Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare


Basic Survey for Compilation of Input-Output Tables

Summary of the survey

1 Purpose of the survey

The purpose of the survey is to understand the actual situation such as details of the establishments cost for business activity, and to obtain basic data on departmental input structure for the Input-Output Tables.

2 History of the survey

The survey has been implemented every five years since 1975.

3. Legal basis on the survey

The survey is implemented as the coordination of statistical reports under the Statistical Reports Coordination Act (Law No. 148, 1952).

4 Subject of the survey

The subject of the survey is approximately 900 establishments, which are engaged in “Hygienic Material Manufacturing”, “Medical Product Manufacturing”, “Medical Services”, “Health and Sanitation” and “Social Welfare”, and are selected from private establishments all over the country through purposive selection.

5 Sampling method

The method of sampling is purposive selection implemented as follows: For “Hygienic Material Manufacturing”, the industrial association list is set as the population, and selection is made in the order from largest class of size of employees. For “Medical Product Manufacturing”, “Medical Services”, “Health and Sanitation” and “Social Welfare”, the result of the “2004 Establishment and Enterprise Census” (implemented by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications) is set as the population and selection is made in the order from largest class of size of employees, for each industry.

6 Survey items

(1) Number of employees

(2) Sales amount

(3) Details of cost (Salary, allowance and bonus, direct material cost, cost of light, heat, fuel, water, etc.)

(4) Details of direct material cost

(5) Details of sales of scrap and by-products

* The subject period of the survey is from January 1st, 2005 to December 31st, 2005. In addition, the number of employees is as of the end of December 2005.

7 Implementation period

June to July, 2006

8 Survey method
Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare


Establishments which are subject to survey

The survey is implemented through mailing, on the basis of self-administered method.

○ Contact us

Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, Secretariat Statistics and Information Department, Planning Division, Examination and Analysis Office, Input-Output Tables Section (Extension 7390)

○ For the Input-Output Tables, please refer to: (Link to the Bureau of Statistics of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications)

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