


厚生労働省労働基準局労働保険徴収課長  片淵 仁文

◎調達機関番号 017  ◎所在地番号 13

  1. 1調達内容
    1. (1)品目分類番号
    2. (2)導入計画物品及び数量
  2. 2意見の提出方法
    1. (1)意見の提出期限
      令和6年4月3日 17時00分(郵送の場合は必着のこと。)
    2. (2)提出先
      〒177-0044 東京都練馬区上石神井4-8-4 厚生労働省労働基準局労働保険徴収課労働保険徴収業務室システム計画係 安井、河西、齊藤
      電話03-3920-3311(内線407、423、416) e-mail choushusystem@mhlw.go.jp
  3. 3仕様書案の交付
    1. (1)交付期間
    2. (2)交付場所
  4. 4Summary
    1. (1)Classification of the products to be procured
      71, 27
    2. (2)Nature and quantity of the services to be required
      System design and system development, lease and maintenance of servers at the Center, application maintenance and system maintenance adjustment work for renewal of the Labour Insurance Application and Contributions Levy System (The mission starts in 2026 fiscal year), 1 set
    3. (3)Time-limit for the submission of comments
      5:00 PM, 3, April, 2024
    4. (4)Contact point for the notice
      Yasui, Kasai, Saitou, System Plan Subsection, Labour Insurance Contributions Levy Operation Office, Labour Insurance Contributions Levy Division, Labour Standards Bureau, Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, 4-8-4 Kamishakujii Nerima-ku, Tokyo 177-0044 Japan, TEL 03-3920-3311 ext. 407, 423, 416