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・Overview of Japanese Public Pension System(PDF:548KB) 
・Goal of the Comprehensive Reform of Social Security and Tax and the Challenges Faced(PDF:654KB) 
・The Pension Reserve Fund(PDF:248KB) 
・Corporate Pension System(PDF:789KB) 
・Management of Pension Service(PDF:914KB) 

- Summaries of the 2014 Actuarial Valuation and Reform Options (PDF:1,942KB)

Textbook for the Study Programme for the Senior Social Insurance Administrators (abstract) (2009.10)

Overview of Pension System I
(page1-8(PDF:475KB),  page9-20(PDF:537KB),  All(PDF:1,148KB))
Overview of Pension System II
(page1-4(PDF:128KB),  page5-8(PDF:241KB),  page9-12(PDF:154KB), 
page13-16(PDF:523KB),  page17-20(PDF:58KB),  page21-24(PDF:783KB), 
page25-28(PDF:58KB),  page29-32(PDF:445KB),  page33-36(PDF:730KB), 
page37-40(PDF:626KB),  page41-44(PDF:361KB),  All(PDF:3,568KB))
Purpose and System of Public Pension Fund Management
(page1-6(PDF:230KB),  page7-12(PDF:230KB),  page13-18(PDF:927KB), 
page19-24(PDF:537KB),  page25-27(PDF:156KB),  All(PDF:1,162KB))
Overview of the Corporate Pension(PDF:563KB) 
- Annual Actuarial Report on the Public Pension Plans in Japan FY 2022 (Pension Actuarial Subcommittee)(2024.3)
Key Points(PDF:100KB)

- Annual Actuarial Report on the Public Pension Plans in Japan FY 2021 (Pension Actuarial Subcommittee)(2023.3)
Key Points(PDF:100KB)

- Annual Actuarial Report on the Public Pension Plans in Japan FY 2020 (Pension Actuarial Subcommittee)(2022.3)
Key Points(PDF:560KB)

- Annual Actuarial Report on the Public Pension Plans in Japan FY 2019 (Pension Actuarial Subcommittee)(2021.6)
Key Points(PDF:384KB)

- Annual Actuarial Report on the Public Pension System in Japan FY 2018 (Summary) (Actuarial Subcommittee)(2020.3 (PDF:1,802KB))

- Annual Actuarial Report on the Public Pension System in Japan FY 2017 (Summary) (Actuarial Subcommittee)(2019.3 (PDF:442KB)) 

- Annual Actuarial Report on the Public Pension System in Japan FY 2016 (Summary) (Actuarial Subcommittee)(2018.3 (PDF:163KB)) 

- Annual Actuarial Report on the Public Pension System in Japan FY 2015 (Summary) (Actuarial Subcommittee)(2017.6 (PDF:158KB))

- Annual Actuarial Report on the Public Pension Plans in Japan FY 2014 (Summary) (Actuarial Subcommittee)(2016.9 (PDF:412KB))

- Annual Actuarial Report on the Public Pension Plans in Japan FY 2013 (Summary) (Actuarial Subcommittee)(2015.3 (PDF:422KB))

- Annual Actuarial Report on the Public Pension Plans in Japan FY 2012 (Summary) (Actuarial Subcommittee)(2014.3 (PDF:424KB))

- Annual Actuarial Report on the Public Pension Plans in Japan FY 2011 (Summary) (Actuarial Subcommittee)(2013.3 (PDF:438KB))

- Financial Report on the Public Pension System FY 2010 (Summary) (Actuarial Subcommittee)(2012.3 (PDF:3,556KB))

- Financial Report on the Public Pension System FY 2009 (Summary)(Actuarial Subcommittee)(2011.6 (PDF:207KB))

- Financial Report on the Public Pension System FY 2008 (Summary)(Actuarial Subcommittee)(2010.8 (PDF:257KB))

- Financial Report on the Public Pension System FY 2007 (Summary)(Actuarial Subcommittee)(2009.11 (PDF:222KB))

- Financial Report on the Public Pension System FY 2006 (Summary)(Actuarial Subcommittee)(2008.11 (PDF:67KB))

- Financial Report on the Public Pension System FY 2005 (Summary)(Actuarial Subcommittee)(2007.11 (PDF:83KB))

- Financial Report on the Public Pension System FY 2004 (Summary)(Actuarial Subcommittee)(2006.11 (PDF:104KB))

- Peer Review of the 2019 Actuarial Valuation of the Public Pension Plans(Overview) (Pension Actuarial Subcommittee) (2020.12 (PDF:579KB))

- Peer Review of the 2014 Actuarial Valuation of the Public Pension Plans(Summary) (Actuarial Subcommittee) (2016.2 (PDF:271KB))

- Review of the 2009 Actuarial Valuation of the Public Pension Plans(Summary) (Actuarial Subcommittee) (2011.3 (PDF:185KB))

- Review of the 2004 Actuarial Valuation of the Public Pension Plans(Summary) (Actuarial Subcommittee) (2006.1 (PDF:103KB))

-Financial Report on The Public Pension System FY 2003(Actuarial Subcommittee)(2005.11)

- Brief Overview of 2004 Pension Plan Revision (2005.6 (PDF:411KB))

- Outline of 2004 actuarial valuation on Employees' Pension Insurance and National Pension in Japan (2005.3 page 1-18(PDF:495KB),page 19-22(PDF:80KB),All(PDF:645KB))

- Chronology of Public Pension System in Japan (2005.1 (PDF:19KB))

- Basic Concept of Japanese Public Pension System (2005.1 (PDF:77KB))

- Financial Report on the Public Pension System FiscalYear2002 (Summary) (Actuarial Subcommittee) (2004.12 (PDF:85KB))

- History, Overview and Status of Pubic Pension System in Japan (2004.8 (PDF:114KB))

- Outline of National Pension Law (2004.8 (PDF:451KB))

- Outline of Employees' Pension Insurance Law (2004.8 (PDF:510KB))

- Outline of 2004 Pension Plan Revision (2004.6 (PDF:38KB))

- Outline of the Japanese Pension System (2004.4 (PDF:222KB))

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