Toward Good Labor Administration
I. Promoting labor policies to realize a society in which individuals can work comfortably, and with hope, in a stable environment
II. Collection and dissemination of labor-related information and analysis of labor economics

Development of Employment Measures Towards Realization of Stable Working Life
I. Swift implementation of measures for employment stability
II. Job creation that capitalizes on the dynamism of small and medium enterprises
III. Support for labor shifts that meet changes in the industrial structure without cutting jobs
IV. Making life outside of large urban areas more attractive (promotion of regional employment development)
V. Strengthening of job placement functions in response to the diversification of work patterns
VI. Employment Insurance

Providing an Environment Which Capitalizes on Diverse Individuality and Capabilities
I. For Equal Employment Opportunity
II. Promotion of measures to maintain harmonious coexistence between work and family cares
III. Promotion of measures for part-time workers
IV. Measures for home work

Realization of Meaningful, Secure Employment for Workers
I. Measures to ensure reasonable working conditions and to improve working conditions
II. Measures to reduce working hours
III. To protect the safety and health of workers
IV. Workers' Property Accumulation Promotion System
V. Tele work
VI. Measures relating to worker's leisure time and recreation
VII. Measures to make small and medium enterprises more attractive
VIII. Welfare Measures for Working Youth
IX. The Workmen's Accident Compensation Insurance System
X. Measures relating to wages

Promoting Human Resources Development Empowering Manpower Responsible for Development of Economy
I. Promotion of human resources development for high value-added work and new business areas
II. Promotion of individual-centric human resources development
III. Cultivating and strengthening the pool of skilled human resources that supports industrial progress
IV. Promotion of human resources development for white collar workers

Promoting the Employment of Older Persons
I. Forming a national consensus on employees working through the age of 65
II. Promotion of employment up to age 65
III. Promoting employment in various forms
IV. Assistance for those presently in work to prepare for employment in old age
V. Developing occupational abilities adapted to the aging work force

For Persons with Disabilities and Other Persons in Need of Special Consideration
I. Expanding employment opportunities for persons with disabilities
II. Human resources development for Persons with Disabilities
III. The National Skill Competition for Persons with Disabilities

Promoting of Measures for Foreign Workers
I. Basic policy for accepting foreign workers
II. Measures for foreign workers

Contributing to the International Community
I. Participation in activities of international organizations
II. International cooperation and exchanges
III. Collection, analysis, and supply of information on labor conditions from other countries and publicity activities overseas
IV. Labour Attach e, etc

For Better Labor Relations
I. The Industry and Labor Round-table Conference
II. Settlement of labor-management disputes
III. Labor problems in multinational enterprises


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