Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare

4. Working Conditions・Labour Relations  (4)労働条件・労使関係

01 Ensuring and Improving Working Conditions 労働条件の確保・改善
02 Changes in Number of Inspections 監督実施状況の推移
03 Number of Inspection Based on Reports 申告処理状況の推移
04 Number of Judicial Cases by Major Types of Business 主要業種別司法事件数の推移
05 Major Measures for Working Hours (FY 2008) 主な労働時間対策(平成20年度)
06 Overview of the law for improvement of working time arrangements 労働時間等設定改善法の概要
07 Annual hours actually worked in 6 major countries 主要6か国における労働者1人平均年間総労働時間の推移
08 Situation in the acquired ratio of annual paid leave 年次有給休暇の取得状況
09 Overview of the minimum wage system 最低賃金制度の概要
10 The list of regional minimum wages 地域別最低賃金の全国一覧
11 Inspections’ results of implementation securing of the minimum wage 最低賃金の履行確保を主眼とする監督指導結果
12 Structure of Safety and Health Measures 安全衛生施策の体系
13 Guidelines for the safety standards of machines (Overview) 機械の包括安全指針に基づく機械の安全化の手順
14 Comfortable Working Environment 快適な職場環境づくり
15 The mental health policy for workplaces The mental health support center (established in 47 prefectures) 職場におけるメンタルヘルス対策 メンタルヘルス対策支援センター
16 Overview of “the integrated measure for the health problems prevention caused by overwork 「過重労働による健康障害防止のための総合対策」の概要
17 Investigation of risk assessments, etc 危険性又は有害性等の調査等
18 Measures to Prevent Health Disorders by Chemicals 化学物質による労働災害防止対策
19 Fatal Labour Accidents by Industry (2008) 業種別死亡災害発生状況(平成20年度)
20 Medical Examination Results by Year 年別健康診断結果
21 Number of People Having Industrial Diseases by Year 年別業務上疾病者数
22 Reports Filed for Manufacturing and Importing New Chemicals by Year (manufacturing and imports) 新規化学物質製造・輸入届出状況 年別(製造・輸入)
23 Overview of the law on the relief from health hazards caused by asbestos 石綿による健康被害の救済に関する法律の概要
24 Overview of the law to revise a part of the law on the relief of health problems caused by asbestos 石綿による健康被害の救済に関する法律の一部を改正する法律の概要
25 Overview of Workers' Accident Compensation Insurance System 労働者災害補償保険制度の概要
26 Financial Status of Workers' Accident Compensation Insurance 労災保険の財政状況
27 Application and Contribution Collection System of Labour Insurance 労働保険適用徴収制度
28 Application of labour insurance and obligation of collection 労働保険の適用・徴収業務
29 Same as above 同上
30 Labour Insurance Application 労働保険の適用状況
31 Contribution Collection of Labour Insurance 労働保険料の収納状況
32 Overview of the Workers' Property Accumulation Promotion System 勤労者財産形成促進制度の概要
33 The Small-and Medium-Sized Enterprises’ Retirement Allowance Mutual Aid System Structure of ordinary Small-and Medium-Sized Enterprise Retirement Allowance Mutual Aid System 中小企業退職金共済制度 一般の中小企業退職金共済制度の仕組み
34 Number of Participants and Amount of Payment (FY 2008) 加入・支給実績(平成20年度)
35 The system of the labour relations plan 労使関係施策の体系
36 The Adjustment of the Labour Committee system and labour disturbance What is the Adjustment of the Labour Committee? 労働委員会制度と労働争議の調整  ○中央労働委員会について
37 Overview of unfair labour practice  ○不当労働行為の審査手続の概要
38 What is adjustment of labour disturbance  ○労働争議の調整について
39 Effort to labour problems attendant on reorganization of cooperate organization 企業組織再編に伴う労働問題への対応
40 The current situation of the labour union 労働組合の現勢
41 Change in the number of Labour disputes 争議発生件数等の推移
42 The outline chart of individual labour dispute solution system 個別労働紛争解決制度の概要図
43 State of the operation of individual labour dispute solution system 個別労働紛争解決制度の運用状況(概要)

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