ポジティブリスト案について                The draft of the Positive List


The substances listed in the draft Positive List (PL) are those selected by the MHLW based on information at the present time.
Please note that new substances may be added and the current information or regulations in the list may be revised based on the information collected through the WTO notification and the public comment.

▶食品、添加物等の規格基準 第3 器具及び容器包装 A 器具若しくは容器包装又はこれらの原材料一般の規格 第9項案(概要)
▶Summery on the draft for item 9 of A. General Specifications for Apparatus, Containers and Packaging, and their Materials of Chapter III: Apparatus, Containers and Packaging in the Specifications and Standards for Foods, Food Additives, etc.
Under the provisions of Article 18 (3), the raw materials for synthetic resins shall be those listed in the Appended Table 1.

Substances used for coloring shall be the designated colorants or the colorants processed so that they will not be eluted or seeped out into food.

Base polymers listed in Table 1 (2) of the Appended Table 1 shall be produced by polymerizing or cross-linking prepolymers on appropriate base materials.

More than 98 wt% of the components of a base polymer shall be constituted with the polymers in Table 1 (1) or (2) of the Appended Table 1, and the remaining components shall be the copolymers of monomers listed in Table 1 (3) of in the Appended Table 1.
▶ポジティブリスト案 別表第1 第1表案 基ポリマー(Base polymers:the draft of the PL for Table 1 of the Appended Table 1)(2019年8月9日時点 As of August 9, 2019)     
 (1)基ポリマー(プラスチック)(Base polymers:Plastics) [xlsx形式:104KB] 
              ▷英訳を追記したリストはこちら(English version)[xlsx形式:114KB] 
 (2)基ポリマー(コーティング等)(Base polymers:Coatings etc.)[xlsx形式:126KB]
 (3)基ポリマーに対して微量で重合可能なモノマー(Minor monomers can used for polymerization of base polymers)[xlsx形式:24KB]
▶ポジティブリスト案 別表第1 第2表案 添加剤・塗布剤等(Additives, coating agents, etc.: the draft of the PL for Table 2 of the Appended Table 1)(2019年8月9日時点 As of August 9, 2019)
   (1)添加剤・塗布剤等(Additives, coating agents etc.)[xlsx形式:148KB]

意見提出様式 Forms to submit comments

▶様式 Forms

 ○基ポリマー等 Base polymers etc.
   ・確認項目[PDF形式:529KB] Notes
   ・意見提出様式[xlsx形式:12KB] Information on base polymers etc.
     ・基ポリマーの基本情報及び溶出試験成績の概要[docx形式:49KB] Basic information of a base polymer and summary of the migration test   
   ・遺伝毒性試験の概要[docx形式:23KB] Summary of genotoxicity studies


* When you request to add a new substance, please submit Basic Information of a Base Polymer and Summary of the Migration Test and Summary of Genotoxicity Studies together with this form. Please be sure to fill in fields from I to VII of the Summary of Genotoxicity Studies.


* When you request to revise information of a substance in the draft PL, please clarify the parts to be revised. Also, please be sure to fill in columns between Company’s name and Reference number in the PL, and the column of Japanese name.


*Submission of Basic Information of a Base Polymer and Summary of the Migration Test may be required according to the revision.

 ○基ポリマーに対して微量で重合可能なモノマー Minor monomers can be used for polymerization of base polymers
   ・確認項目[PDF形式:529KB] Notes
   ・意見提出様式[xlsx形式:11KB] Information on minor monomers can be used for polymerization of base polymers
   ・安全性情報の様式[docx形式:30KB] Safety information

 ○添加剤等 Additives etc.
   ・確認項目[PDF形式:529KB] Notes
   ・意見提出様式[xlsx形式:55KB] Information on additives etc.
   ・安全性情報の様式[docx形式:30KB] Safety information


* When you request to revise information of a substance in the draft PL, please clarify the parts to be revised. Also, please be sure to fill in columns between Company’s name and Japanese name.

 ○制度に関する御意見 Comments on the Positive List system
   ・意見提出様式[xlsx形式:9KB] The form


 ※Comments on individual substances including request for listing can be submitted through this page

意見提出上の注意 Notes for the submission of comments

Before submit comments, please check the following document. This document explains the ideas on operations etc. of PL system for utensils, containers and packaging, which had been discussed in the Committee for Reviewing the Regulations on Food Utensils, Containers and Packaging, and the Committee for Utensils, Containers and Packaging of the Food Sanitation Council.

(日本語)[PDF形式:2MB]          (English)[PDF形式:2MB]





参考 Additional information

List of pending substances (as of June 13 2019)


This list consists of the substances that are listed in the positive lists of overseas but are not confirmed the actual use situation at this point. Please note that these substances will not be targeted for listing in the PL if information on the quantities that should be set for resin groups is not provided.