6        Promoting the Employment of Older Persons    

With the extension of the average life span and the lowering of the birth rate, Japan is now witnessing the aging of its population at a rate unprecedented in the world. In order to maintain vitality in Japanese society in the 21st century, it has become an urgent task to make the best use of the strong will to work among older persons, and of the knowledge and experience they have cultivated over their long lives. To achieve this goal, the Ministry of Labour has been promoting comprehensive employment and work measures in line with the Basic Policy on Employment Security Measures for Older Persons.

I. Forming a national consensus on employees working through the age of 65

We aim to realize a society in which people work through at least the age of 65 (Work Through 65 Society) and hold a "Work Through 65 Society Promotion Meeting," inviting participation from various levels of the public.Participants will exchange views on how to reach this goal.

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