Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare


 Survey on Labour-Management Communications 2009

Digest of Summary Report


-"Degree of good labour-management communications" increased for the both establishments and workers-



The results of the Survey on Labour-Management Communications 2009 are summarized and announced as follows.


 [Summary of survey results]

1          Evaluation on current status of labour-management communications

Through indexation of the current status of labour-management communications from the viewpoint of “degree of good communications” (Note), the evaluation improved from the previous survey (2004) for the both establishments and workers. However, the difference between establishments and workers is still large.

Establishments: 54.9% in the previous survey→ 61.7% in this survey

Workers: 28.1% → 34.6%

(Note) Degree of good communications = Good (Very good + Somewhat good) - Bad (Somewhat bad + Very Bad)

[Table 2(PDF:74KB), Table 14(PDF:88KB)]

2          Existence and achievements of labour-management negotiation body or workplace meeting

(1) The percentage of establishments with labour-management negotiation body transitions at approximately 40% (Previous survey→This survey: 37.3%→39.6%)

The percentage of establishments which answered that “There were certain achievements” decreased (61.3%→57.2%)


(2) Percentage of establishments with workplace meeting transitions at approximately 50% (49.8%→52.8%)

Out of establishments where workplace discussion sessions were held, the percentage of establishments answered that “There were certain achievements” was 76.4%.

[Table 4(PDF:29KB), Table 6(PDF:81KB)]

3          Status of use of external bodies, etc. [New survey item]

As for the external bodies, etc. (multiple answers allowed), which were used by establishments for the purpose of resolution of dispute between employees and establishments, "external bodies and specialists (counselor, lawyer, etc.)" accounted for the highest percentage, approximately 60% (59.1%). In case of small-sized establishments (with 30 to 49 employees), approximately 70% (69.1%) used “prefectural labour bureaus”.

[Table 12(PDF:37KB)]

4          Status of participation in labour union and consciousness about necessity on labour union

(1) The percentage of workers participating in internal labour union decreased (41.8%→31.0%)


(2) The percentage of workers who consider that labour union is “necessary” (Note) decreased (63.0%→54.5%)

(Note) Total of “Absolutely necessary” and “Rather necessary”.

[Table 15(PDF:80KB), Table 16(PDF:94KB)]

5          Complaints from workers

(1) The workers who submitted complaints to establishments (Note) about treatment, etc. during the last one year increased (13.7%→21.2%)

(Note) In the previous survey, the percentage of workers who “applied” to establishments.


(2) As for the contents of complaints (multiple answers allowed), “matters related to daily business operations” (48.2%→53.9%) and “matters related to labour conditions” (45.7%→46.1%) accounted for the highest percentages; The both increased from the previous survey.

In addition, “matters related to human relationship (including power harassment)” increased (22.6%26.9%), on the one hand and “matters related to personnel affairs (such as personnel allocation, dispatch, promotion, etc.)” decreased (41.5%35.0%), on the other hand.

[Table 19(PDF:100KB)]

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