“User Certificate” of Limited Period for Assistance Dog Users Entering Japan

Notice to Assistance Dog Users from Overseas

For the partial English translation of Research Study on Supporting the domestic and foreign Users of Assistance Dogs for Persons with Physical Disabilities”

In Japan, the term "assistance dogs" refers to "guide dogs," "mobility service dogs,"and "hearing dogs" certified in accordance with the "Act on Assistance Dogs for Persons with Physical Disabilities." However, this act does not apply to overseas assistance dogs and their users. In order to ensure that foreign assistance dog users have equal rights as Japanese assistance dog users in Japan, registered assistance dog certifying organizations in Japan will issue the following document: "Application for Temporary Certification of foreign Assistance Dog Users." We ask for your through understanding of the Japanese system, as well as for your cooperation in expediting the process.

Accepted Assistance Dogs in Japan

Guide Dogs

guide dog image

The dog must be trained by a member of the International Guide Dog Federation(IGDF).

Mobility Service Dogs

mobility service dog image

The dog must be trained by an accredited member of Assistance Dogs International(ADI).

Hearing Dogs

guide dog image

The dog must be trained by an accredited member of Assistance Dogs International(ADI).


  • "Mobility service dogs" are defined as dogs that support their users' physical disabilities due to motor impairments.
  • Service dogs for mental disorders, autism, emotional disorders, epileptic disorders, PTSD, etc. cannot be accepted as assistance dogs in Japan.
  • Privately trained service dogs cannot be accepted as assistance dogs in Japan.

Procedure for the Issuance of a Certificate

1. All dogs – including assistance dogs - entering Japan must meet the import requirements of the Rabies Prevention Law. YOU MUST PREPARE AT LEAST 7 MONTHS IN ADVANCE FOR A TRIP TO JAPAN WITH YOUR DOG. Refer to : http://www.maff.go.jp/aqs/english/animal/dog/index.html

2. You must submit an import notification to the Animal Quarantine Service (AQS) in Japan AT LEAST 40 DAYS BEFORE YOUR ARRIVAL.

3. Fill out the application form with your assistance dog’s training organization, and submit it to a registered Japanese certifying organization (Form 1).

4. If the certifying organization deems your assistance dog legally acceptable as an assistance dog in Japan, a “Temporary Certificate for foreign Assistance Dog Users” will be sent to you from a Japanese training organization before your departure (Form 2).

5. Upon your arrival in Japan, you must proceed to AQS for an import quarantine inspection of your dog. If your dog meets the requirements, the AQS Officer will sign or stamp a seal on your Certificate.


  • We are currently calling for a society-wide cooperation in Japan to accept and treat certified overseas assistance dog users and their assistance dogs in the same way as Japanese assistance dog users and their assistance dogs.
  • Make sure to show your Certificate to the AQS Officer at the import quarantine inspection .
  • During your stay in Japan, keep place the tag in place (Form 3) on with your assistance dog at all times and be ready to show your certificate (Form 2) as needed.
  • If you forge any related documents, you will face a potential penalty.