buttonFigures & Tables

button Business Career System
button Changes in Number of Part-Time Workers Working Fewer than 35 Hours per Week
button Changes in the Number of Deaths and Injuries Caused by Industrial Accidents
button Changes in the Number of Woman Employees (all industries)
button Changes in the Rate of Diffusion of a Five-Day Workweek System
button Changes in Total Annual Real Working Hours per Worker (Confirmed report)
button Duration of Benefits
button Flow of the THP Measures to be Implemented by Employers
button Human Resources Development for the Disabled
button Incidence of Disputes
button Labor Dispute Mediation Process
button Levy System concerning Employment of Persons with Disabilities
button Lifelong Human Resources Development Center (Ability Garden)
button Measures for the Employment of Older Persons
button Number of Members in Major Labor Unions
button Occupational Abilities Development for Older Persons
button Occupational Health Promotion Centers
button Organization of Silver Human Resources Center Federation
button Outline of International Exchanges
button Outline of the Promotion System of Workers' Property Accumulation
button Outline of the Small and Medium Enterprises' Retirement Allowance Mutual Aid System
button Outline of the System of Unemployment Benefits, etc
button Outline of Welfare Assistance for Small and Medium Enterprises
button Outline of the Main Measures Based on the Law Concerning the Promotion of Improvement of Employment Management in Smaller Enterprises for Securing Humanpower
button Outline of the Child Care and Family Care Leave Law
button Places Where Labour Attach e Serve and Locations of On-going Technical Cooperation Centers
button Private Sector Labor Supply and Demand System
button Public Human Resources Development Facilities
button Rate and Daily Amount of Basic Allowance
button Ratio of Married Women to Total Women Employees
button Share of Part-Time Workers by Industry (Non-Agricultural Industries)
button System of Employment Measures for Disabled Persons
button System of Grants and Subsidies for Supporting Workers Caring for Children or Family Members
button Trends in the Number of Foreign Workers in Japan
button Upper Limits by Age Group for Basic Benefits

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