3        Providing an Environment Which Capitalizes
      on Diverse Individuality and Capabilities

IV. Measures for home work

The number of industrial home workers is approximately 440,000 nationwide, and the majority of them are women supplementing their family income. The content of such work varies widely, reflecting changes in demand and methods of production. It ranges from traditional knitting and sewing to increasing services such as word processing which is recently increasing.
      In order to improve the working conditions of these home workers and stabilize their livelihoods, the following measures are taken under the Industrial Home Work Law:
[1] Spreading the use of home work record books for work done at home in order to show conditions clearly
[2] Ensuring the payment of home work wages in cash and in the full amount, within one month after the delivery of products
[3] Determining and publicizing minimum home work wages in order to improve working conditions of home workers
[4] Ensuring the safety and health of home workers engaged in potentially dangerous or injurious work
[5] Promoting the participation, under special procedures, in the Workmen's Accident Compensation Insurance Scheme, for home workers engaged in potentially dangerous or injurious work
Moreover, education and publicity activities are actively carried out in order to prevent people from falling victim to fraudulent orders for home work, in which employers collect large amounts of money from job seekers who applied in response to help-wanted ads that promised high earnings, while the actual job content and earnings were very different from what the advertisements promised.

Poster for the Ten-Day Campaign on Industrial Home Work

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