Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare

11.Pension Security   (11)年金

ver. ref
01 Structure of the Pension Schemes 245 年金制度の体系
02 List of Public Pension Schemes
National Pension Scheme
Employees' Pension Scheme
246 公的年金制度一覧 国民年金制度
03 Adjustment of benefits and burdens in the 2004 Revision of the Pension Schemes 247 平成16年年金制度改革における給付と負担の見直し
04 Adopting a Macro-Economic Slide Formula 248 マクロ経済スライドの導入
05 International Comparison of Pension Systems 249 年金制度の国際比較
06 Annual Changes in the Number of Participants in the Public Pension Schemes (as of the end of FY) 250 公的年金加入者数の推移(年度末現在)
07 Changes in the Number of Public Pension Beneficiaries (as of the end of FY) 250 公的年金受給者数の推移(年度末現在)
08 Changes in Total Pension Amounts for Public Pension Beneficiaries (as of the end of FY) 251 公的年金受給者の年金総額の推移(年度末現在)
09 Expenses Required for Public Pension Benefits 251 基礎年金の給付に要する費用の状況
10 Pension Amounts, Total Pension Amounts 252 年金額、年金総額
11 Transition of amount of pension according to systemic revision 252 制度改正に伴う年金額の推移
12 Pension amounts in FY 2009 252 平成21年度の年金額
13 Fund Management Systems of Pension Reserve Funds 253 年金積立金の運用の仕組み
14 Annual Changes in Accumulated Pension Reserves of Employees’ Pension insurance and National Pension 253 厚生年金保険・国民年金の積立金の累積状況の推移
15 Medium-term plan (Investment part and outline) of the Government Pension Investment Fund 253 年金積立金管理運用独立行政法人 中期計画(運用部分・概要)
16 Financial Projection of the Employees' Pension
-FY 2009 Financial Verification-
254 厚生年金の財政見通し-平成21年財政検証-
17 Financial Projection of the National Pension
-FY 2009 Financial Verification-
255 国民年金の財政見通し-平成21年財政検証-
18 Outline of Corporate Pension Plans
Figure 1: Structure of Employees’ Pension Fund Benefits
256 企業年金などの概要
図1 厚生年金基金の給付の仕組み
19 Figure 2: Defined Contribution (DC) Pension Participants and Contribution Limit- and Its Relationship with Existing Pension Plans 257 図2 確定拠出年金の対象者・拠出限度額と既存の年金制度への加入の関係
20 Changes in Number of Funds and Participants of the Employees’ Pension Fund 257 厚生年基金の基金数・加入員数等の推移
21 Numbers of Defined-Benefit Corporate Pension Plans 257 確定給付企業年金の実施件数
22 Changes in Numbers of Contracts Approved and Participants of
Defined Contribution Pension Plans
258 確定拠出年金の規約承認数・加入者数の推移
23 Changes in Number of Contracts and Participants of Tax-Qualified Pensions 258 適格退職年金の契約数・加入員数等の推移
24 Changes in Number of Funds and Participants of the National Pension Fund 258 国民年金基金の基金数・加入員数等の推移
25 Pension Counseling 259-260 年金相談
26 Abolition of the Social Insurance Agency and Establishment of the Two New Corporations of Non-Government Employee Type 261 社会保険庁の廃止と、非公務員型の2つの新法人の設立
27 Japan Pension Organization 261 日本年金機構について
28 Point of Basic Plan for Immediate Service Operation of Japan Pension Organization 262 日本年金機構の当面の業務運営に関する基本計画の要点

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