6        Promoting the Employment of Older Persons    

II. Promotion of employment up to age 65

The following measures are being taken to promote continued employment up to age 65.
1. The standard retirement age has been legally determined to be 60 or higher since April 1999.Based on this, to secure stable employment up to the age 65, guidance is given to promote continued employment by which those who have reached the age of retirement are employed continually until they are 65.
2. The Central Older Persons' Employment Security Center and Prefectural Older Persons' Employment Security Centers have been designated as the core organizations to promote conditions essential for continued employment in individual enterprises.They provide such services as counseling and assistance concerning continued employment and the payment of related grants.
3. Grants are paid to employers who introduce a system for continued employment. Subsidies are also available for preparing the workplace environment for employment of the aged.

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