ホーム > 政策について > 分野別の政策一覧 > 他分野の取り組み > 国際関係 > 日本とILO > ILO総会について > 第103回ILO総会の開催 > Statement made by Mr. Shigeki Sato Senior Vice Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare, the Government of Japan at the103rd Session of the International Labour Conference (June 6, 2014)

Statement made by Mr. Shigeki Sato Senior Vice Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare, the Government of Japan at the103rd Session of the International Labour Conference (June 6, 2014)

 Thank you very much, Mr./Madam Chair.
 It is a great honor for me to have the opportunity to make a statement on behalf of the Japanese Government at the 103rd International Labour Conference.

 First of all, I would like to pay tribute to the strong leadership of the Director General, Mr. Guy Ryder, on the reform of the ILO and “Centenary Initiatives”.

 Since his inauguration in October 2012, the Director General has been implementing large reforms in succession, such as the reform of the organization of the ILO’s headquarters, the regional organization and the reform of the personnel management system.
 Japan considers these reforms highly important for the ILO to continue to be essential for all the tripartite constituents, seizing the needs of the new era.

 Japan strongly expects that, in the near future, the ILO will develop into an organization which can take increased initiative in the international community.

 Mr./Madam Chair, Japan has been improving the employment system under the development strategy of Abenomics.
 While the Japanese economy is now on its way to recovery, it is extremely important to provide support for employment and to maintain a strong working environment, which are wheels for the recovery. In particular, the Japanese Government is making much effort to promote the advancement of women, one of the “ILO’s centenary initiatives” that Mr. Ryder set.

 Firstly, it has decided that child care leave benefits should be raised from 50% to 67% of his or her wages in the first 6 months of the leave.

 Secondly, it is implementing a program to ensure nurseries for 200 thousand children by the end of FY2014, and for 400 thousand by the end of FY2017.

 Lastly, concerning the percentage of women in leadership roles in all areas of our society, it has targeted that the percentage should be at least 30% by 2020.
 We aim to realize a society in which all people including women can make the most of their abilities through these efforts.

 Mr./Madam Chair, we continuously have sufficient tripartite discussion before the decision and implementation of labour policies, including the abovementioned ones. We aim to improve our employment system, bearing in mind the importance of social dialogue, which is at the heart of the ILO.

 In respect of the peace of the world and stability of the region, Japan puts emphasis on the achievement of Decent Work, especially through the regional office for Asia and the Pacific.
 In particular, concerning workers in the informal economy, which is one of the agenda items of this ILC, Japan has been implementing the “Way out of informality: Facilitating Formalization of the Informal Economy in South Asia Project” to support the transition to employment with protection of workers.

 Japan is also supporting the establishment of social insurance systems or social safety nets in various countries.

 I sincerely hope that, through our technical corporation, the knowledge and experience of Japanese employment policies could be shared in many countries and could contribute to the achievement of realization of social justice, which is the ILO’s ultimate target.

 Mr./Madam Chair, with the international community in the midst of worldwide financial and employment crises, the presence of the ILO, which aims to realize social justice, has been growing greater and greater.
 I would like to end my speech by confirming that the Japanese Government extends its utmost efforts to the activities of the ILO, which shoulders an important mission. We support the Director General’s initiatives in various areas.

 Thank you very much.

ホーム > 政策について > 分野別の政策一覧 > 他分野の取り組み > 国際関係 > 日本とILO > ILO総会について > 第103回ILO総会の開催 > Statement made by Mr. Shigeki Sato Senior Vice Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare, the Government of Japan at the103rd Session of the International Labour Conference (June 6, 2014)
