Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare

7.Equal Employment and Child Welfare   (7)雇用均等・児童福祉

ver. ref
01 Measures to Ensure Men and Women Receive Equal Opportunities and Treatment
The points of the Equal Employment Opportunity Law(PDF:296KB)
165 雇用における男女の均等な機会と待遇の確保対策の概要
02 Same as above(PDF:228KB) 166 同上
03 Number of Consultations and Guidance to Correct Employment Management Systems Related to Equal Employment opportunity Law (handled at the Equal Employment office of the Prefectural Labour Bureau)(PDF:228KB) 166 都道府県労働局雇用均等室における男女雇用機会均等法の相談件数および是正指導件数
04 Changes in the Number of Employees (all industries)
Changes in Women's Share in Managerial Posts(PDF:235KB)
167 雇用者数の推移(全産業)
05 Companies that Take Positive Actions
Percentage of Companies by Reason why Positive Actions are Necessary(PDF:195KB)
168 ポジティブ・アクションに取り組む企業
06 Overview of the Act for Partial Revision of the Act on the Welfare of Workers who Take
Care of Children or other Family Members Including Child Care and Family Care Leave
and Employment Insurance Act(PDF:254KB)
169 育児・介護休業法の概要
07 Percentage of Workers Taking Child Care Leave by Sex
Percentage of Workers Taking Family Care Leave by Sex
The ratio of women who keep working after their birth
(by ages of birth, composition of working careers before and after the first birth)(PDF:210KB)
170 男女別育児休業取得率
08 Overview of Measures for Part-Time Working(PDF:145KB) 171 パートタイム労働対策の概要
09 Changes in Numbers and Ratio of Employees Who Work for Shorter
Hours (Those who work for less than 35 hours a week)
-Other than agriculture and forestry-(PDF:240KB)
172 短時間雇用者(週間就業時間35時間未満の者)数・割合の推移-非農林業-
10 Overview of Homeworkers Measures
Overview of Telework at Home Measures(PDF:245KB)
173 家内労働対策の概要
11 Circumstances of child-rearing support measures(PDF:184KB) 174 子育て支援対策の経緯
12 “The Vision for Chidren and Childcare"
The status of business efforts pertaining to child raising supports by regional action plans(PDF:379KB)
175 「子ども・子育てビジョン」
13 Overview of work and family-life balance measures(PDF:180KB) 176 仕事と家庭の両立支援対策の概要
14 Overview of the Basic Plan Draft for the New System of Children and Childcare(PDF:222KB) 177 子ども・子育て新システムの基本制度案要綱
15 Same as above(PDF:316KB) 178 同上
16 Same as above(PDF:166KB) 179 同上
17 Changes in the number of day-care centers
Changes in the number of established child welfare facilities(PDF:349KB)
180 保育所等の推移
18 Status of child welfare facilities(PDF:302KB) 181 児童福祉施設等の現状
19 Child allowance system(PDF:131KB) 182 子ども手当制度
20 Efforts for independent support for DV victims by health, labour and welfare administration(PDF:230KB) 183 厚生労働行政におけるDV被害者の自立支援の取組み
21 Protection system against child abuse in regions
Change in the number of child abuse consultations and cases of deaths from child abuse(PDF:317KB)
184 地域における児童虐待防止のシステム
22 Overview of measures of independent supports for fatherless families(PDF:179KB) 185 母子家庭の自立支援策の概要
23 Welfare Measures for Fatherless and Other Families
Child Rearing Allowance
Changes in the Number of Loans from Welfare Funds for Mothers with Dependent Children and Widow(PDF:400KB)
186 母子家庭等の福祉対策の概要
24 Primary Measures for Maternal and Child Health(PDF:253KB) 187 主な母子保健施策
25 Promotion Measures for Maternal and Child Health
Changes in the Indices of Maternal and Child Health
The Status on Screenings for Congenital Dysbolism, etc. (FY 2008)
The Annual Results of Number of Cases of Medical Care Benefits for
Premature Babies(PDF:367KB)
188 母子保健事業の推進体制

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