5        Promoting Human Resources Development Empowering
      Manpower Responsible for Development of Economy

II. Promotion of individual-centric human resources development

A. Support provided for workers
B. Support provided for workers through employers

The value of individual-centric human resources development in which workers take the initiative to enhance their abilities is rising in recent years with a change in worker awareness regarding the desire for the full utilization of one's abilities in the workplace, and a shift in company remuneration policies away from seniority to an emphasis on actual performance.
      The Ministry of Labour is conducting a variety of support efforts in the areas of time management, cost impact and information gathering related to voluntary human resources development by workers, both through employers and workers directly.

A. Support provided for workers

When a person covered by Employment Insurance takes an education or training course designated by the Minister of Labour, a portion of the cost of the course is covered by "Education and Training Benefits". We are promoting this and other support programs to support the voluntary development of ability and to promote stable employment and re-employment.

B. Support provided for workers through employers

Employers that promote voluntary development of ability by changing work schedules, providing information, and granting paid educational and training leaves to their work are supported by "Subsidies for Employers to Provide an Environment for Voluntary Ability Development".

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