Kikuchi Keifuen

What Hansen's disease is………


Hansen's disease (Leprosy)is an infectious disease derived from the French word "leper" and from the Greek word "lepros" which means scaly, referring to the scales that form on the skin in some cases of leprosy and that has been known for thousands of years. Leprosy is characterized by disfiguring skin sores, nerve damage, and progressive debilitation. Leprosy is caused by a bacterium which affects various parts of the body, including in particular the skin and nerves. Leprosy is a difficult disease to transmit and has a long incubation period. Children are more susceptible than adults to contracting the disease. Misinformation about this disease promoted prejudice and discrimination, and the policy of excluding and isolating patients from society justified under the Leprosy Prevention Law in Japan demonstrated a sad aspect of history where human rights of patients were ignored.

Even now, though curatives have been developed, prejudice in some countries where Hansen's disease exists, is an ongoing concern. Since this is a reality, it continues to be important to educate the public that Hansen's disease is curable now through early detection and care. "Please do not discriminate against those who were unfortunate enough to become inflicted with Hansen's disease."

Medical treatments for Hansen's disease…………


In countries where Hansen's disease still occurs, 3 different antibacterial medicines comprise a basic treatment regime and together with others are used for free under the guidance of WHO.

In Japan, 4 different anti Hansen's disease medicines are used with medical insurance coverage and patients have been able to take medical treatment as out -patients at general medical institutions after the abolition of the Leprosy Prevention Law.