need a vaccination ticket to get vaccinated. You may need to file an application for the ticket, so please check the information disseminated by the municipality of your residence. This vaccination program continues until March 2024.
Vaccine TOP in English | Multilingual Translations |

Medical consultation services
Consultation services
Having a fever or other symptoms?
○ If your symptoms are mild and you wish to start home care immediately,
test yourself using a government-approved antigen test kit. If you test positive for COVID-19, start home care immediately.
○ If you wish to visit a doctor due to your age or an underling condition, or because a person with symptoms is a child or pregnant woman,
consult your family doctor or an outpatient clinic by phone, etc.
※ If you wish to visit an outpatient clinic for a fever or other symptoms, please consult with the family doctor or an outpatient clinic before actually visiting except in case of emergency.
※ Please contact a COVID-19 consultation center if you do not have a family doctor or if you are not sure with whom you should consult. (The name of the center may vary depending on region.)
▶ Contact numbers of consultation centers and call centers providing information on health care systems and consultation services in each prefecture (only in Japanese)
(Pregnant women)
Please contact a consultation center as soon as possible as those with high risk of developing serious illness, just in case.
(People with children)
For children, pediatrician examination is preferable. Please consult with a consultation center or your family pediatrician by phone.
※ The guidance above is the suggestions for when to seek consultation or visit a doctor. Doctors make the decision on testing as before.
If the child is suspected of having COVID-19 after consulting with the center, you are referred to a clinic or COVID-19 testing clinic. Please wear a mask as much as possible and avoid using public transportation when visiting such facilities.
When the child does not feel well and have difficulties wearing a mask, there’s no need to wear it forcibly. When child wears a mask, his/her parent(s) or other adults around should pay careful attention to the child’s physical condition.
Visit to medical institutions in line with measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19
○ We provide information on things you should keep in mind when visiting a medical institution based on measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19.
○ Visiting medical institution
1. Refraining from visiting medical institutions may increase your health risks
2. Health management such as medical check-ups, treatment of chronic diseases and routine immunizations for children is important.
3. Infection control measures, such as ventilation and disinfection are implemented at medical institutions and venues for medical check-ups.
4. When concerned about your health, consult with your family doctor or dentist.
Consultation desk
MHLW’s telephone consultation services
The MHLW has set up a hotline to provide COVID-19 consultation services.
▶ Contact numbers of consultation centers and call centers providing information on health care systems and consultation services in each prefecture (only in Japanese)
Mental health consultation services
Local governments provide consultation services by phone or in person for people who are unable to sleep well for fear of COVID-19. Please check the link below for more information.
▶ List of consultation desks for COVID-19 related mental health care at local governments (only in Japanese)