5        Promoting Human Resources Development Empowering
      Manpower Responsible for Development of Economy

III. Cultivating and strengthening the pool of skilled human resources that supports industrial progress

A. Cultivating and strengthening skilled human resources
B. Skill testing and skill advancement

A. Cultivating and strengthening skilled human resources

In order for Japan to maintain its economic progress in an environment where companies are increasingly shifting the production operations overseas especially in the manufacturing industry, companies must perform high value-added work and develop business in new areas. This requirement has produced an urgent need to cultivate human resources that can handle these tasks. Efforts to cultivate and strengthen skilled employees capable of supporting industrial progress are being made. These efforts include programs to use high-level skills, and measures to improve skills, centered on those regions that need training most, in addition to public vocational training.

B. Skill testing and skill advancement

An objective evaluation and social recognition of the skills and knowledge necessary for a profession play an important role in improving the skills of workers, as well as their social status. Skill tests that endow workers with the title of a Certified Skilled Worker are managed by the national government, an authorization program of trade skill tests offered by the private sector, and in-house trade skill tests are used to promote private trade skill testing.
      Also, in order to encourage workers to upgrade their skills and contribute to the enhancement of social evaluation of distinguished skills, a National Trade Skill Competition for young workers and a National Competition of Grade I Certified Skilled Workers (Trade Skill Grand Prix) are held every year. In addition, awards are presented to individuals who demonstrate exceptional skills and measures to realize a society with attractive skills are actively being promoted.

Competing at the Trade Skill Grand Prix
National Trade Skill Competition

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