G7 Health Ministers' Meeting in Nagasaki
What is G7 Health Ministers' Meeting?
The G7 Summit is an international forum held annually for the leaders of the G7 member states of France, the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany, Japan, Italy, and Canada (ordered by presidency), and the European Union (EU). At the G7 Summit, the leaders of the G7, which shares fundamental values such as freedom, democracy and human rights, exchange candid views on important challenges the international community is facing at that time, such as the global economy, regional affairs and various global issues, and issue a document as an outcome of such discussions.
The G7 Health Ministers' Meeting is a ministerial meeting held in conjunction with the G7 Summit to discuss various issues in the global health sector among G7 ministers. In 2023, the G7 Health Ministers' Meeting is held in Nagasaki City, Nagasaki Prefecture.
Date and Venue
- Date:13th and 14th May 2023
- Venue:Nagasaki City, Nagasaki Prefecture
Introduction of Host City
Nagasaki Prefecture is surrounded mostly by the sea and has the largest number of islands in Japan. It is blessed with abundant nature, including islands such as the Goto Islands, Iki, and Tsushima, as well as the Shimabara Peninsula, home to Mount Unzen, one of the world's most active volcanoes, and boasts the largest variety of fish caught in Japan. Nagasaki City, the host city, has long been a trading port with active exchange with foreign countries, and is the place where Western medicine was introduced to Japan. The city has also contributed to the development of the world's medical and public health fields, with Nagasaki University, which houses the Research Center for Advanced Infectious Diseases and the Institute of Tropical Medicine, playing a central role, making it a suitable venue for discussions on infectious disease control in the international community.
Copyright:Nagasaki Prefecture Convention and Tourism Association
Meeting Outcomes
With the aim of "Working together for a healthier future," the G7 Health Ministers discussed how to strengthen prevention, preparedness, and response (PPR) for public health emergencies; to contribute to achievement of more resilient, equitable and sustainable universal health coverage (UHC); and to promote health innovation, which is essential to support addressing these challenges. The Ministers adopted the G7 Nagasaki Health Ministers’ Communiqué as the outcome document as well as the G7 Global Plan for UHC Action Agenda as an annex to the Communiqué, which outlines actions to be taken by the G7 to accelerate efforts to achieve UHC worldwide by 2030.
1.Develop and strengthen global health architecture (GHA) for public health emergencies
2.Contribute to achieving more resilient, equitable and sustainable universal health coverage (UHC) through strengthening health systems
3.Promote health innovation to address various health challenges
G7 Nagasaki Health Ministers’ Communiqué[385KB]
G7 Global Plan for UHC Action Agenda[430KB]
Summary of G7 Health Ministers’ Meeting in Nagasaki[394KB]
In addition, G7 Joint Finance and Health Ministers’ Meeting was held online on May 13. The G7 Finance Ministers and Health Ministers discussed the importance of close finance-health coordination at normal times in order to promote the strengthening of health systems that can also contribute to responding to health emergencies and adopted the G7 Shared Understanding on Enhanced Finance-Health Coordination and PPR Financing.
G7 Shared Understanding on Enhanced Finance-Health Coordination and PPR Financing[305KB]
At the G7 Health Ministers’ Meeting in Nagasaki, the G7 emphasized the importance of addressing cross-sectoral health issues, including pandemics and antimicrobial resistance (AMR), under the One Health approach. In this context, the “G7 High-Level Technical Meeting on One Health” was held online on October 31. The G7 ministries responsible for human health, animal health and the environment and relevant agencies participated in the meeting to share their efforts and best practices related One Health in the respective countries and region, and endorsed the “G7 Shared Understanding on One Health Approach”, which outlines the G7’s commitment to further promoting the One Health approach.
G7 Shared Understanding on One Health Approach[311KB]
Reference:Past G7 Health Ministers' Meetings
Berlin, Germany in 2022、Oxford, UK in 2021、Paris, France in 2019