ホーム> 政策について> 分野別の政策一覧> 健康・医療> 医療> 医療安全対策> 第3回閣僚級世界患者安全サミット(The Third Global Ministerial Summit on Patient Safety)

第3回閣僚級世界患者安全サミット(The Third Global Ministerial Summit on Patient Safety)
東京 平成30年4月13日(金)~14日(土)(13th April (Friday) - 14th April (Saturday) 2018, Tokyo)


特設サイトはこちらへ/Please visit our special website.

 Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare has hosted the third Global Ministerial Summit on Patient Safety on 13th April (Friday) and 14th April (Saturday) 2018, at Grand Hyatt, Tokyo.


 UK and Germany hosted successfully 1st and 2nd Patient Safety Global Ministerial Summit respectively for the purpose to inform the world leaders about the importance of patient safety. This year, Japan hosted the third Summit as the first host in Asia. There were approximately 500 participants from 44 national delegations (including 18 Ministers), International organizations, Chairs and Speakers and other representatives


 MHLW announced Tokyo Declaration to welcome the vision and leadership of countries in building political sponsorship and momentum at the highest levels of government to address patient safety challenges globally as well as locally. The declaration reaffirms the commitment to improving patient safety in order to reduce all avoidable harm and the risk of harm to all patients and people during their interaction with health care systems, whoever they are, wherever they live, by 2030.

 At the Summit, H.E. Alain Berset, President of the Swiss Confederation, Head of Federal Department of Home Affairs, Rt. Hon Jeremy Hunt, Secretary of State for Health and Social Care of the UK and the Ministers of Denmark, Brunei, Cambodia, Mongolia, Myanmar and Lao were invited to the Minister’s meeting.




Co-Organizer, Co-sponsor

  Co-Organizer: Japan Medical Safety Research Organization , Japan Council for Quality Health Care

  Co-Sponsor  : Japan International Cooperation Agency , National Center for Global Health and Medicine

イスラエル、インド、インドネシア、英国、エクアドル、オーストラリア、オマーン、オランダ、カタール、カナダ、カンボジア、ギリシャ、クウェート、クロアチア、ケニア、サウジアラビア、 スイス、スペイン、スリランカ、スロバキア、タイ、タンザニア、チェコ、デンマーク、ドイツ、日本、ニュージーランド、フィジー、フィリピン、フィンランド、フランス、ブルネイ、米国、ベトナム、ポーランド、南アフリカ、ミャンマー、メキシコ、モンゴル、ラオス、ラトビア、リトアニア、ルクセンブルク、ロシア

Participated Countries

Australia, Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Canada, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Ecuador, Fiji, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, India, Indonesia, Israel, Japan, Kenya, Kuwait, Lao Peoples Democratic Republic, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxemburg, Mexico, Mongolia, Myanmar, Netherlands, New Zealand, Oman, Philippines, Poland, Qatar, Russian Federation, Slovakia, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Spain, Sri Lanka, Switzerland, Thailand, United Kingdom, United of Republic of Tanzania, United States, Viet Nam



International Organizations

Asian Development Bank Institute ,Japan International Cooperation Agency ,Organization for Economic Co-operation ,Western Pacific Regional Office ,World Bank ,World Health Organization , Patient Safety Movement Foundation ,World Medical Association



各国代表者らと写真撮影を行う加藤厚生労働大臣(前列中央) / Minister Kato at the photo session with head of delegations (First row, centre)

英国ハント保健大臣と個別会談を行う加藤厚生労働大臣 / Minister Kato at the bilateral meeting with Rt. Hon. Jeremy Hunt, Secretary of State for Health and Social Care


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ホーム> 政策について> 分野別の政策一覧> 健康・医療> 医療> 医療安全対策> 第3回閣僚級世界患者安全サミット(The Third Global Ministerial Summit on Patient Safety)
