Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare

1. General Welfare and Labour
1. 厚生労働全般

ver. ref
01 The Population Pyramid in Japan(PDF:297KB) 4 我が国の人口ピラミッド
02 Vital Statistics Overview(PDF:1287KB) 4 我が国の人口動態
03 Population Trends of Japan(PDF:328KB) 5 我が国の人口の推移
04 Population Projection for Japan (Estimated in December 2006)(PDF:227KB) 6 日本の将来推計人口(平成18年12月推計)
05 Same as above(PDF:217KB) 7 同上
06 Changes in the Number of Live Birth and Total Fertility Rate
Changes in Total Fertility Rates in Developed Countries(PDF:2,470KB)
8 出生数・合計特殊出生率の推移
07 Trends in Mean Life Expectancy
International Comparison of Average Life Expectancy at birth(PDF:2,442KB)
9 平均余命の推移
08 Trends in death rates for leading causes of death(PDF:2,111KB) 10 主な死因別にみた死亡率の推移(人口10万対)
09 Trends in death(PDF:414KB) 11 死亡数の推移
10 Annual Changes in the Number of Households and Average Number of Household Members
Changes in the Number of Households by Type(PDF:3,776KB)
12 世帯数及び平均世帯人員の推移
11 Average Income per Household and per Household Member by Age Group of Householder
Average Income per Household by Type of Income and Percentage Distribution(PDF:385KB)
13 世帯主の年齢階級別にみた1世帯当たり及び世帯人員1人当たり平均所得金額
12 Changes in Labour Force
Changes in Labour Force Rations by Sex and Age(PDF:366KB)
14 労働力人口の推移
13 Changes in Number of Unemployed Persons and Unemployment
Changes in Job Offers, Applicants and Job offers to applicants Ratio(PDF:431KB)
15 完全失業者数及び年齢別完全失業率の推移
14 Trends of Changes in Total Cash Earnings and Scheduled Cash Earnings
Changes in Yearly Hours Worked (establishments with 30 employees or more)(PDF:788KB)
16 現金給与総額及び所定内給与の増減率の推移
15 Changes in Social Security-Related Expenditure in the Government Expenditure
Changes in the General Account Expenditure Budget Classified by Expense Item Allocated for the Ministry of Health Labour and Welfare(PDF:1,655KB)
17 国の予算における社会保障関係費の推移
16 Changes in the General Account Expenditure Budget Classified by Expense Item Allocated for the Ministry of Health Labour and Welfare(PDF:76KB) 18 厚生労働省所管一般会計主要経費別歳出予算額(当初)の推移
17 Trends in Social Security Benefits(PDF:707KB) 19 社会補償給付費の推移
18 Changes in Social Security Benefits by Category(PDF:384KB) 20 社会保障給付費の部門別推移
19 Changes in Social Security Benefits (In Percentage of National Income) by Category(PDF:533KB) 21 社会保障給付費(対国民所得比)の部門別推移
20 Scope on Social Security Benefits and Burdens (Estimated in May 2006)(PDF:389KB) 22 社会保障の給付と負担の見通し(平成18年5月推計)
21 Trends in National Burden Ratio (In the Percentage of? National Income)(PDF:382KB) 23 国民負担率の推移(対国民所得比)
22 International Comparison of National Burden Ratio(PDF:509KB) 24 国民負担率の国際比較
23 Schedule of the social security system reform (as from 2009)(PDF:216KB) 25 社会保障制度改革の工程表(平成21年度以降)

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