Government actions

Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Basic policies

The government's Novel Coronavirus Response Headquarters held a meeting on March 28 to decide the Basic Policies for Novel Coronavirus Disease Control.

Basic Policies for Novel Coronavirus Disease Control

The government's Novel Coronavirus Response Headquarters held a meeting on February 25 to decide the Basic Policies for Novel Coronavirus Disease Control. The Basic Policies lay out the measures currently being taken and various measures that may be taken in response to future developments.

○Basic Policies for Novel Coronavirus Disease Control(Revised on May 25, 2020)
On May 25, 2020, the analysis and assessment was conducted again and the implementation of emergency measures are deemed no longer necessary; therefore, the lifting of the state of emergency was declared.
Basic Policies for Novel Coronavirus Disease Control by the Government of Japan (Summary)

○Basic Policies for Novel Coronavirus Disease Control(Revised on April 16, 2020)
 On April 16, the areas under declaration of state of emergency were expanded to all 47 prefectures. The Basic Policies decided on March 28 have been revised.
Basic Policies for Novel Coronavirus Disease Control by the Government of Japan (Summary)[116KB]

○Basic Policies for Novel Coronavirus Disease Control(Revised on April 7 , 2020)
With the declaration of a state of emergency on April 7, the Basic Policies decided on March 28 have been revised.
Basic Policies for Novel Coronavirus Disease Control(Revised on April7,2020)[123KB]
(Summary Version)Basic Policies for Novel Coronavirus Disease Control by the Government of Japan[42KB]

○Basic Policies for Novel Coronavirus Disease Control (March 28, 2020)
On March 28, “Basic Policies for Novel Coronavirus Disease Control” decided by the Headquarters for Novel Coronavirus Disease Control.
This Basic Policies present measures to be taken so that the government, local governments, and the people will work together to have an accurate grasp of the situation and further advance countermeasures against the novel coronavirus infectious disease.
(Summary Version)Basic Policies for Novel Coronavirus Disease Control by the Government of Japan[42KB]

○Basic Policies for Novel Coronavirus Disease Control (February 25, 2020)
On February 25, “Basic Policies for Novel Coronavirus Disease Control” decided by the Headquarters for Novel Coronavirus Disease Control. This policy summarizes the measures that are currently being taken and the perspectives of possible future measures to be taken to respond to future development.
Basic Policies for Novel Coronavirus Disease Control[151KB]
(Summary Version) Basic Policies for Novel Coronavirus Disease Control[103KB]


Novel Coronavirus Response Headquarters

Useful Information on the Novel Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) (Prime Minister of Japan and His Cabinet)


Declaring and lifting a state of emergency

Click here for information on declaring and lifting a state of emergency (you will be transferred to the website of the Cabinet Secretariat)


Economic measures, supplementary budget, etc.

Novel Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Emergency Response Package

In accordance with its policy of prioritizing the protection of citizens' lives and health, the government put together the Novel Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Emergency Response Package on February 13. This package was focused on actions such as providing support for returnees, strengthening domestic infection measures, strengthening border control measures, and enacting emergency responses for the industries impacted. The government put together the Second Novel Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Emergency Response Package on March 10 to prevent the domestic spread of infection as well as to respond appropriately to various other issues. This was done by focusing on matters such as establishing infection prevention measures and medical service systems, responding to issues arising from temporary school closures, responding to the shrinking of business activities and employment, and the implementation of emergency measures that can adapt to situational changes.

Emergency Economic Measures for Response to COVID-19 and supplementary budget bill

On April 7, the government put together some economic measures and took a cabinet decision to introduce a supplementary budget bill for FY2020. In this bill, the MHLW included funds for implementing infection prevention measures, establishing the medical service system, and developing medications and vaccines, It also provided funds for measures related to maintaining employment and providing employment support, livelihood support, and business continuity support.

Second supplementary budget bill for FY2020 enacted by the MHLW in response to COVID-19

On May 27, the government took a cabinet decision to introduce a second supplementary budget bill for FY2020. Since the fight against COVID-19 is expected to continue over the long term, the MHLW included funds to strengthen measures for controlling the spread of infection and promoting the recovery of social and economic activities with the aim of protecting the lives, employment, and livelihoods of the country's citizens.


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