9        Contributing to the International Community     

I. Participation in activities of international organizations

A. ILO (International Labor Organization)
B. OECD (Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development)
C. APEC (Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation)
D. United Nations (UN)
E. Summits of the Group of Eight major powers and other meetings

A. ILO (International Labor Organization)

The ILO is an international organization established with the objective of contributing to lasting world peace based on social justice, through the improvement of working conditions.
      Its main activities are setting international labor standards through ILO conventions and recommendations and offering technical cooperation to developing countries.
      Japan became a member of the ILO when that body was established and has been cooperating steadily in its activities.Since 1954 in particular, Japan has been playing an important role in the ILO as one of the permanent members of its Governing Body, since it is one of ten countries of major industrial importance.
      The Ministry of Labour positively participates and cooperates in the activities of the ILO, and thereby strives to meet the expectations of other countries.

International Labor Conference
Manufacture of Linen(Weaving)

B. OECD (Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development)

The OECD is an international organization mainly composed of industrialized countries. It carries on various activities with the main objectives of promoting economic growth, expanding free trade and extending assistance to developing countries. The Ministry of Labour participates actively in committee meetings centering on labor and social issues.

C. APEC (Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation)

APEC is a forum for discussion to promote the development of the Asia-Pacific region and to achieve open intra-regional cooperation.The Ministry of Labour is primarily involved in the Working Group on Human Resources Development.

D. United Nations (UN)

The United Nations is an organization that now includes almost all countries in the world.The Ministry of Labour actively participates in various activities of the UN in economic and social areas.

E. Summits of the Group of Eight major powers and other meetings

With tougher employment conditions among nations in recent years, increasingly there are opportunities to discuss this problem at international meetings, including summits, to which the Ministry of Labour actively commits.In February 1999, the G8 Labor Ministers Conference was held in Washington, D.C.

G8 Labor Ministers Conference

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