2        Development of Employment Measures Towards
      Realization of Stable Working Life

IV. Making life outside of large urban areas more attractive (promotion of regional employment development)

A. Promotion of regional employment development in regions with insufficient employment opportunities
B. Improvement of the employment environment outside of large urban areas
C. Promotion of employment development utilizing worker skills in the areas where there is a concentration of manufacturing-related facilities
D. Promotion of the return to areas away from large urban areas
E. Ensuring stability of regional employment
F. Measures for employment stability and creation in regional areas
G. Promotion of rural employment measures

The rectification of both the over-concentration of Tokyo's population and Japan's administrative and business functions is essential for the sound economic development of the country and the stimulation of local development.
      There are regional areas of Japan that are short of job offers as a whole, and there are areas where the labor force, especially young workers, leave because of a shortage of attractive employment opportunities. Considering such difficulties and to vitalize these areas, conditions in each area should be studied in detail and dealt with depending on the needs of each area.
      Moreover, in some regions where manufacturing establishments are concentrated, unemployment is worsening because of, for instance, the transfer of production bases overseas. Meanwhile, these regions may have large numbers of highly-skilled workers who have played a significant role in Japan's success as a manufacturing nation. These hard-earned skills should be maintained and further developed for the future.
      In order to deal with these issues from an employment perspective, the Ministry of Labour is supporting efforts to make such areas more attractive to workers, based on the Law Concerning the Promotion of Local Employment Development etc. We are also promoting comprehensive measures to secure and train skilled workers who can contribute to the promotion of local development, as well as measures to encourage them to settle down in such local areas.

A. Promotion of regional employment development in regions with insufficient employment opportunities

Based on the Law Concerning the Promotion of Local Employment Development, etc., we have designated areas in which efforts to increase overall employment opportunities should be encouraged, and also areas in which efforts to increase specified employment opportunities should be encouraged, and we are taking various related measures, including the use of regional employment development subsidies and large-scale employment development subsidies.
      Measures to develop attractive employment opportunities in depopulated regions include implementation of the Regional Employment Development Project such as assistance for the creation of regional employment development plans in such regions.

Regional Employment Development Subsidy System

This is a system under which subsidies are granted to employers who create employment opportunities for local residents in ordinance-designated regions by setting up or maintaining business. These subsidies are classified into subsidies to cover wages paid to newly hired workers and subsidies to purchase machinery and equipment, granted in proportion to the number of persons newly hired.

Large-Scale Employment Development Subsidy System

As part of the measures to promote large-scale employment development model projects, a subsidy of 200 million yen to 1 billion yen is granted to a business owner who has set up an establishment on the basis of a self-formulated large-scale employment development model project and who has developed a business employing more than 50 persons.
Also, an additional subsidy is provided for development of an attractive employment opportunity by, for example, including the headquarters function in this project.

B. Improvement of the employment environment outside of large urban areas

For areas designated as Regions for the Improvement of the Employment Environment under the Law Concerning the Promotion of Local Development etc., Regional Employment Environment Improvement Subsidies are granted and non-monetary assistance is given for the efforts of regional leaders.

Regional Employment Environment Improvement Subsidy System

An amount of 100 million yen to 200 million yen is paid to employers setting up and maintaining offices, based on a plan for the improvement of the employment structure that has received the Minister of Labour's approval, and developing quality, attractive work-places. This program is implemented as part of an employment structure improvement model project.

C. Promotion of employment development utilizing worker skills in the areas where there is a concentration of manufacturing-related facilities

Support is provided for employment creation through the promotion of new businesses that utilize the advanced skills of workers in regional areas. This is done by effectively granting subsidies for the stabilization of employment opportunities that utilize the advanced skills of regional workers, in areas specified by the Law Concerning the Promotion of Local Employment Development, etc.

Subsidy System for Stabilization of Employment Opportunities that Utilize Advanced Skills in Regional Areas

Subsidies are provided to: i) employer organizations that conduct surveys and research on employment development through the promotion of new businesses, ii) employers who employ human resources with advanced skills to promote a new business and also hire other workers, iii) employers who install and provide work environment improvement facilities or welfare facilities and hire workers and iv) employers who implement occupational skill development programs that enhance the level of worker skills.

D. Promotion of the return to areas away from large urban areas

The U-turn Center (Tokyo) offers a two-way supply of information on business firms and manpower to promote the smooth return of competent persons who wish to return to their hometown and have sophisticated knowledge and technical know-how.
      Moreover, for people residing in metropolitan areas who wish to go back to their home towns, joint interview meetings named "U-turn Fairs" have been held with local enterprises.

E. Ensuring stability of regional employment

To ensure a stable livelihood during a job-hunting period, the following measures are taken in the areas in which efforts to increase specified employment opportunities should be encouraged and in areas urgently requiring employment stability: i) prevention of unemployment by use of the Employment Adjustment Subsidy; ii) promotion of re-entry into employment by use of the Subsidy for Employment Development for Specified Job Applicants; and iii) extension of payment of Employment Insurance benefits.

F. Measures for employment stability and creation in regional areas

Conferences on employment stability and creation measures have been held as part of efforts to promote employment maintenance, the smooth labor movements and employment creation in regional areas in response to changes in the industrial structure.

photo image
Poster for the U-Turn Fair U-Turn Fair

G. Promotion of rural employment measures

Efforts to secure employment in rural areas, where populations are declining and the average age is rapidly rising, are being promoted including implementation of the Rural Employment Development Promotion Program that provides assistance to activities that seek to develop employment opportunities autonomously, utilizing regional resources and implementation of the Forestry Employment Improvement Promotion Program, which aims to improve employment management in the forestry industry.
      Also, measures are being implemented, on behalf of transient workers who leave rural areas to find temporary jobs, to improve the system for sending and placing these workers and securing work opportunities in nearby regional areas.

Rural Employment Development Promotion Program

Under this program, for efforts to establish businesses that are models of employment development utilizing regional resources in rural regions, i) assistance is provided to activities conducted by a rural employment development promotion committee consisting of regional representatives and ii) rural employment development subsidies are allocated to employers.

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