Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare

Office of Import Food Safety, Inspection and Safety Division, Department of Food Safety, Pharmaceutical and Food Safety Bureau, Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare

Results of Monitoring and Guidance
Based on the Imported Foods Monitoring and
Guidance Plan for FY 2013

August 2014
Department of Food Safety, Pharmaceutical and Food Safety Bureau,
Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare

Inspection Results of Imported Foods Monitoring and Guidance Plan for FY 2013


 Foods, additives, apparatus, containers and packaging and toys (hereinafter referred to as "foods") imported by Japan in 2013 amounted to 30.98 million tons across 2.19 million import notifications. According to the "2013 Food Balance Sheet" published by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, the food self-sufficiency ratio in Japan is 40% (combined food self-sufficiency ratio by calorie intake), and 60% based on calorie intake is dependent on imports.
 In order to ensure the safety of foods imported into Japan (hereinafter, "imported foods"), the government established the imported food monitoring and guidance plan in 2013 (hereinafter, "the Plan"). The program is based on the Guidelines for Monitoring and Guidance for Food Sanitation (Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare Notification No. 301, 2003) as per the provisions of Article 23, paragraph 1 of the Food Sanitation Act (Act No. 233, 1947; hereinafter, "the Act"), and public comments were collected and risk communication carried out. The program was published in the Official Gazette as an official report according to the provisions of paragraph 3 of the same article, and monitoring and guidance for imported foods is being conducted based upon the Program.
 The Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare will publish a recently compiled overview of the implementation of the monitoring and guidance for imported foods including an overview of the implementation of monitoring and inspections carried out under the Plan, the implementation of inspections of imported foods inspected or ordered, and an overview of the results thereof, monitoring and guidance to importers and the results thereof, and consultations in exporting countries.

Reference: Website on the “Safety of Imported Food”

Safety of Imported Food

1. Overview of the Imported Foods Monitoring and Guidance Plan for FY 2013

1 What is the Imported Food Monitoring and Guidance Plan?

It is the plan (under Article 23 of the Act) for the implementation of monitoring and guidance of imported foods by the government.

Purpose: To further ensure the safety of imported foods by promoting intensive, effective and efficient import inspections and monitoring and guidance of importers.

2 Principles of Monitoring and Guidance for Imported Foods

Establishes a plan which aims to ensure sanitation at three stages, namely, in the exporting country, at the time of importation, and in domestic distribution, from the perspective of Article 4 (that is, food safety must be ensured internationally and domestically through appropriate measures at each stage of the food supply chain) of the Food Safety Basic Act (Act No. 48 of 2003).

Provides food producers, manufactures and processors, etc. as well as the responsible governmental agencies of the exporting country with information on Japan’s food safety regulations via the Embassy in Tokyo and importers, in order to promote food safety measures in the exporting country during the production stage etc. Additionally, makes the information available on the website of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare.

3 Priority Items for Monitoring and Guidance
4 Promotion of sanitation measures in exporting countries
5 Guidance on voluntary sanitation control by importers

*1: Systematic inspection using a statistical approach considering the import volume and violation ratio of each type of food.

*2: Inspection for products with a high probability of violation where an inspection is ordered for the importer, and import and distribution is not permitted without the results being in compliance with the law.

*3: Measures whereby the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare may prohibit sale or import of specific foods, etc. without inspection, in the event it is deemed necessary to prevent harm.

Overview of Monitoring Systems for Imported Foods

2. Results of Imported Food Monitoring and Guidance Plan for FY 2013

Measures have been taken as described below by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare and quarantine stations in accordance with Article 4 of the Food Safety Basic Act to ensure the safety of imported foods at every stage from production, manufacturing and processing in the exporting country to domestic distribution, based on the fundamental approach that it is necessary to take appropriate measures.

(1) Examination of import notification in accordance with Article 27 of the act

Examination of notifications using computer system
Examination of notifications using
computer system

Examination of compliance with the Act was made, primarily with the standards and criteria for foods under the provisions of Article 11 (1) and Article 18 (1) of the Act (hereinafter, "standards and criteria"), and inspections were carried out as required at the time of importation, based on import notifications made under the provisions of Article 27 of the Act.

Looking at the notifications, inspections and violations made in FY 2013 (Table 1), there were 2,185,480 notifications, and the weight of notified items was 30,982,000 tons. Inspections were carried out on 201,198 items, of which 1,043 cases (running total 1,085 cases) were found to be in violation of the Act, and steps were taken for their reshipment, disposal, etc. These accounted for 0.05% of the number of notifications.

(2) Monitoring under Article 28 of the Act

Sample collection in a bonded
Sample collection in a bonded

Monitoring inspection numbers and inspection items to be carried out by quarantine stations were defined and inspections were planned for a total of 93,711 cases in FY 2013, considering previous importation data and violation rates for each food type, based on inspection numbers required to enable detection of violations to a statistically fixed degree of reliability.

Particularly, in response to overseas cases of food poisoning and detection of pathogenic microorganisms in foods, inspections pertaining to pathogenic microorganisms were enhanced.

Follow on the implementation of monitoring inspections at every quarantine station have been carried out, and the Plan reviewed through the whole monitoring period to adjust inspections to the actual importation.

Looking at the Implementation of Monitoring Inspections for FY 2013 (Table 2), a total of 95,730 cases (actual number 55,217) were carried out compared to a total of 93,711 planned (an implementation rate of 102%), and of these, 152 cases (running total 158) were found to be in violation of the Act, and steps were taken for recall.

Inspections of the same food type are enhanced in response to the detection of violations of the Act during monitoring inspections, etc.(Table 3). Where multiple violations for agricultural chemical residues or veterinary drugs are detected in foods from the same country, or for foods which are expected to have a high probability of violation of the Act, such foods, etc. will be subject to inspection upon each and every importation (Table 4).Foods in which aflatoxin or Listeria monocytogenes is detected will be immediately subject to inspection (Table 5).

(3) Ordered inspection under Article 26 of the Act

Subject countries and regions, subject foods and items for inspection have been defined, and ordered inspection have been made under provisions of Article 26 of the Act for imported foods which have a high probability of violating the Act, to prevent harm to public health.

As of March 31st, 2014, 17 items from all exporting countries, and 75 items from 25 countries and 1 region were subject to ordered inspection, and the record of ordered inspection for FY 2013 (Table 6) shows 59,543 cases (running total 101,428) were implemented, of which 351 cases (running total 354) were found to be in violation of the Act and steps were taken for re-shipment or disposal, etc.

Inspection System at time of Importation

(4) Violations (*total number of cases in violation)

Breaking down the 1,085 cases of violation by provision (Table 7), violations of Article 11 of the Act, which relates to microbial criteria, standards for agricultural chemical residues, and standards for the use of additives in food, were the most common at 568 cases (52.4% as a proportion of 1,085 violations), followed by violations of Article 6, which relates to contamination with hazardous or toxic substances such as aflatoxin, at 336 cases (31.0%), violations of Article 10, which relates to the use of unspecified additives, at 98 cases (9.0%), violations of Article 18, which relates to standards for apparatus or containers and packaging, at 56 cases (5.2%), violations of Article 9, which relates to the hygiene certificates of meat, at 20 cases (1.8%), and violations of Article 62 (mutatis mutandis application), which relates to standards for toys, at 7 cases (0.6%).

Breaking down the violations by inspection type, the most common were violations relating to hazardous or toxic substances or pathogenic microorganisms (Table 8-1) at 272 cases (25.1% as a proportion of 1,085 violations), followed by violations relating to microbial criteria in frozen foods, etc. (Table 8-2) at 225 cases (20.7%), violations relating to agricultural chemical residues (Table 8-3) at 140 cases (12.9%), violations relating to unspecified additives used and additives in violations of usage standards (Table 8-4) at 184 cases (17.0%), violations relating to decay, deterioration, generation of mold and nasty smell (Table 8-5) at 68 cases (6.3%), violations relating to veterinary drugs (Table 8-6) at 57 cases (5.3%), violations relating to apparatus, containers and packaging (Table 8-7) at 56 cases (5.2%) and violations relating to criteria for toys (Table 8-8) at 7 cases (0.6%).

Breaking down the violations relating to hazardous or toxic substances or pathogenic microorganisms (Table 8-1)by country, the rankings were the USA with 149 cases (54.8% as a proportion of all 272 violations relating to hazardous or toxic substances or pathogenic microorganisms), China with 41 cases (15.1%) and Italy with 22 cases (8.1%). The principle products in violation in these cases were maize from the USA (contamination with aflatoxin), peanuts from China (aflatoxin) and uncooked meat products from Italy (Listeria monocytogenes).

Breaking down the violations relating to microbial criteria (Table 8-2) by country, the rankings were China with 86 cases (38.2% as a proportion of all 225 violations relating to microbial criteria), Thailand with 29 cases (12.9%) and Indonesia with 23 cases (10.2%). The principle violation in these cases were, for all countries, microbial criteria (bacterial count, coliform bacteria, E.coli) in frozen foods.

Breaking down the violations relating to agricultural chemical residues (Table 8-3) by country, the rankings were China with 48 cases (34.3% as a proportion of all 140 violations relating to agricultural chemical residues), Thailand with 13 cases (9.3%) and South Korea with 11 cases (7.9%). The principle products in violation in these cases were oolong tea from China (fipronil), chili peppers from Thailand (triazophos) and chili peppers from South Korea (difenoconazole).

Breaking down the violations relating to additives (Table 8-4) by country, the rankings were China with 29 cases (15.8% as a proportion of all 184 violations relating to additives), Italy with 19 cases (10.3%) and Turkey with 14 cases (7.6%). The principle products in violation in these cases were processed agricultural products from China (violation of standard of use (preservative)), confectionaries from Italy (use of undesignated additives) and dried fruit from Turkey (violation of standard of use (preservative)).

Breaking down the violations relating to decay, deterioration, generation of mold and nasty smell (Table 8-5) by country, the rankings were Thailand with 16 cases (23.5% as a proportion of all 68 violations relating to decay, deterioration, generation of mold and nasty smell), USA with 15 cases (22.1%) and Canada with 10 cases (14.7%). The principle products in violation in these cases were rice from Thailand, wheat and soybeans from the USA, and wheat from Canada.

Breaking down the violations relating to veterinary drugs (Table 8-6) by country, the rankings were Vietnam with 39 cases (68.4% as a proportion of all 57 violations relating to veterinary drugs), India with 9 cases (15.8%) and China with 5 cases (8.8%). The principle products in violation in these cases were shrimp from Vietnam (enrofloxacin), shrimp from India (furazolidone) and shrimp from China (sulfamethoxazole and chlortetracycline).

Breaking down violations relating to apparatus, containers and packaging (Table 8-7) by country, the rankings were China with 29 cases (51.8% as a proportion of all 56 violations relating to apparatus, containers and packaging), Italy with 5 cases (8.9%) and Taiwan with 4 cases (7.1%). The principle materials in violation in these cases were synthetic resins, which accounted for 35 cases.

Breaking down the violations relating to criteria for toys (Table 8-8) by country, the rankings were China with 5 cases (71.4% as a proportion of all 7 violations relating to criteria for toys), followed by Thailand and Hong Kong with 1 case (14.3% each). The principle violations in these cases were nonconformance to the standards (phthalates) and elution of coloring agents, both accounted for 3 cases.

(5) Emergency measures based on information from overseas on food sanitation issues

The monitoring system at the time of importation has been enhanced and an investigation into domestic distribution (Table 9) has been carried out regarding issues in FY 2013, including Salmonella contamination of tahini (sesame paste) in Turkey and Listeria monocytogenes contamination of natural cheeses in France and the USA. The investigation was based on information on the overseas outbreaks of food poisoning and the recall of food products in violation of the Act that has been collected by the National Institute of Health Sciences and the Cabinet Office Food Safety Commission. Appropriate measures including recalls were ordered where there was a record of their import.

Further, on the matter of agricultural chemical poisoning due to frozen dumplings produced in China that occurred in January 2008, inspections for agricultural chemical residues in processed food were carried out on a total of 8,883 samples throughout FY 2013, which resulted in finding out 1 case of violation in processed wheat product produced in Brazil (pirimiphos-methyl).

(6) Promotion of sanitation measures in exporting countries

In FY 2013, information on products in violation of the Act has been provided to the governments of exporting countries where the products are subject to ordered inspection or strengthening monitoring inspections and further, requests have been made through bilateral consultations for investigations into the causes of violations and for taking measures to prevent the recurrence of such violations.

As part of this promotion, when it was necessary to confirm the adequacy of sanitation measures during the production or processing stages in the exporting country, with regards to the issues of, for example, agricultural chemical residues or bovine spongiform encephalopathy (hereinafter, "BSE"), specialists were dispatched to the exporting countries and audit of sanitation measures taken in the countries was also carried out (Table 10).

Based on the Risk Assessment Report issued by the Food Safety Commission of Japan (FSCJ), a consultation with Ireland was carried out to remove import bans of Irish beef within the limits of the assessment. On-site inspections were carried out from November 18 to 22, 2013, to confirm the preparation state for enforcing a Japan export program.

Regular on-site inspection for USA beef was carried out from December 2 to 13, 2013, at beef production facilities in the USA authorized for export to Japan to verify and inspect observance of the Japan export program.

On-site inspections for Danish cheese were carried out from March 17 to 21, 2014, to verify the cheese sanitation control systems.

Specialists were dispatched to the USA to confirm the adequacy of the sanitation control systems for genetically modified products as part of sanitation control training organized by the governments of exporting countries.

(7) Promotion of pre-inspection sanitation measures in exporting countries

As a new preventative initiative, systematic information gathering and, when required, on-site inspections have been conducted in many exporting countries since FY 2009 regarding information etc. on the systems for sanitation measures at the exporting countries.

For FY 2013, these activities were conducted in the Netherlands, South Korea, Peru, South Africa and Mexico. In addition, initiatives of the governments, producers, and manufacturers of exporting countries were investigated (Table 11).

[1]. Netherlands

Descriptions were given by a representative from the Dutch government on the food sanitation regulations in the Netherlands, and inspection and opinion exchange were carried out. Further, a seminar on import food monitoring systems and sanitation regulations in Japan was held targeting government officials etc.

Additionally, on-site inspections were carried out for the conditions of production control including agricultural chemicals and the conditions of microorganism control, at leek farms and cheese manufacturing facilities.

[2]. South Korea

Inspection and opinion exchange were carried out for the food sanitation regulations and sanitation control systems of food exports to Japan in South Korea.

Additionally, on-site inspections were carried out for the conditions of agricultural chemical residues control of agricultural products, pertaining to those exported to Japan.

[3]. Peru

Inspection and opinion exchange were carried out for the food sanitation regulations and sanitation control systems of food exports to Japan in Peru.

Additionally, on-site inspections were carried out for the conditions of agricultural chemical residues control of agricultural products and the production control conditions of chicken egg products, pertaining to those exported to Japan.

[4]. South Africa

Inspection and opinion exchange were carried out for the food sanitation regulations in South Africa, and a seminar on import food monitoring systems and sanitation regulations in Japan was held targeting government officials, food suppliers, and so on.

Additionally, on-site inspections were carried out for the conditions of agricultural chemical residues control and microorganism control at orange farms.

[5]. Mexico

Inspection and opinion exchange were carried out for the food sanitation regulations in Mexico, and a seminar on import food monitoring systems and sanitation regulations in Japan was held targeting government officials.

Additionally, on-site inspections were carried out for the conditions of production control including agricultural chemicals at avocado farms.

(8) The Japan-China Food Safety Promotion Initiative

In May 2010, both the Minister of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare of Japan and the Minister of General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine (AQSIQ) of the People's Republic of China signed a memorandum of understanding on the Japan-China Food Safety Promotion Initiative (hereinafter referred to as “Memorandum”). As a result, the first ministerial meeting was held and working-level consultations and field studies were conducted. Both parties determined that bilateral exchange and cooperation should continue to be promoted in the field of safety for food exports and imports between two countries.

For the fiscal 2013, in June, based on the Memorandum, both Ministers confirmed the results of the previous year’s action plan and agreed on an action plan set out for this year, via documentations. Additionally, the 5th and 6th working-level consultations and on-site inspection were held in June (in Japan) and in September (in China), respectively.

At the 5th working-level consultations, the Japanese side listened to measures conducted by the Chinese side for aflatoxin in peanuts and other products, agricultural chemical residues and shellfish poison in bivalves, agricultural chemical residue in asparagus, oolong tea, carrots and sesame, and requested the Chinese side to take remedial measures. The Chinese side requested the Japanese side to alleviate the requirements for lifting the ordered inspection placed on Chinese food exports to Japan, to provide information on Japanese foods that might be contaminated with radioactive substance and to transfer the sanitation certificate issuing agency pertaining to seafood products exported to China from registered inspection bodies to authorized administrative agencies.

At the 6th working-level consultations, the Japanese side listened to measures conducted by the Chinese side for aflatoxin in peanuts and other products, agricultural chemical residues and paralytic shellfish poison in bivalves, agricultural chemical residues in asparagus, oolong tea, green soybeans, carrots and sesame seed, and requested the Chinese side to take remedial measures. The Chinese side requested the Japanese side to review the standard value of fipronil in oolong tea and to alleviate the requirements for lifting the ordered inspection placed on Chinese food exports to Japan. Additionally, in accordance with the consultations, on-site inspections were carried out for the control conditions at the farms and processing facilities of peanuts and oolong tea.

More details on the results, etc., of the Japan-China Food Safety Promotion Initiative are posted at the URL below.

(9) Comprehensive import ban regulations under Articles 8 and 17

Article 8 and Article 17 of the Food Sanitation Act provide measures for the comprehensive banning of imports, as a method of enabling the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare to comprehensively ban the import or sale of specific foods from specific countries without requiring an inspection.

According to the "Guidelines for the Banning of the Sale or Import of Specific Foods, etc. under Article 8 (1) and Article 17 (1) of the Food Sanitation Act" (SHOKUHATSU No. 0906001 dated September 6th, 2002), before invoking measures for a comprehensive import ban on items that exceed a 5% violation rate in the latest 60 ordered inspection, the status of sanitation controls is confirmed with the exporting country, and a request is made for improvements. In FY 2013, no imported foods, etc. were subject to any such measures or requests.

(10) Guidelines for implementation of voluntary sanitation controls by importers

The safety of foods to be imported is confirmed in advance by obtaining necessary materials from the producer or manufacturer. Additionally, guidance has been given to importers based on the Plan regarding foods that are to be imported to Japan for the first time and foods that have been subject to a violation. The guidance was given in meetings held at quarantine stations, in order that quarantine stations are briefed in advance.

Officers from the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare and quarantine stations were dispatched to training courses and workshops held by related organizations in order to raise awareness of food sanitation with importers, and as a result importers in general understand the details. Looking at the figures for pre-import guidance given by Offices of Imported Food Consultation (known as import consultations) in quarantine stations in FY 2013 (Table 12), a total of 23,903 cases by product received import consultations, of which 354 cases (total 397) were identified as non-compliant with the Act in advance.

Breaking down the cases which were non-compliant with the Act by the specific provision (Table 13), violations of Article 11 which relates to standards and criteria for food including standards for agricultural chemical residues and standards for usage of additives were most common with 196 cases (49.4% as a proportion of all 397 violations), followed by violations of Article 10 which relates to the use of unspecified additives with a total of 186 cases (46.9%).

Breaking this down by country (Table 14), the USA had the most cases at 72 (18.1% as a proportion of all 397 violations), followed by France with 39 cases (9.8%), then by Australia and South Korea with 29 cases (7.3%). The principle violation in these cases was the use of unspecified additives in health foods from the USA, the use of preservative in other than target foods in seasoning from France, violation of the standards for usage of thickening agents in frozen yogurt from Australia, and the use of unspecified additives in health foods from South Korea.

Where the import consultation determined a non-compliance with the Act, appropriate measures were taken to ensure compliance, and guidance given to suspend import until improvements were made. After improvements were made and documentation showing compliance with the Act provided, guidance was given as needed to carry out in advance checks such as inspections for fulfillment of standards and criteria for said foods.

(11) Disclosure of information on violations of imported foods, and cooperation with prefectures

Details of violations including the names and imported foods of importers in violation of the Act were listed and published on the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare website, based on provisions of Article 63 of the Act, in order to clarify the food sanitation risk. Along with the names, etc. of parties in violation, measures taken to rectify matters, the cause of the violation, and method of disposal were also identified and published.

Imported foods which had already passed customs at the time they are identified as being in violation were promptly recalled with the cooperation of the relevant prefectural governments. Imported foods discovered to be in violation through domestic market inspections by prefectural governments or those caused food poisoning (Table 15) led to enhanced inspections where required.

Table 1 - Notifications, Inspections, and Violations (FY 2013)
Imported Weight
(thousand tons)
2,185,480 30,982 201,198
9.2 1,043
(FY 2012)
32,156 223,380 10.2 1,053 0.05

*1 Inspections by authorities, registered inspection organizations and public organizations of exporters, deducting duplicates.

*2 Proportion as compared to notifications.

*3 Number of inspection orders.

Table 2 - Implementation of Monitoring Inspections (FY 2013)
Food Groups Inspected Substances*1 Number Planned in FY Actual Number Violations
Livestock Foods
Beef, pork, chicken, horse meat, other poultry meat, etc.
Antibacterial substances, etc. 2,238 2,277 1
Residual agricultural chemicals 1,251 1,947 0
Additives - 1 0
Pathogenic microorganisms 716 730 0
Standards for constituents  133 187 0
Radiation irradiation  29 29 0
Removal of SRMs 4,000 3,673 1
Processed Livestock Foods
Natural cheeses, processed meat products, ice cream, frozen (meat) products, etc.    
Antibacterial substances, etc. 2,183 2,262 0
Residual agricultural chemicals 1,224 1,342 0
Additives 1,366 1,518 0
Pathogenic microorganisms 2,178 2,269 3
Standards for constituents 1,375 1,531 6
Radiation irradiation 1 0
Seafood products
Bivalves, fish, shellfish (shrimps, crabs), etc.    
Antibacterial substances, etc. 3,112 2,921 3
Residual agricultural chemicals 2,573 2,549 0
Additives 177 184 0
Pathogenic microorganisms 1,074 1,800 1
Standards for constituents 485 613 0
Radiation irradiation 29 32 0
Processed seafoodProcessed fish products (fillet, dried or minced fish, etc.), Frozen food(seafood, fish), processed marine product eggs, etc.     Antibacterial substances, etc. 4,417 4,813 4
Residual agricultural chemicals 3,156 3,801 1
Additives 1,633 1,989 1
Pathogenic microorganisms 5,203 4,460 1
Standards for constituents 3,435 3,512 25
Radiation irradiation 5 7 1
Agricultural foods
Vegetables, fruit, wheat, maize, pulses,  peanuts, nuts, seeds, etc.      
Antibacterial substances, etc. 1,510 2,043 0
Residual agricultural chemicals 11,738 12,848 51
Additives 1,074 1,136 0
Pathogenic microorganisms 1,495 1,617 0
Standards for constituents 236 206 0
Mycotoxins 2,388 2,524 2
Genetically modified food 354 364 0
Radiation irradiation 119 136 0
Processed agricultural foodFrozen food(processed vegetables), processed vegetable products, processed fruit, seasonings, instant noodles, etc.        Antibacterial substances, etc. 299 404 0
Residual agricultural chemicals 8,448 9,084 15
Additives 3,832 4,492 6
Pathogenic microorganisms 477 739 0
Standards for constituents 2,054 2,348 3
Mycotoxins 2,953 2,918 4
Genetically modified food 128 134 2
Radiation irradiation 424 419 3
Other foods
Health foods, soups, seasonings, confectionery, cooking oil, frozen food, etc.    
Antibacterial substances, etc. - 1 0
Residual agricultural chemicals 535 674 0
Additives 3,014 3,262 9
Pathogenic microorganisms - 14 0
Standards for constituents 627 456 6
Mycotoxins 895 1,039 1
Mineral waters, soft drinks,
alcoholic drinks, etc. 
Residual agricultural chemicals 178 251 0
Additives 1,015 1,218 0
Standards for constituents 477 537 0
Mycotoxins 118 105 0
Apparatus, containers and packagingToys
Standards for constituents 2,241 2,313 2
Total (gross)
5,000 cases of the total cases planned for the FY were part of enhanced monitoring.
93,711 95,730
Implementation rate of

*1:Examples of inspected substances

  • Antibacterial substances, etc.: antibiotics, synthetic antimicrobials, hormone drugs, etc.
  • Residual agricultural chemicals: organophosphorous, organochlorine, carbamates, pyrethroid, etc.
  • Additives: preservatives, coloring agents, sweeteners, antioxidants, antimold agents, etc.
  • Standards for constituents, etc.: Items stipulated in the standards for constituents (bacterial count, coliform bacteria, Vibrio parahaemolyticus, etc.), pathogenic microorganisms (enterohemorrhagic E.coli O26, O104, O111 and O157, Listeria monocytogenes etc.), shellfish poisons (diarrhetic shellfish poison and paralytic shellfish poison), etc.
  • Mycotoxin: aflatoxin, deoxynivalenol, patulin, etc.
  • Genetically modified organisms (GMOs): genetically modified foods, etc. that have not been assessed for safety.
  • Irradiation: with or without of irradiation

*2:Total number of item-by-item inspections

Table 3 - Items Subject to Strengthening Monitoring Inspections in FY 2013*1(As of March 31, 2014*2)
Country/Region Subject Food Inspected Substances
China White croaker Enrofloxacin
Oolong tea Propham
Sea urchin (for raw consumption) Vibrio parahaemolyticus(MPN) *3
Large peanuts Acetochlor
Wood ears (Auricularia spp.) Chlorpyrifos
Kale Hexachlobenzene
Burdock Paclobutrazol
Shiso Isoprocarb
Taro Paclobutrazol
Qing-geng-cai Triazophos
Chinese chive Phoxim
Welsh Onion (including Allium Wakegi) Aldicarb and Aldoxycarb, Famoxadone
Pak choi Pyridaben
Bell pepper (including Paprika) Difenoconazole
White pepper Aflatoxin
Lychees 4-CPA, Triazophos
Allium Wakegi Bifenthrin
Rape flower Haloxyfop
Cultured shrimp Furazolidone
Cultured tokobushi Furazolidone
Cultured eel proccessed products Enrofloxacin
Green tea Propham
Thailand Okura Isoprothiolane
Green asparagus Atrazine, Diuron, Metalaxyl and Mefenoxam
Celery Difenoconazole
Pandanus palm leaf Chlorpyrifos
Papaya PRSV-SC
Mulukhiya Hexaconazole
Immature pea Famoxadone
South Korea Arch shell (for raw consumption) Vibrio parahaemolyticus (MPN)*3
Perilla Indoxacarb, Ethoprophos
Tairagikai (Atrina pectinata) for raw consumption Vibrio parahaemolyticus (MPN)*3
Honey Chloramphenicol
Vietnam  File fish Chloramphenicol
Bell pepper (including Paprika) Hexaconazole, Difenoconazole
Australia Orange Diuron
Soft or semisoft natural cheese(limited to manufacturers) Listeria monocytogenes
Canada Kidney beans Glyphosate
Beef Enterohemorrhagic E. coli
Philippine Sea urchin (for raw consumption) Vibrio parahaemolyticus(MPN) *3
Banana Fipronil
USA Rutabaga Bifenthrin
Soybean Fluazifop
Peru Quinoa Methamidophos
Banana Fipronil
Belgium Salsify Difenoconazole
Chicory Thiabendazole
Italy Processed pistachio products Aflatoxin
Iran Processed pistachio products Aflatoxin
Indonesia Fresh coffee bean Carbaryl
Uganda Fresh coffee bean Chlorpyrifos
Oman Immature kidney bean Cyromazine
Ghana Cacao bean 2,4-D,Cypermethrin
Sudan Sesame seed 2,4-D
Sri Lanka Sesame seed Pirimiphos-methyl
Serbia Cherry Flutriafol
Taiwan Ponkan Difenoconazole
Chile Blueberry Indoxacarb
Nicaragua Sesame seed Triazophos
New Zealand Cabbage Cyproconazole
Panama Beef Ibermectin
Bangradesh Cumin seed Profenofos
Brazil Wheat Pirimiphos-methyl
France Apple juice Patulin
Bolivia Kidney bean Flutriafol
Myanmar Sesame seed Carbaryl
Mexico Guava Cypermethrin

*1 Enhanced monitoring inspections, which are normally to be implemented after a violation has been detected, were conducted on 30% of all import notifications in FY 2013. Items which had seen inspection orders rescinded as a result of import or inspection results were also handled in the same way. However, if no similar violations were detected within 60 enhanced monitoring inspections or within 1 year, the items in question were subjected to the normal inspection system.

*2 Excludes items included in Table 4.

*3 As a measure to enhance inspections during the summer period, all (100%) import declarations were inspected (Jun-Oct 2013).

*4 As a measure to enhance inspections during the summer period, 30% of import declarations were inspected (Jun-Oct 2013).

Table 4 – Items Transferred to Ordered Inspection after Strengthening Monitoring Inspections in FY 2013
Country/Region Subject Food Inspected Substances
China Oolong tea Indoxacarb
Soft-shelled turtle Enrofloxacin
Flowering fern Acetochlor
Chinese chive Metalaxyl, mefenoxam
South Korea Perilla Diniconazole
Red hot pepper Difenoconazole
Cultured olive flounder Kudoa septempunctata
Austlia Horseradish Difenoconazole
Cote d'ivoire Cacao beans 2, 4-D
Spain Non glutinous rice Tebuconazole
Thailand Red hot pepper Triazophos
Tanzania Sesame seed Imidacloprid
Paraguay Sesame seed Carbaryl
Vietnam Shrimp Oxytetracycline
Table 5 – Items immediately transferred to Ordered Inspection in FY 2013
Country/Region Subject Item Inspected Substances
Italy  Chestnut Aflatoxin
Soft or semisoft natural cheese (limited to manufactures) Listeria monocytogenes
Corns Aflatoxin
Unheated meat products (limited to manufactures) Listeria monocytogenes
Spain Processed almond products Aflatoxin
 Unheated meat products (limited to manufactures) Listeria monocytogenes
China Lotus seed Aflatoxin
Foods (limited to manufactures) Cyclamic acid
USA Food to contain soft or semisoft natural cheese mainly (limited to manufactures) Listeria monocytogenes
Products containing 30% or more of pistachio Aflatoxin
India Chickpea Aflatoxin
Taiwan Foods (limited to manufactures) Cyclamic acid
Vietnam Foods (limited to manufactures) Cyclamic acid
Morocco Chaste tree berries Aflatoxin

* Item shifted to promptly inspection order due to consecutive violations.

Table 6 – Major Items subject to Ordered Inspection and Inspection Outcomes (FY 2013)
Country/Region Major subject foods Major Inspected Substances Inspections Violations
All Exporting Countries
(17 items) 
Dried figs, Chili peppers, Nuts Peanuts. Aflatoxin 11,062 86
Manioc, beans containing cyanide Cyanide 447 9
Salted salmon roe Nitrite 338 1
(29 items)   
Eel, Shrimp, Soft-shelled turtle Enrofloxacin, Chlortetracycline, Sulfadimidine, Malachite green, Sulfamethoxazole, etc. 8,351 3
Vegetables, Fish(carrot, welsh onion, pike eel,  spinach, green soybeans, etc.), Oolong tea, Sesame seed Acetochlor, Ametryn, Indoxacarb, Chlorpyrifos, Triadimenol, Trifluralin, etc. 18,961 29
Bivalves Paralytic shellfish poison, Diarrhetic shellfish poison 7,747 1
All processed products Cyclamic acid 610 3
Chinese pepper (Zanthoxylum bungeanum), White pepper Aflatoxin 73 0
South Korea
(13 items)
Bivalves Paralytic shellfish poison, Diarrhetic shellfish toxin 236 0
Red hot pepper, Freshwater clam, Cherry tomatos Endosulfan, Simeconazole, Fluquinconazole, Difenoconazole 115 3
Live eel, Cultured olive flounder Oxolinic acid, Ofloxacin, Enrofloxacin, Oxytetracycline 10 0
Cultured olive flounder, Arch shell Kudoa septempunctata, Vibrio parahaemolyticus 3 0
(11 items)
Vegetables, Fruit
(okra, green asparagus, mango, banana, Mangosteen, etc.)
Chlorpyrifos, Cypermethrin, Profenofos, Propiconazole, EPN, etc. 1,689 4
(8 items) 
Gorgonzola cheese, Natural cheese, Unheated meat products Listeria monocytogenes 1,097 14
Pistachio nuts product, Chestnut, Corns Aflatoxin 420 1
Parsley Difenoconazole 4 0
(7 items) 
Cultured shrimp Furazolidone, Ethoxyquin 2,238 10
Cumin seed, Chili peppers, Chickpea, Black tea Glyphosate, Triazophos, Profenofos, Hexaconazole 129 5
Cassia torea, Chickpea Aflatoxin 110 4
(6 items) 
Shrimp Trifluralin 1,025 1
Shrimp, Squid Ethoxyquin, Chloramphenicol, Enrofloxacin, Oxytetracycline, Furazolidone 34,036 35
All processed products Cyclamic acid 87 0
(5 items) 
Cultured eel Sulfadimidine 2 0
Carrot Acephate, Methamidophos 260 1
All processed products Cyclamic acid 100 0
Other (24 countries ; total 43 items) 12,278 144
Total 101,428 354
Table 7 - Violations by Legal Provision (FY 2013)
Provision violated Violations (cases) Proportion(%) Brief details of Violation
Article 6
(Foods and additives prohibited to distribute)
336 31.0 Aflatoxin contamination in corns, peanuts, almonds, dried fig, Job's tears, pistachionuts, chili peppers, nutmeg, walnuts, cassia seeds, chestnut, chickpea, lotus seed, chaste tree berries, etc.; detection of diarrhetic and paralytic shellfish toxin; detection of cyanide; detection of Listeria monocytogenes from unheated meat products, natural cheese; detection of Kudoa septempunctata; adhesion of grease due to accidents during the transport of barley; decay, deterioration and fungus formation due to accidents during the transport of rice, wheat, rapeseed, soybeans, etc.
Article 9
(Limitation on distribution, etc. of diseased meat, etc.)
20 1.8 No health certificate attached
Article 10
(Limitation of distribution, etc. of additives, etc.)
98 9.0 Use of unspecified additives such as TBHQ, Quinoline Yellow, Patent blue V, Cyclamic acid, Azorubin, P-hydroxy benzoic acid methyl, Iodized salt, Methanol, Sunflower lecithin, Acid blue 3 sodium salt, Orange Ⅱ, Potassium aluminium silicate, Brown HT, Metatartaric acid, Rhodamine B, Benzalkonium chloride, Acidic sodium aluminum phosphate, Sudan Ⅰetc.
Article 11
(Standards and criteria for foods and additives)
568 52.4 Violation of standards for constituents for vegetables or frozen vegetables (violation of standards on residual agricultural chemicals), violation of standards for constituents for marine products and processed products thereof (violation of standards on residual veterinary drugs, violation of standards on residual agricultural chemicals), violation of standards for constituents for other processed products (Coliform bacteria test, etc.), violation of standards on use of additives (sulfur dioxide, sorbic acid, benzoic acid etc.), and violation of standards for constituents for additives, detection of radioactive substance
Article 18
(Standards and criteria for apparatus, containers and packaging)
56 5.2 Violation of criteria for apparatus, containers and packaging
Violation of materials criteria for raw materials
Article 62
(Mutatis mutandis application for toys, etc.)
7 0.6 Violations of criteria for toys or their raw materials
Total 1,085(Gross)*1

*1 Gross number of inspection cases by inspected substances.

*2 Number of notification cases for which inspections were carried out

Table 8-1 - Violations by Country, Item and Violation details for Hazardous and Toxic substances and pathogenic microorganisms (FY 2013)
Country of Production Item Category Violation Details Cases*
USA Corn Aflatoxin (119) 149
Pistachio nut  Aflatoxin (10)
Peanut Aflatoxin (8)
Almond Aflatoxin (6)
Dried fig Aflatoxin (4)
Chaste tree berry Aflatoxin
Nutmeg Aflatoxin
China Peanut Aflatoxin (34) 41
Health food Cyanide(2)
Fried oyster Diarrhetic shellfish toxin
Lotus seed Aflatoxin
Job's tears Aflatoxin
Confectionery Aflatoxin
Frozen food (other processed product) Aflatoxin
Italy Unheated meat product Listeria monocytogenes (15) 22
Chestnut preparation Aflatoxin (2)
Natural cheese Listeria monocytogenes (2)
Corn flour Aflatoxin
Buiscuits Cyanide
Confectionery Aflatoxin
India Cassia seed Aflatoxin (3) 9
Peanut Aflatoxin (3)
Chickpea Aflatoxin (2)
Chocolate Aflatoxin
Thailand Cassava Cyanide (3) 7
Job's tears Aflatoxin (3)
Peanut Aflatoxin
Spain Unheated meat product Listeria monocytogenes (3) 5
Almond Aflatoxin (2)
Sri Lanka Nutmeg Aflatoxin (4) 5
Red pepper Aflatoxin
Argentina Peanut Aflatoxin (4) 4
South Africa Peanut Aflatoxin (4) 4
Germany Fruit preparation Cyanide (2) 3
Dried fig Aflatoxin
Vietnam Cassava Cyanide (3) 3
Turkey Mixed spice Aflatoxin 2
Dried fig Aflatoxin
Nepal Red pepper Aflatoxin (2) 2
Brazil Seasoning Cyanide (2) 2
France Apple juice Patulin 2
Blueberry Radioactive substance(Cs)
Myanmar Butter bean Cyanide 2
Peanut Aflatoxin
Indonesia Nutmeg Aflatoxin 1
Uzbekistan Nuts and seeds preparation Cyanide 1
Canada Confectionery Cyanide 1
South Korea Flounder Kudoa septempunctata 1
Cambodia Distilled spirit Cyanide 1
Sweden Blueberry jam Radioactive substance(Cs) 1
Denmark Natural cheese Listeria monocytogenes 1
Pakistan Mixed spice Aflatoxin 1
Morocco Fruit preparation Cyanide 1
Lebanon Pistachio nut Aflatoxin 1
Total 272

* Gross number of cases violations.

Table 8-2 - Violations by Country, Item and Violation details for Microbial Criteria (FY 2013)
Country of production Item category Violation details Cases*
China Frozen food (fish) Coliform bacteria(10), Bacterial count(8), E.coli(5) 86
Frozen food (vegetable) E.coli(7), Bacterial count(4),
Coliform bacteria
Frozen fresh fish and shellfish for raw consumption Coliform bacteria(6) , Bacterial count(4)
Frozen food (other processed products) Bacterial count (6), Coliform bacteria(3),
Heat processed meat products Coliform bacteria(5), E.coli(2)
Fish paste products Coliform bacteria(6)
Frozen food (bean) Coliform bacteria(2), E.coli(2),
Bacterial count(2)
Frozen food (marine animals) Coliform bacteria(3) , Bacterial count
Frozen food (squid) Bacterial count(2), E.coli
Frozen food (shellfish) Bacterial count, E.coli
Frozen food (animal product) Bacterial count
Frozen food (shrimp) Bacterial count
Boiled octopus Coliform bacteria
Thailand Frozen food (shrimp) Coliform bacteria (3), Bacterial count (2) 29
Frozen food (other processed products) Bacterial count(2), E.coli, Coliform bacteria
Heat processed meat products E.coli(3)
Chilled fish and shellfish for raw consumption Coliform bacteria(2), Bacterial count
Frozen food (fruit) Coliform bacteria(2), Bacterial count
Frozen food (fish) E.coli, Coliform bacteria
Frozen food (grain) E.coli, Bacterial count
Frozen food (animal product) E.coli, Coliform bacteria
Fish paste products Coliform bacteria
Fruits juice for raw material Coliform bacteria
Flavoured Ice Bacterial count
Powdered soft drinks Bacterial count
Frozen food (squid) Coliform bacteria
Indonesia Chilled fish and shellfish for raw consumption Bacterial count(5), Coliform bacteria(3),
Vibrio parahaemolyticus (MPN)
Frozen food (vegetable) Bacterial count (4), Coliform bacteria(3)
Frozen food (fish) Bacterial count(3), E.coli, Coliform bacteria
Frozen food (shrimp) Bacterial count
Frozen food (other processed products) Bacterial count
South Korea Hermetically packaged, Pressure and heat sterilized food products Possible microbes(4) 18
Chilled fresh fish and shellfish for raw consumption Coliform bacteria (3), Bacterial count
Powdered soft drinks Coliform bacteria (3)
Frozen food (marine animals) Bacterial count, Coliform bacteria
Frozen food (vegetable) Bacterial count, Coliform bacteria
Frozen food(squid) Coliform bacteria
Frozen food (other processed products) Coliform bacteria
Heat processed meat products Coliform bacteria
Vietnam Frozen food (shrimp) E.coli(3), Bacterial count(3) 17
Frozen food (fish) E.coli, Bacterial count, Coliform bacteria
Boiled octopus Coliform bacteria
Chilled fish and shellfish for raw consumption Coliform bacteria
Frozen food (vegetable) E.coli, Bacterial count
Fruits juice for raw material Coliform bacteria
Frozen food (squid) Coliform bacteria
Philippines Chilled fish and shellfish for raw consumption Bacterial count(2), Coliform bacteria(2) 12
Frozen food (fish) Coliform bacteria(2), Bacterial count
Ice cream with milk-solids Coliform bacteria(2)
Fruits juice for raw material Coliform bacteria(2)
Boiled octopus Coliform bacteria
France Frozen food (fruit) Bacterial count(3), Coliform bacteria 11
Butter Coliform bacteria(2)
Frozen food (seed) Bacterial count, Coliform bacteria
Ice milk Coliform bacteria
Heat processed meat products Coliform bacteria
Frozen food (other processed products) Coliform bacteria
Taiwan Chilled fish and shellfish for raw consumption Coliform bacteria(3) 8
Frozen food (agricultural food products) Coliform bacteria(2)
Frozen food (other processed products) Bacterial count
Frozen food (fruit) Coliform bacteria
Frozen food (bean) Coliform bacteria
Belgium Ice cream Coliform bacteria(4) 6
Ice milk Coliform bacteria  
Soft drinks Coliform bacteria
England Ice cream Coliform bacteria(2) 5
Frozen food (fish) Bacterial count(2)
Ice milk Coliform bacteria  
Italy Frozen food (other processed products) Coliform bacteria (2) , E.coli 5
Powdered soft drinks Bacterial count
Heat processed meat products E.coli
Chile Chilled fish and shellfish for raw consumption Coliform bacteria(2) 4
Frozen food (fish) Bacterial count, Coliform bacteria

Ice cream Bacterial count, Coliform bacteria 4
Ice milk Bacterial count, Coliform bacteria
USA Powdered soft drinks Bacterial count(2) 4
Chilled fish and shellfish for raw consumption Bacterial count
Frozen food (other processed products) Bacterial count
Denmark Soft drinks Coliform bacteria(2) 3
Frozen food (other processed products) Bacterial count
Australia Chilled fish and shellfish for raw consumption Bacterial count 2
Frozen food (vegetable) E.coli
Kiribati Chilled fish and shellfish for raw consumption Coliform bacteria(2) 2
New Zealand Ice cream Coliform bacteria 2
Hermetically packaged, Pressure and heat sterilized food products Possible microbes
India Powdered soft drinks Bacterial count 1
Netherlands Ice cream Coliform bacteria 1
Guatemala Frozen food (fruit) Bacterial count 1
Costa Rica Frozen food (fruit) Coliform bacteria 1
Colombia Frozen food (fruit) Coliform bacteria 1
Singapore Hermetically packaged, Pressure and heat sterilized food products Possible microbes 1
Norway Chilled fish and shellfish for raw consumption Coliform bacteria 1
Brazil Hermetically packaged, Pressure and heat sterilized food products Possible microbes 1
Laos Powdered soft drinks Bacterial count 1
South Africa Powdered soft drinks Coliform bacteria 1
(return cargo)
Chilled fish and shellfish for raw consumption Coliform bacteria 1
Total 225

* Gross number of cases violations

Table 8-3 – Violations by Country, Item and Violation details for agricultural chemical residues (FY 2013)

Country of Production
Item Category Violation Details Cases*1
Standard Value Uniformity Standard
China Oolong tea Fipronil (13),Propham Indoxacarb(4) 48
Short-necked clam   Prometryn(4)
Flowering fern   Acetochlor(4)
Chinese chive Phoxim Metalaxyl and mefenoxam(2)
Green soybeans   Difenoconazole(3)
Lychee 4-CPA Triazophos
Taro   Paclobutrazol(2)
Asparagus   Ametryn
Kale Hexachlorobenzene  
Burdock   Paclobutrazol
Shiso   Isoprocarb
Qing-geng-cai   Triazophos
Wax gourd   Metalaxyl and mefenoxam
Rape flower   Haloxyfop
Welsh onion Famoxadone  
Pak choi   Pyridaben
Hard clam   Prometryn
Allium Wakegi   Bifenthrin
Green tea Propham  
Thailand Green asparagus Atrazine(2),Diuron, Metalaxyl and mefenoxam   13
Red hot pepper   Triazophos(3)
Okra   Isoprothiolane
Kaffir lime leaves Profenofos  
Celery   Difenoconazole*2
Mango Chlorpyrifos  
Immature peas Famoxadone  
Mulukhiya Hexaconazole  
South Korea Perilla   Diniconazole(3), Indoxacarb, Ethoprophos 11
Red hot pepper   Difenoconazole(5)
Freshwater clam Endosulfan  
Mexico Avocado Methamidophos (7) Acephate (2) 9
Ghana Cacao bean Imidacloprid(3),
2,4-D(2),Fenvalerate 7
Vietnam Paprika Hexaconazole Difenoconazole(3)*2 7
Bell pepper   Difenoconazole(2)*2
Shrimp Trifluralin  
India Cumin Profenofos (2)   3
Red hot pepper   Triazophos
Paraguay Sesame seed   Carbaryl(3) 3
USA Soy bean Fluazifop(2)   3
Rutabaga   Bifenthrin*2
Australia Orange Diuron(2)   2
Cameroon Cacao bean Cypermethrin (2)   2
Cote d’ivoire Cacao bean   2,4-D(2) 2
Spain Non glutinous rice Tebuconazole(2)   2
Taiwan Carrot   Acephate 2
Ponkan   Difenoconazole*2
Tanzania Sesame seed   Imidacloprid(2) 2
Nicaragua Sesame seed   Triazophos(2) 2
Norway Whale meat Aldrin and dieldrin, Chlordane   2
Peru Banana Fipronil(2)   2
Hong Kong Oolong tea Fipronil (2)   2
U.A.E Red hot pepper   Triazophos 1
Uganda Coffee beans Chlorpyrifos   1
Ecuador Cacao bean Diuron   1
Austria Horseradish   Difenoconazole 1
Sudan Sesame seed 2, 4-D   1
Sri Lanka Sesame seed Pirimiphos-methyl   1
Serbia Cherry   Flutriafol 1
Chile Blueberry   Indoxacarb 1
New Zealand Cabbage   Cyproconazole 1
Bangladesh Cumin Profenofos   1
Brazil Wheat processed products Pirimiphos-methyl   1
Venezuela Cacao bean   2, 4-D 1
Belgium Salsify   Difenoconazole 1
Bolivia Kidney beans   Flutriafol 1
Malaysia Cumin Profenofos   1
Myanmar Sesame seed   Imidacloprid 1
Total 140

*1 Gross number of cases violations.

*2 Violation in the reference value before the revision

Table 8-4 - Violations by Country, Item and Violation Details for Additives (FY 2013)
Country of Production Item Category Violation Details Cases*
China Processed agricultural product Sulfur dioxide (3), Cyclamic acid 29
Heat processed meat product Nitrate (2), Cyclamic acid
Dried fruit Cyclamic acid (2), Sorbic acid
Seasoning Cyclamic acid (3)
Dried vegetable Sulfur dioxide (2)
Health food Benzoic acid, Sorbic acid
Beans preparation TBHQ, Sulfur dioxide
Boiled mushroom in water Sulfur dioxide (2)
Oils and Fats TBHQ (2)
Salted vegetable Sulfur dioxide
Dried mushroom Sulfur dioxide
Nuts and seeds preparation Cyclamic acid
Nuts and seeds in syrup Sulfur dioxide
Pickles (vegetable) Sorbic acid
Frozen food (vegetable) Sulfur dioxide
Italy Confectionery Patent blueⅤ (3), Azorubin (2) 19
Soft drink Copper chlorophyll (3)
Fruit preparation Sulfur dioxide (2)
Seasoning Sulfur dioxide (2)
Biscuits Iodized salt (2)
Fruit vinegar Sulfur dioxide
Jam Sorbic acid
Sauce Sunflower lecithin*1
Liqueur Azorubin
Other food Quinoline yellow
Turky Dried fruit Sulfur dioxide (4) 14
Chocolate TBHQ (4)
Natural cheese Natamycin (4)
Confectionery Sorbic acid
Pickles ( fruit ) Benzoic acid
Brazil Cereal preparation TBHQ (3) 13
Processed agricultural product Acidic sodium alminium phosphate (3)
Biscuits TBHQ (2)
Processed wild grass product and spice BHT, TBHQ
Vinegar Sulfur dioxide
Snack food TBHQ
Red pepper preparation Sorbic acid
Belgium Chocolate Azorubin (3), Iron sesquioxide (2), Potassium aluminium silicate, Chocolate brown HT 13
Confectionery Sorbic acid (5)
Ice cream Sorbic acid
France Confectioney Azorubin (3) 10
Fruit preparation Sorbic acid, Sulfur dioxide
Sugar Azorubin, Patent blueⅤ
Candy Patent blueⅤ
Chocolate Patent blueⅤ
Frozen food (other processed product) Azorubin
USA Dried fruit Sulfur dioxide (3) 9
Confectionery TBHQ
Health food Methyl parahydroxybenzoate
Salmon roe Nitrate
Processed agricultural product Sulfur dioxide
Biscuits TBHQ
Frozen food (vegetable) Polysorbate 80
Peru Biscuit TBHQ (3), Sunflower lecithin (2) *1 8
Health food Methyl parahydroxybenzoate
Seasoning Sulfur dioxide
Powdered soft drink Azorubin
South Korea Vegetable preparation Sorbic acid (2) 6
Cereal preparation Benzoic acid
Red pepper Sudan Ⅰ
Gochujang Potassium sorbate
Powdered soft drink Sodium stearoyl lactylate
Thailand Soft drink Sulfur dioxide (2) 6
Seasoning Sorbic acid
Pickles (fruit) Cyclamic acid
Pickles (vegetable) Azorubin
Red pepper preparation TBHQ
Australia Biscuits Azorubin (2), Quinoline yellow (2) 5
Oils and Fats TBHQ
Taiwan Syrup Acesulfame potassium (2) 5
Other food Propyleneglycol (2)
Candy Cyclamic acid
Pakistan Container packing filling pressurization heating sterilization food TBHQ (5) 5
Vietnam Seasoning Benzoic acid, Orange Ⅱ, Sorbic Acid 5
Fish sauce Acesulfame potassium
Nuts and seeds preparation Cyclamic acid
India Snack food TBHQ (2) 4
Confectionery TBHQ
Seasoning TBHQ
Austria Liqueur Azorubin (4) 4
UK Seasoning Sorbic Acid 3
Fermented tea Quinoline yellow
Liqueur Azorubin
Germany Chocolate Sunflower lecithin (2) *1, Quinoline yellow 3
Myanmar Konjak tuber powder Sulfur dioxide (3) 3
Indonesia Instant noodle TBHQ 2
Frozen shrimp Sulfur dioxide
Ghana Seasoning TBHQ (2) 2
Canada Processed agricultural product L-cysteine hydrochloride, Calcium stearoyl lactate 2
Switzerland Chocolate Sorbic Acid (2) 2
Spain Chocolate Acid blue 3 sodium salt 2
Container packing filling pressurization heating sterilization food TBHQ
Philippines Processed aquatic animal product Rhodamine B 2
Boiled octopus Sulfur dioxide
New Caledonia Candy Patent blueⅤ 1
Bangladesh Fruit preparation Sulfur dioxide 1
Portugal Alcoholic beverage Metatartaric acid 1
Hong Kong Dried vegetable Sulfur dioxide 1
Malaysia Syrup Sorbic Acid 1
South Africa Dried fruit Sulfur dioxide 1
Mexico Alcoholic beverage Azorubin 1
Latvia Chocolate Azorubin 1
Total 184

*Gross number of cases violations.

Table 8-5 - Violations by Country, Item for Decay, Deterioration, Generation of Mold and Nasty smell (FY 2013)
Country of Production Item Category Cases*
Thailand Rice (16) 16
USA Wheat (4) 15
Soybean (4)
Rice (3)
Canada Wheat (7) 10
Rapeseed (3)
Brazil  Coffee bean (4) 6
Soybean (2)
Ethiopia Coffee bean (5) 5
Colombia Coffee bean (4) 4
Honduras Coffee bean (3) 3
Indonesia Coffee bean (2) 2
Laos Coffee bean (2) 2
Italy Rice 1
Uganda Coffee bean 1
Guatemala Coffee bean 1
Tanzania Coffee bean 1
Paraguay Soybean 1
Total 68

* Gross number of cases violations.

Table 8-6 - Violations by Country, Item and Violation details for Veterinary Drugs (FY 2013)
Country of Production Item Category Violation details Cases*
Excess of standard values Do not contain Non-detectable
Vietnam Shrimp Ethoxyquin (2) *2, Enrofloxacin (18) Chloramphenicol (5), Furazolidone (as AOZ) (4) 39
Squid     Chloramphenicol (2)
File fish     Chloramphenicol
India Shrimp Ethoxyquin (3) *2   Furazolidone (as AOZ) (6) 9
China Shrimp   Sulfamethoxazole , Chlortetracycline   5
White croaker   Enrofloxacin  
Eel     Malachite green
Soft-shelled turtle   Enrofloxacin  
South Korea Honey     Chloramphenicol 2
Olive flounder   Enrofloxacin  
Thailand Shrimp     Furazolidone (as AOZ) 1
Panama Beef Ivermectin     1
Total 57

*1 Gross number of cases violations.

*2 Violation in the reference value before the revision

Table 8-7 - Violations by Country and Material for Apparatus, Containers and Packaging (FY 2013)
Country of Production Material type Violation Details Cases*
China Synthetic resin Evaporation residue (16), Potassium permanganate consumption (3), Lead, Methyl methacrylate 29
Ceramic Cadmium (2), Lead (2)
Combination Evaporation residue (2)
Porcelain enamel Cadmium
Paper Coloring agent
Italia Glass Lead (2) 5
Synthetic resin Lead (2)
Rubber Zinc
Taiwan Synthetic resin Evaporation residue (2), Lead 4
Ceramic Lead
Israel Synthetic resin Potassium permanganate consumption (3) 3
Germany Synthetic resin Evaporation residue (2) 3
Rubber Zinc
France Combination Evaporation residue (2) 3
Porcelain enamel Cadmium
Mexico Synthetic resin Cadmium, Lead 3
Ceramic Lead
Indonesia Rubber Zinc (2) 2
Malaysia Rubber Zinc 2
Synthetic resin Potassium permanganate consumption
USA Synthetic resin Evaporation residue 1
Portugal Glass Lead 1
Total 56

*Gross number of cases violations.

Table 8-8 - Violations by Country and Material for Toys (FY 2013)
Country of Production Material type Violation Details Cases*
China Combination Bisphthalate (2), Coloring agent (2) 5
Synthetic resin Coloring agent
Thailand Combination Bisphthalate 1
Hong Kong Fabric Lead 1
Total 7

*Gross number of cases violations.

Table 9 - Major Examples of Enhanced Monitoring based on Overseas Information (FY 2013)
Month of Enhancement Subject Country Subject Food and Details Background and Status
May Taiwan Starch products
(Possible contamination with maleic acid)
Information was received stating that in Taiwan contamination with maleic acid was found in starch products and relevant starch products were recalled. When an import notification was made for such recall products, steps were taken for reshipment.
June Turkey Tahini (sesame paste) and related processed products
(Possible contamination with Salmonella)
Information was received stating that in Turkey tahini (sesame paste) and related processed products were recalled in relation to food poisoning occurred in the USA and New Zealand due to Salmonella. When an import notification was made for such recall products, steps were taken for reshipment etc.
June France Soft and semi-soft natural cheeses
(Possible contamination with Listeria monocytogenes)
Information was received stating that in France contamination with Listeria monocytogenes was found in soft and semi-soft natural cheeses and relevant cheeses were recalled. When an import notification was made for soft and semi-soft natural cheeses from the relevant manufacturer, steps were taken for reshipment.
July USA Soft and semi-soft natural cheeses
(Possible contamination with Listeria monocytogenes)
Information was received stating that in the USA food poisoning occurred due to Listeria monocytogenes and soft and semi-soft natural cheeses were recalled. When an import notification was made for such recall products, steps were taken for reshipment.
July Chile Chicken and related processed products
(Possible contamination with dioxin)
Information was received stating that in Chile contamination with dioxin was found in chicken meat, and issuance of sanitation certificate for chicken meat processed at the relevant facility was suspended. When an import notification was made for such chicken meat processed at the relevant facility, steps were taken for reshipment etc.
September UK Smoked salmon
(Possible contamination with Listeria monocytogenes)
Information was received stating that in the UK contamination with Listeria monocytogenes was found in smoked salmon and relevant smoked salmon was recalled. When an import notification was made for such recall products, steps were taken such as complying with the recall procedures at the exporting country.
Table 10 - Implementations of Major Bilateral Talks and On-Site Inspections (FY 2013)
Subject Item
(Inspection order item, etc.)
Bilateral Talks Date of Site Survey, etc.
Mexico, Avocado
(agricultural chemical residues)
The consultation has begun in March 2011. In June 2013, on-site inspections were carried out for verification of agricultural chemical residues control measures adopted by the Mexican government on avocados exported to Japan. Talks are continuing. Jun-13
India, Cultured shrimp and prawn
The consultation has begun in November 2012. Talks are continuing on control of furazolidone.
Argentina, Wine
The consultation has begun in March 2013. In October 2013, the Argentinean government adopted natamycin control measures. On verification of appropriate improvements, the monitoring system was changed to normal.
Thailand, Papaya
(genetic modified food)
The consultation has begun in July 2013. Implementation of remedial measures is requested.
Thailand, Asparagus, okra, banana, mango and mangosteen
(agricultural chemical residues)
The consultation has begun in November 2013. Talks are continuing.
South Korea, Red chili pepper
The consultation has begun in November 2013. In January 2014, the Korean government adopted agricultural chemical residues control measures pertaining to violations, and the inspection orders were cancelled.
(agricultural chemical residues)
Ireland, Beef
Based on the Risk Assessment Report issued by FSCJ in October 2013, the consultation with Ireland was carried out to remove import bans within the limits of the assessment. On-site inspections were carried out to confirm the preparation state for enforcing a Japan export program. The import bans on Irish beef were lifted in December 2013. Nov-13
USA, Beef
Based on the Risk Assessment Report issued by FSCJ in October 2012, the consultation with USA was carried out to review the import conditions within the limits of the assessment. In February 2013, import from designated facilities was resumed, with observation of the new Japan export program as export conditions. On-site inspections were carried out on facilities approved for export to Japan, to verify observation of the Japan export program. Talks are continuing. Dec-13
Denmark, Cheese
(Listeria monocytogenes)
The consultation has begun in November 2013. In March 2014, the Danish government adopted sanitation control measures, and the inspection orders were cancelled. Mar-14
Table 11 – Implementation of Exporting Country Pre-Inspections (FY 2013)
Subject of inspection System investigation of foods exported to Japan in the Netherlands
Relevant law • General Principles and Requirements of Food Law (Regulation (EC) No. 178/2002)
• Hygiene of Foodstuffs (Regulation (EC) No. 852/2004)
• Official Controls Performed to Ensure the Verification of Compliance with Feed and Food Law, Animal Health and Animal Welfare Rules (Regulation (EC) No. 882/2004)
Summary  Descriptions were given by a representative from the Dutch government on the food sanitation regulations in the Netherlands, and opinions were exchanged. Further, a seminar on import food monitoring systems and sanitation regulations in Japan was held targeting Dutch government officials etc.
 Additionally, on-site inspections were carried out for the conditions of production control including agricultural chemical residues and the conditions of microorganism control, at leek farms and cheese manufacturing facilities.
South Korea
Subject of inspection System investigation of foods exported to Japan in South Korea
Relevant law • FRAMEWORK ACT ON FOOD SAFETY, Act No. 10999, Aug. 4, 2011
• FOOD SANITATION ACT, Act No. 10787, jun. 7, 2011
Summary  Descriptions were given by a representative from the South Korean government on the food sanitation regulations and sanitation control systems for food exports to Japan in South Korea, and opinions were exchanged. Further, a seminar on import food monitoring systems and sanitation regulations in Japan was held targeting government officials etc.
 Additionally, on-site inspections were carried out for the conditions of agricultural chemical residues control, at mini tomato farms and paprika farms.
Subject of inspection System investigation of foods exported to Japan in Peru
Relevant law • Food Safety Law (Ley No 1062)
• Regulation of the Food Safety Law (D.S. 034-2008-AG)
• Agricultural Product Safety Regulation (No 004-2011-AG)
• General Health Law (Ley No 26842)
Summary  Descriptions were given by a representative from the Peruvian government on the food sanitation regulations and sanitation control systems for food exports to Japan in Peru, and opinions were exchanged.
 Additionally, on-site inspections were carried out for the conditions of agricultural chemical residues control for vegetables and fruit and the production control conditions for chicken egg products, pertaining to those exported to Japan.
South Africa
Subject of inspection System investigation of foods exported to Japan in South Africa
Relevant law • Agricultural Product Standards Act No,119 of 1990
• Foodstuffs, Cosmetics and Disinfectant Act No,54 of 1972
• Fertilizers, Farm Feeds, Agricultural Remedies and Stock Remedies Act No,36 of 1947
• Standards Act No,29 of 1993
Summary  Descriptions were given by a representative from the South African government on the food sanitation regulations in South Africa, and opinions were exchanged. Further, a seminar on import food monitoring systems and sanitation regulations in Japan was held targeting government officials, food suppliers, etc.
  Additionally, on-site inspections were carried out for the conditions of agricultural chemical residues control etc. at orange farms.
Subject of inspection System investigation of foods exported to Japan in Mexico
Relevant law • Federal Animal Health Law (LEY FEDERAL DE SANIDAD ANIMAL)
Summary Descriptions were given by a representative from the Mexican government on the food sanitation regulations in Mexico, and opinions were exchanged. Further, a seminar on import food monitoring systems and sanitation regulations in Japan was held targeting government officials etc.
Additionally, on-site inspections were carried out for the conditions of production control including agricultural chemicals at avocado farms.
Table 12 - Outcomes of Import Consultations at Office on Imported Food Consultation by FY
FY 2009 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY2012 FY2013
Import consultations implemented 13,275 14,324 15,122 13,962 12,492
Import consultations on item-by-item basis 34,245 34,479 27,334 27,825 23,903
Violations on item-by-item basis 310 426 354 372 354

* Offices of Imported Food Consultation are set up in each quarantine station in Otaru, Sendai, Narita Airport, Tokyo, Yokohama, Niigata, Nagoya, Osaka, Kansai Airport, Kobe, Hiroshima, Fukuoka, and Naha.

*  Figures include only advance consultations implemented prior to import in Office of Imported Food Consultation.

Table 13 - Number of Violations in Import Consultation by Provision (FY 2013)
Provision Violations (cases) Proportion(%) Details of major violations
Article 6
(Foods and additives prohibited to distribute)
4 1.0

Use of lupin
Ciguatera fish poison

Article 9
(Limitation on distribution, etc. of diseased meat, etc.)
10 2.5

Use of material sourced from beef arriving via countries with incidents of BSE (instruct to keep from importing)

Article 10
(Limitation on distribution, etc. of additives, etc.)
186 46.9

Use of Azorubin, Amidated pectin, Carboxymethylcellulose, Quinoline yellow, Sunflower lecithin, Iodized salt, Potassium iodide, Cyclamic acid, TBHQ

Article 11
(Standards and criteria for foods and additives)
196 49.4 Non-compliance with manufacturing standard, Violation of usage standards for additives
・ Non-compliance with manufacturing standard: inadequate sterilization of soft drinks
・ Use to inhibited foods: use of potassium sorbate in mayonnaise
・ Use of excessive amounts: use of polysorbate 80 in snack food
Article 18
(Standards and criteria for apparatus or containers and packaging)
1 0.3 Non-compliance with standard for materials
Total 397 (Gross)
Table 14 - Cases of Import Consultations by County, Item and Violation details (FY 2013)
Country of Production Item Violation details Cases
USA Health food Potassium sorbate(11),Use of material sourced from beef in the countries with incidents of BSE(5), Croscarmellose sodium(3), Sodium selenite(3), Chromic chloride(2), Quercetin dihydrate, Zinc gluconate,Zinc oxide,Copper(I)oxide,Choline bitartrate, Synthesized vitamin K2,Threonine calcium, Sunflower lecithin※1,Ferrous fumarate, methanol,Potassium iodide(2), Manganese sulfate 72
Confectionery Sodium benzoate(2),Zinc oxide,Sodium aluminium phosphate, acidic(2),Magnesium stearate,Sodium aluminium phosphate, Polysorbate80
Powdered soft drink Magnesium lactate(2),Sodium benzoate,Sodium aluminium silicate,Sodium stearoyl lactylate,Menaquinone7,Magnesium gluconate
Soft drink Ammoniated glycyrrhizin,silver oxide,Brominated vegetable oil,Magnesium lactate
Other food TBHQ(4),Sodium aluminium silicate(2),D-mannitol,Potassium sorbate,Zinc oxide,Sulfur dioxide,Sunflower lecithin※1
Seasoning Potassium sorbate(2)
Chocolate Potassium sorbate,Polysorbate80
Frozen food Iodized Salt(2)
Fruits preparation Silicone resin
Candy Potassium sorbate
Cookie Sunflower lecithin※1
Cake mix Sodium stearoyl lactylate
Snack Butylated hydroxytoluene
Chocolate syrup Polysorbate60
Dressing Sodium benzoate
Pancake mix Sodium aluminium phosphate
Sitosterol Undesignated additive
Apparatus Argon gas
France Seasoning Potassium sorbate(8) 39
Soft drink Sodium benzoate(6)
Chocolate Potassium sorbate(2),Quinoline yellow(2),Patent Blue V,Iron sesquioxide
Frozen dough Sunflower lecithin(3) ※1,Ferrous gluconate
Fruit wine Argon gas(3)
Fruits preparation Succistearin,Patent Blue,Potassium sodium tartrate
Dry fruit Potassium sorbate(3)
Confectionery Carmine,Patent Blue,Sunflower lecithin※1
Caffeinless coffee Dichloromethane
Chocolate cake L-Cysteine
Frozen food L-Cysteine monohydrochloride
Australia Frozen yogurt Carboxy methyl cellulose(16) 29
Health food Magnesium stearate(3), Iron oxide(2), Azorubine,Quinoline yellow,Iron sesquioxide,       Use of colostrum,Lutein
Frozen food Thiamine,Iodized Salt
Oils and Fats BHA
South Korea Health food Zinc oxide(5),Sodium aluminium silicate(3),Sodium stearoyl lactylate(3),Ferrous fumarate(3),Chromium picolinate,Polyethylene glycol 29
Powdered soft drink Calcium carbonate(3),Sodium stearoyl lactylate
Soft drink Non-conformity with manufacturing standard(2),Propylene glycol
Snack Polysorbate80(2)
Kimchi Potassium sorbate
Cereals preparation Zinc oxide
Other food Polysorbate20
Retort food Use of material sourced from beef in the countries with incidents of BSE
Spain Soft drink Cyclamic acid(11),Potassium sorbate(8) 27
Alcoholic drink Potassium aluminium silicate(3)
Health food Use of material sourced from beef in the countries with incidents of BSE (2),Potassium sorbate
Olive pickles Sorbic acid
Wine Carboxy methyl cellulose
Italy Biscuits Sunflower lecithin(5) ※1 20
Caffeinless coffee Ethyl acetate(2),Dichloromethane
Soft drink Amidated pectin,Sodium benzoate,Potassium sorbate
Seasoning Use of material sourced from beef in the countries with incidents of BSE,Sulfur dioxide,Iodine
Frozen food Potassium sorbate(2) 
Almond cookie Sorbic acid
Wheat flour preparation L-Cysteine
Seeds preparation Sunflower lecithin※1
Herb tea Use of material sourced from beef in the countries with incidents of BSE
Hungary Seasoning Potassium sorbate(13) 17
Pepper preparation Potassium sorbate(2)
Soft drink Sodium cyclamate
Bread Azorubine
Germany Health food Chromium chloride, Sodium Selenate,Sodium molybdate 15
Chocolate Sorbic acid(3)
Powdered soup Iodized Salt(3)
Retort food Iodized Salt(2)
Confectionery Lupin
Cereals Sunflower lecithin※1
Buicuits Sunflower lecithin※1
Wine jelly Sorbic acid
China Sugar Sodium methylparaben,Potassium sorbate,       Methyl cellulose 14
Seasoning Potassium sorbate(2)
Ice cream corn TBHQ
Fish paste product Sorbic acid
Fish oils Urea
Health food Ethyl acetate
Chili sauces Potassium sorbate
Biscuits L-Ascorbyl dipalmitate
Yuba Silicone resin
Vegetable praparation Sorbic acid
Apparatus Non-conformity with standard for material
Belgium Chocolate Sunflower lecithin(9)※1 11
Confectionery Sunflower lecithin※1
Soft drink Potassium sorbate
Taiwan Tapioca starch mix Potassium sorbate(3)  10
Cream powder Sodium aluminium silicate,Sodium aluminium silicate,Sodium stearoyl lactylate
Confectionery Sodium aluminium silicate,Monosodium citrate
Seasoning Sucralose,Sorbic acid
Colombia Sugar Calcium saccharin(8) 9
Liquor Benzoic acid
New Zealand Health food Propylene glycol(4),Trisodium phosphate 9
Processed fruits product Sodium copper chlorophyllin
Processed Cereals product Lactisole
Soft drink Sorbic acid
Propolis Propylene glycol
Mexico Seasoning Sodium benzoate(3),Potassium sorbate(2), Emerald green, Iodine 9
Frozen food Sodium propionate
Liqueur Potassium benzoate
Thailand Confectionery Iodine (3) 8
Seasoning Sodium benzoate,Copper chlorophyll
Udon soup Sodium benzoate
Health food Iron sesquioxide
Sor Azorubine
UK Other seasoning Potassium sorbate(4) 7
Dry banana Sunflower lecithin※1
Soft drink Potassium sorbate
Chocolate Iron sesquioxide
Switzerland Health food Ferrous gluconate(3), Magnesium gluconate(2), 7
Iron sesquioxide
Powdered soft drink Chromium chloride
Canada Soft drink Chromium(III) compound, Potassium sorbate 6
Candy Carmine
Frozen food Sorbic acid
Wine Metatartaric acid
Oils and Fats Sodium benzoate
India Processed vegetable product Sodium benzoate, Calcium acetate 5
Confectionery Iodine
Health food Ethyl acetate
Other food Ethyl acetate
Lithuania Frozen food Iodized Salt(4), Lupin 5
Indonesia Soft drink Sodium cyclamate,Sucralose 4
Grilled eel without seasoning Chlorine dioxide
Candy Magnesium stearate
Austlia Health food Potassium sorbate(2) 4
Soft drink Non-conformity with manufacturing standard
Powdered soft drink Magnesium citrate
Brazil Soft drink Potassium sorbate(2) 4
Processed bean product Disodium EDTA, Sodium sorbate
Vietnum Frozen food Potassium sorbate(4) 4
Malaysia Soft drink Non-conformity with manufacturing standard,Potassium sorbate 4
Health food Silicon dioxide
Powdered soft drink Sodium stearoyl lactylate
Israel Chewing gum Styrene-butadiene rubber (3) 3
Turkey Vegetables preparation Potassium sorbate(2) 3
Biscuits Potassium sorbate
Peru Cereal preparation TBHQ,Sorbic acid 3
Soft drink Potassium sorbate
Latvia Confectionery Ammonium phosphatides, Disodium citrate, Green S 3
Netherlands Non-alcohol beverage Potassium sorbate 2
Frozen food Sunflower lecithin※1
Singapore Other food Potassium sorbate,Sodium stearoyl lactylate 2
Finland Soft drink Potassium sorbate(2) 2
Poland Creaming powder Sodium stearoyl lactylate(2) 2
Guatemala Processed seed product TBHQ 1
Cayman Islands Confectionery Aluminum sulfate 1
Sri Lanka Processed fish product Iodized Salt 1
Slovenia Confectionery Carboxy methyl cellulose 1
Norway Fish Oil Sodium ethoxide 1
Phillipine Coconut crab Non-conformity for food  1
Malta Dry fig Potassium sorbate 1
Myanmmer Powdered soft drink Sodium aluminium silicate 1
Undetermined Epinephelus fuscoguttatus Ciguateratoxins 1
Total 397

*1 Violation case occurred before standard revision.

*2 Gross number of cases violations.

Table 15 - Imported Food Violations Detected IN Domestic Monitoring (FY 2013)
Country of Production Item Violation Details Cases*
South Korea Cultured olive flounder Kudoa septempunctata (6) 6
China Sea urchin(For raw consumption) Vibrio parahaemolyticus(MPN) (2) 3
Seasonings Benzoic acid
Thailand Instant noodle TBHQ、Peroxide Value 2
Yemen Biscuit TBHQ 1
Italy Fruit preparation Radioactive substance(Cs) 1
Spain Olive (Boiled in water) Benzoic acid 1
Phillipine Banana Fipronil 1
France Chocolate confectionery Sunflower lecithin 1
USA Confectionery TBHQ 1
Belgium Chicory Thiabendazole 1
Total 19

*Gross number of cases violations.

(Reference) Description of Key Terms
Term Description
Acid blue 3 sodium salt Undesignated additive
Nitrite Additives (coloring agent) 
Acesulfame potassium Additives (sweetener) 
Acetochlor Agricultural chemical (anilide herbicide) 
Acephate Agricultural chemical (organophosphorous insecticide) 
Sodium selenite Undesignated additive
Azorubine Undesignated additive
Atrazine Agricultural chemical (herbicide)
Aflatoxin Mycotoxin produced by the fungus Aspergillus, etc.
Amidated pectin Undesignated additive
Ametryn Agricultural chemical (triazine herbicide) 
Argon Undesignated additive
Aldrin Agricultural chemical (organochlorine insecticide)
Sodium aluminosilicate Undesignated additive
Benzoic acid Additives (preservative) 
Potassium benzoate Undesignated additive
Sodium benzoate Additives (preservative) 
Ammoniated glycyrrhizin Undesignated additive
Ammonium phosphatides Undesignated additive
Isoprocarb Agricultural chemical (insecticide)
Isoprothiolane Agricultural chemical (fungicide)
Genetic modification Technology such as fragmentation of bacterial genes, followed by arrangement of the gene sequences or introducing the arranged genes into other organism’s genes.
Ivermectin Veterinary drug (anti-parasite medicine)
Indoxacarb Agricultural chemical (insecticide) 
Ethoxyquin Feed additives (antioxidant)
Ethoprophos Agricultural chemical (insecticide)
Emerald green Undesignated additive
Chromiun chloride Undesignated additive
Chromic chloride Undesignated additive
Endosulfan Agricultural chemical (organochlorine insecticide) 
Enrofloxacin Veterinary drug (new quinolone synthetic antibacterial agent) 
Oxolinic acid Veterinary drug (quinolone synthetic antibacterial agent) 
Ofloxacin Veterinary drug (synthetic antibacterial agent) 
Orange Ⅱ Undesignated additive
Carbaryl Agricultural chemical (carbamate insecticide) 
Carboxymethyl cellulose Undesignated additive
Calmin Undesignated additive
Quinoline yellow Undesignated additive
Quercetin dihydrate Undesignated additive
Sodium dihydrogen citrate Undesignated additive
Disodium citrate Undesignated additive
Glyphosate Agricultural chemical (organophosphorous herbicide) 
Green S Undesignated additive
Zinc gluconate Additives (enhancer)
Ferrous gluconate Additives (color stabilizer) 
Magnesium gluconate Undesignated additive
Croscarmellose sodium Undesignated additive
Chromic compound Undesignated additive
Chloramphenicol Veterinary drug (chloramphenicol antibiotic) 
Chlordane Agricultural chemical (organochlorine insecticide)
Chlorpyriphos Agricultural chemical (organophosphorous insecticide) 
Potassium aluminium silicate Undesignated additive
Sodium aluminium silicate Undesignated additive
Diarrhetic shellfish toxin Shellfish toxin (mainly refers to toxins produced by a harmful plankton accumulated in clams, toxic clams cause diarrhetic poisoning) 
Cyclamic acid Undesignated additive
Sodium cyclamate Undesignated additive
Ethyl acetate Additives (manufacturing agent)
Calcium acetate Undesignated additive
Succistearin Undesignated additive
Calcium saccharin Undesignated additive
Salmonella Pathogenic microorganism (A bacterium that is ubiquitous in the intestines of
animals as well as in nature, such as rivers, sewage and lakes. It contaminates meat,
mostly poultry and eggs, and causes acute abdominal pain, diarrhea, fever and
Zinc oxide Undesignated additive
Silver oxide Undesignated additive
Copper(I) oxide Undesignated additive
Acidic sodium aluminum phosphate Undesignated additive
Cyanide Harmful or poisonous compound  (cyanide-related compounds  (e.g., cyanogenic glycoside) )  found in vegetables such as some varieties of beans.
Diuron  (DCMU)  Agricultural chemical (herbicide) 
Dichloromethane Undesignated additive
Diniconazole Agricultural chemical (triazole fungicide) 
L-ascorbyl dipalmitate Undesignated additive
Difenoconazole Agricultural chemical (triazole fungicide) 
Cyproconazole Agricultural chemical (triazole fungicide)
Cypermethrin Agricultural chemical (pyrethroid insecticide) 
Simeconazole Agricultural chemical (triazole fungicide) 
Choline bitartrate Undesignated additive
Brominated vegetable oil Undesignated additive
Potassium sodium tartrate Undesignated additive
Silicone resin Additives (anti-foaming agent)
Cyromazine Agricultural chemical (heterocyclic insecticide)
Sudan Ⅰ Undesignated additive
Sucralose Additives (sweetener) 
Styrene-butadiene rubber Undesignated additive
Magnesium stearate Additives (enhancer) 
Calcium stearoyl lactylate Additives (emulsifier)
Sodium stearoyl lactylate Additives (emulsifier)
Sulfadimidine Veterinary drug (synthetic antibacterial agent)
Sulfamethoxazole synthetic antibacterial agent (sulfa agent) 
Sodium selenate Undesignated additive
Sorbic acid Additives (preservative) 
Potassium sorbate Additives (preservative) 
Sodium sorbate Undesignated additive
Calcium carbonate Additives (enhancer)
Thiabendazole Agricultural chemical (heterocyclic fungicide)
Vibrio parahaemolyticus Pathogenic microorganism (A bacterium living in seawater  (estuaries, coastal areas, etc.)  that commonly contaminates fish and shellfish, and causes abdominal pain, watery diarrhea, fever and vomiting.) 
Enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli  ( E.coli )  O26, O157 etc. Pathogenic microorganism (A bacterium that normally lives in the intestines of animals. It contaminates foods and drinking water by way of faces and urine, and causes acute abdominal pain and bloody diarrhea together with large amounts of fresh blood after early cold-like symptoms.) 
Chocolate brown HT Undesignated additive
Dieldrin Agricultural chemical (organochlorine insecticide)
Tetracyclines antibiotics Generic name of the antibiotics having a constant spectrum. i.e., oxytetracycline, chlortetracycline and tetracycline etc.
Tebuconazole Agricultural chemical (triazole fungicide) 
Sodium copper chlorophyllin Additives (coloring agent) 
Copper chlorophyll Additives (coloring agent) 
Triadimenol Agricultural chemical (phenoxy fungicide) 
Triazophos Agricultural chemical (phenoxy insecticide) 
Trifluralin Agricultural chemical (dinitroaniline insecticide) 
Threonine calcium Undesignated additive
Natamycin Additives (used for food manufacturing) 
Sodium ethoxide Undesignated additive
Sulfur dioxide Additives (antioxidant) 
Chlorine dioxide Additives (flour treatment agents)
Silicon dioxide Additives (manufacturing agent) 
Magnesium lactate Undesignated additive
Urea Undesignated additive
Paclobutrazol Agricultural chemical (triazole growth regulator)
Patulin Mycotoxin (produced by the fungi such as Penicillium and Aspergillus)
Patent blue V Undesignated additive
Methyl p-hydroxybenzoate Undesignated additive
Haloxyfop Agricultural chemical (herbicide) 
Chromium picolinic acid Undesignated additive
Bifenthrin Agricultural chemical (insecticide)
Pyridaben Agricultural chemical (insecticide)
Pirimiphos methyl Agricultural chemical (insecticide)
Famoxadone Agricultural chemical (fungicide)
Fipronil Agricultural chemical (heterocyclic insecticide) 
Fenvalerate Agricultural chemical (pyrethroid insecticide) 
Ferrous fumarate Undesignated additive
Brown HT Undesignated additive
Furazolidone Veterinary drug (nitrofuran synthetic antibacterial agent) ; generates AOZ when metabolized
Fluazifop Agricultural chemical (herbicide)
Fluquinconazole Agricultural chemical (fungicide)
Flutriafol Agricultural chemical (triazole fungicide)
Sodium propionate Additives (preservative)
Propiconazole Agricultural chemical (fungicide) 
Propylene glycol Additives (solvent) 
Propham Agricultural chemical (herbicide)
Profenophos Agricultural chemical (organophosphorous insecticide) 
Prometryn Agricultural chemical (triazine herbicide) 
Hexachlorobenzene Agricultural chemical (organochlorine insecticide)
Hexaconazole Agricultural chemical (triazole fungicide)
Phoxim Agricultural chemical (insecticide) 
Polyethylene glycol Undesignated additive
Polysorbate Additives (emulsifier) 
Paralytic shellfish poison Shellfish poison (mainly refers to toxins produced by a harmful plankton accumulated in clams, toxic clams cause paralytic poisoning) 
Malachite green Veterinary drug (triphenylmethane synthetic antibacterial agent) 
Metatartaric acid Undesignated additive
Methanol Undesignated additive
Methamidophos Agricultural chemical (organophosphorous insecticide) 
Metalaxyl Agricultural chemical (anilide fungicide)
Methyl cellulose Additives (thickening agents or stabilizers)
Menaquinone‐7 Undesignated additive
Mefenoxam Agricultural chemical (anilide fungicide)
Sodium molybdate Undesignated additive
Potassium iodide Undesignated additive
Iodine Undesignated additive
Iodized salt Undesignated additive
Lactisole Undesignated additive
Listeria monocytogenes Pathogenic microorganism (A normal flora in the natural environment that contaminates milk products and processed meat products, and causes influenza-like symptoms including tiredness and fever) 
Aluminium sulfate Undesignated additive
Manganese sulfate Undesignated additive
Tricalcium phosphate Additives (enhancer)
Sodium aluminum phosphate Undesignated additive
Rhodamine B Undesignated additive
2,4-D Agricultural chemical (phenoxy acid herbicide) 
4-Chlorophenoxyacetic acid Agricultural chemical (plant growth regulator)
Sodium methylparaben Undesignated additive
Iron sesquioxide Additives (coloring agent) 
BHA (butylated hydroxyanisole) Additives (antioxidant) 
BHT (butylhydroxytoluene) Additives (antioxidant)
BSE (bovin spongiform encephalopathy) An indolent malignant central neurological disease in cattle that causes a spongy degeneration in the brain tissues and symptoms including astasia.
D-mannitol Additives (sweetener)
Disodium ethylenediaminetetraacetate Additives (antioxidant)
Kudoa septempunctata Kind of parasite that causes food poisoning. (Myxosporidia) 
L-cysteine Undesignated additive
L-cysteine hydrochloride Additives (enhancer)
TBHQ Undesignated additive
