ホーム> 政策について> 分野別の政策一覧> 健康・医療> 健康> 感染症情報> 薬剤耐性(AMR)対策について> Tokyo AMR One Health Conference: Outcomes Summary

Tokyo AMR One Health Conference: Outcomes Summary

Establishing National Action Plan
-    All participant countries have developed national action plans.
-    All countries have had challenges in coordination between area of human and animal health. Some countries have found a way to work together to reach an agreement jointly before establishing plans that adequately include human- and animal-related actions based on the One Health approach.
-    Participants expressed challenges in implementation of their national action plans.

Promoting Appropriate Antimicrobial Use
-    Participants shared the understanding that in order to promote appropriate antimicrobial use, it is important not only to impose regulations such as requiring prescriptions for antimicrobials in the human and animal sectors, but also to educate the general public as well as to promote educational activities targeted at physicians, veterinarians, and other stakeholders, such as organizing educational seminars and developing clinical practice manuals for antimicrobial stewardship and prudent use of antimicrobials.
-    Some countries stressed the importance of controlling antimicrobials used as growth promotants and finding viable and cost-effective alternative feed additives based on scientific evidence for sustainable animal production.

Promoting Establishment of One Health Surveillance
-    Some countries have not yet established surveillance or monitoring programs for antimicrobial resistant bacteria and antimicrobial use for humans and animals.
-    Participants confirmed the understanding that in order to promote surveillance activities it is necessary first to establish qualified laboratory systems including human resources and laboratory capacity on AMR, and develop national data collection systems.
-    There is a need to strengthen coordination between human and animal sectors.

Advancing Further International Collaboration on AMR
-    Participants recognized the understanding that for promoting policy or activities on AMR in each country, it is highly effective to share progress and provide constructive feedback within the region, in collaboration with international organizations.

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ホーム> 政策について> 分野別の政策一覧> 健康・医療> 健康> 感染症情報> 薬剤耐性(AMR)対策について> Tokyo AMR One Health Conference: Outcomes Summary
