Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare

8. Social Welfare and Relief for War Victims  (8)社会福祉・援護

ver. ref
01 Overview of the social welfare implementation system(PDF:592KB) 189 社会福祉の実施体制の概要
02 Overview of Social Welfare Foundation(PDF:910KB) 190 社会福祉法人の概要
03 Same as above(PDF:424KB) 191 同上
04 Overview of Councils of Social Welfare(PDF:265KB) 192 社会福祉協議会の概要
05 Overview of the social welfare facilities
The Number and Capacity of Socia l Welfare Facilities by Classification
Bearing the Cost of the Development and Operation of Social Welfare Facilities(PDF:234KB)
193 社会福祉施設の概要n
06 The Number and Capacity of Socail Welfare Facilities by Facility Type(PDF:394KB) 194 施設の種類別施設数と定員の推移
07 Same as above(PDF:271KB) 195 同上
08 Cost-Sharing Ratio of Social Welfare Facility’s Placement Expenses (for Operation and Assistance)(PDF:346KB) 196 社会福祉施設の措置費(運営費)負担割合
09 Manpower for Welfare Services of Systems(PDF:783KB) 197 福祉に携わる人材確保の体系図
10 Number of job-Category-based, Regular-worker-Equivalent Workers at Social Welfare Facilities by Facility Type(PDF:523KB) 198 施設の種類別にみた職種別常勤換算従事者数
11 Overview of certified social workers and certified care workers
Results of the State Examinations for Certified Social Workers and Certified Care Workers
Numbers of Those Who Were Qualified as Certified Social Workers and Certified Care Workers(PDF:519KB)
199 社会福祉士及び介護福祉士の概要
12 Overview of the Welfare Volunteers and Child Welfare Volunteers
The number of Welfare Volunteers and Child Welfare Volunteers and Chief Commissioned Child Welfare Volunteers(PDF:176KB)
200 民生委員・児童委員の概要
13 Welfare volunteers and Child Welfare volunteers(PDF:283KB) 201 民生委員・児童委員の活動状況
14 The Present Situation of volunteer Activities(PDF:263KB) 202 ボランティア活動の現状
15 Overview of Public Assistance System(PDF:284KB) 203 生活保護制度の概要
16 Same as above(PDF:472KB) 204 同上
17 Overview of the support program for self-reliance in daily life(PDF:255KB) 205 日常生活自立支援事業の概要
18 Outline of the Living and Welfare Fund Loan Program?(PDF:223KB) 206 生活福祉資金貸付制度の概要
19 Overview of Consumers' Cooperative Societies
Changes in the Number of Consumers' Cooperative Societies(PDF:339KB)
207 消費生活協同組合(生協)の概要
20 The situation of supply services
The situation of mutual insurance businesses(PDF:315KB)
208 供給事業の状況
21 Overview of Disaster Relief and Support for victims
Application of the Disaster Relief Law (Past 10 years)
List of Disaster Condolence Grants, etc.(PDF:275KB)
209 災害救助と被災者への支援の仕組み
22 The Disaster Damage of the Area Applied by the Disaster Relief Law in FY 2009(PDF:202KB) 210 平成21年度の災害救助法適用地域被害状況
23 Succession of Hardships During and After the War(PDF:139KB) 211 戦中・戦後の労苦継承
24 Overview of the relief measures for the Japanese remaining in China after the war(PDF:216KB) 212 中国残留邦人に対する援護施策の概要
25 The Permanent Return of Japanese Who Remained in China After the War in Each FY
The Temporary Return of Japanese Who Remained in China After the War in Each FY(PDF:341KB)
213 中国残留邦人のうち永住帰国者の年度別状況
26 Outline of Memorial Projects for War Dead
Recovery of the Remains of War Dead Abroad(PDF:260KB)
214 慰霊事業の概要
27 Status on the DNA Analysis of Remains of War Dead Abroad
Pilgrimages for Memorial Services and visits to Burial Sites(PDF:249KB)
215 戦没者遺骨のDNA鑑定状況
28 Status of the Erection of Monuments to War Dead 216 海外戦没者慰霊碑建立状況
29 Relief for the Wounded and Sick Retired Soldiers,War Bereaved,etc.
Relief in Accordance with the Law for Special Aid to the Wounded and Sick Retired Soldiers(PDF:241KB)
217 戦傷病者・戦没者遺族等の援護
30 Special Benefits, etc.(PDF:339KB) 218 特別給付金等
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