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About the Reference Materials (Tables 1 to 19)

[Points to remember]
The following reference materials are compilations of results from the System for Reporting on Foreign Employment Conditions, in which individual places of business submit yearly reports on their employment of foreign laborers.
This system is implemented with the cooperation of business owners.  It should be remembered that it does not ascertain numbers for all places of business that employ foreign laborers.
The system-which targets all places of business that employ 50 people or more and a portion of places of business that employ 49 or fewer people (selection made in accordance with regional conditions and administrative necessity)-supplies the reports that are required by public employment security offices.
Please keep the above-mentioned points in mind when using the following reference materials (Tables 1 to 19).

[Explanation of terminology]
1.Type of employment
i.Direct employment
Employment of a laborer at a place of business after a direct employment contract is exchanged
ii.Indirect employment
Employment other than "direct employment" in which a laborer works at a place of business through labor dispatch, contracting, etc.

i.Specialized, technical, or management position
Specialized or technical vocation (researcher, technician, lawyer, certified public accountant, etc.) or managing vocation (executive at a company or organization, manager at company or organization, etc.)
ii.Business or administration
Business-related or administrative vocation (worker engaged in business activities, accounting clerk, office machine operator, etc.)
iii.Sales, cooking, service, or reception:
Vocation involving sales, cooking, service, or reception (retail store owner, wholesale shop owner, salesperson, cook, attendant, etc.)
iv.Production worker
Vocation involving processes and operations for product production (assembler of general machines and devices, repair worker, manufacturer of clothing and fabric products, etc.)
v.Construction or civil engineering worker
Construction worker, carpenter, plumber, civil engineer, etc.
vi.Transport labor
Transport, loading and unloading, delivery, or packaging of cargo, etc.
Any vocation that does not fall under i to vi above.

3.Status of residence
i.Employment possible in specialized or technical fields
Status of residence pertaining to instruction, art, religion, reporting, investment and management, law, accounting administration, medical care, research, education, technology, humanities and international services, intra-company transfer, entertainment, and skills
ii.No limitations on employment
Status of residence pertaining to "spouse or child of Japanese national", "spouse or child of permanent resident", or "long term resident"

4.Regular employee
Here, "regular employee" refers to a person who is employed under an employment contract that does not have a set time limit, and whose designated work hours per day or per week are not less than those of an ordinary laborer.  It should be remembered that technical trainees are not considered to be "regular employees" for the purposes of the survey.

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