4        Realization of Meaningful,
      Secure Employment for Workers    

VIII. Welfare Measures for Working Youth

In 1998, there were 16.31 million workers aged between 15 and 29, accounting for about 60.7% of the total population in that age bracket (26.86 million).
      The Ministry of Labour has laid down its basic policy on welfare measures for working youth, based on the Working Youth Welfare Law, and is carrying out these measures with the cooperation of prefectural governments and other entities.
      In the Sixth Basic Policy on Welfare Measures for Working Youth, which has a five-year term starting from fiscal 1996, support is provided so that working youth autonomously establish their own ties to their profession and can participate in society outside of work in a variety of areas, including in their local communities and in international society. Specifically, the following measures are being implemented:
1. Providing an environment for a full meaningful working life
2. Promotion of free time activities, centered on volunteer activities
3. Promotion of international exchanges, mainly through use of the Working Holiday Scheme
4. Improvement of the function of working youth welfare center
5. Various activities centered on Working Youth Day (annually on the third Saturday of July)

Working Holiday Scheme
With the aim of promoting mutual understanding and enhancing friendly relations between Japan and other countries, while helping young people gain an international perspective, this system allows for a long stay for a vacation in other countries and incidental jobs to supplement travel funds. Presently, this system operates between Japan and four countries: Australia, New Zealand, Canada and Korea. In addition, it is planned that the working holiday scheme be extended to include France, during FY1999.

Eleventh Working Youth Forum

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