3        Providing an Environment Which Capitalizes
      on Diverse Individuality and Capabilities

As more women enter the labor market, and as more women take part in a wide range of activities, the role played by women in society is increasingly important. Thus it has become an important task to create conditions that make it easier for women to work, and that help make their work life compatible with family life.
      To this end, we are promoting support measures to ensure women and men receive equal opportunities and treatment. In addition, we are promoting the expansion of the Family Care Leave System and the institution of the Child Care Leave System, with the aim of helping harmonize working and family life. At the same time, efforts are being made to promote measures for part-time workers, through, for instance, effective implementation of the Part-time Work Law.
      Therefore, a Women's and Young Workers' Office has been established in each prefecture as a local organization of the Ministry of Labour, to provide counseling and guidance for female employees and their employers.

I. For Equal Employment Opportunity

A. Assistance to solve individual disputes and implementation of appropriate administrative guidance
B. Promotion of measures to prevent sexual harassment in the workplace
C. Promotion of measures for maternity healthcare
D. Promotion of an environment to help female workers demonstrate their abilities
E. Promotion of measures for improving the status of women

The ability to provide an employment environment that does not discriminate against working women on the basis of their gender and that fully utilizes their capabilities and to create an environment that allows working women to both work and have children without concern is a vital issue for Japan in maintaining the dynamism of its economy in the future as the decline in the number of children and overall rise in average age progress, as well as for working women.
      To deal with these issues appropriately and to further promote equal treatment of men and women in the employment environment, the Revised Equal Employment Opportunity Law has been fully enforced since April 1, 1999.

Poster for the 14th One-Month Campaign on
Equal Employment Opportunity between Men and Women

A. Assistance to solve individual disputes and implementation of appropriate administrative guidance

The Ministry of Labour is disseminating the contents of the revised law to the general public, as well as to labor and management. The Prefectural Women's and Young Workers' Office provide consultation for women workers and employers. When assistance is required to solve an individual dispute between a female worker and an employer, a prompt and smooth solution is attempted through advice, guidance and recommendation by the director of the Prefectural Women's and Young Workers' Office or through mediation by the Equal Employment Opportunity Mediation Commissions. We also actively provide guidance based on the revised Equal Employment Opportunity Law to ensure the realization of employment management in line with the revised law at the enterprise level.
      Concerning the employment of female students, Prefectural Women's and Young Workers' Offices provide year-round consultation, providing administrative guidance to problematic employers in light of the Equal Employment Opportunity Law in order to help female students search for jobs free of unfavorable treatment compared to male students.
      During June, a month-long campaign which involved concentrated publicity and educational activities is conducted. It is called the "One-Month Campaign on Equal Employment Opportunity between Men and Women", and aimed to deepen nationwide understanding of the concept of equal employment opportunities and equal treatment for men and women in the context of the revised law.

B. Promotion of measures to prevent sexual harassment in the workplace

We are providing consultation for female workers regarding sexual harassment in the workplace, and are giving appropriate guidance to employers who are problematic in this regard, in view of the law. Moreover, in case a female employee appears to have suffered psychologically, a sexual harassment counselor in the Women's and Young Workers' Office will provide the necessary advice and guidance.
      Furthermore, to encourage employers to implement measures to prevent sexual harassment, we hold various activities including a course to provide information on appropriate conduct.

C. Promotion of measures for maternity healthcare

In April 1998, it became the responsibility of employers to take the necessary measures for maternity healthcare that would ensure that female workers would work in a healthy and comfortable both during pregnancy and after giving birth. We are distributing information regarding these responsibilities, and related information, amongst employers, female workers, and doctors, etc. In order to further ensure that employers undertake appropriate measures for maternity health care, we are encouraging the utilization of the "liaison cards for maternity health care guidance" which are to be used by doctors to give precise and appropriate guidance to employers.

Poster for liaison card for guidance to matemal health protection

D. Promotion of an environment to help female workers demonstrate their abilities

In an attempt to resolve existing differences between male and female workers, and to encourage positive action by employers in their efforts to help female workers to realize their abilities and skills, we encourage the appointment of personnel within firms, who are to be responsible for the promotion of equality in the workplace, and assist employers with their various activities.

E. Promotion of measures for improving the status of women

In order to ensure truly equal opportunities between men and women, it is important to change the socially, deep-rooted sex role stereotypes regarding the abilities and roles of men and women, as well as to improve circumstance that woman is unfavorable compared to man. To this end, during FY1999, educational activities will be conducted to promote the participation of women in policy-making in all sectors, while comprehensively developing projects to support working women.

1. Promotion of support programs to exhibit working women's abilities in the Center for the Advancement of Working Woman
At the Center for the Advancement of Working Woman, we provide support programs for female workers who often face difficulties in working compared with male workers to exhibit their abilities, through seminars and counseling to help women demonstrate their abilities, supporting female entrepreneurs, provision of information for female students to help them select an occupation and provision of other information concerning working women.

2. Promotion of measures supporting female entrepreneurs
With the diversification of job opportunities in recent years, there is a growing number of women interested in starting their own businesses. However, women often lack the necessary work experience required for starting and running a business and have thereby experienced difficulties. This is especially true for women who decide to start a business after having interrupted their previous work careers to raise a child and then have a tough time beginning and running a business.
      In light of this situation, efforts to support female entrepreneurs are being promoted including the publication of manuals for female entrepreneurs, provision of seminars for females who wish to start their own business, and consulting and exchange gatherings for female entrepreneurs.

3. Women's Week (April 10-16)
To Commemorate April 10, 1946, when Japanese women first exercised the right to vote, the Ministry of Labour has designated the week beginning on April 10 as Women's Week. During this week the Ministry conducts special campaigns, nationwide, to improve the status of women.
      For Women's Week, 1999, the goal of striving to build a society in which men and women understand each other, cooperate and live side-by-side as individuals, was selected. It employed the theme "Creating a Society for the 21st Century in Which Individuals Can Live in Their Own Way." Furthermore, a national conference on the topic was held, jointly sponsored by Shizuoka Prefecture.

Poster for the 1999 Women's Week
The 1999 Women's Week National Conference

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