ホーム > 政策について > 分野別の政策一覧 > 他分野の取り組み > 研究事業 > 令和2年度 厚生労働科学研究の概要 > 事前評価委員会名簿 > 長寿科学・認知症研究事業事前評価委員名簿



赤池 昭紀 和歌山県立医科大学・教授
Multiplex neural circuit tracing with G-deleted rabies viral vectors. Suzuki., Morimoto N., Akaike A. and Osakada F., Front Neural Circuits. 13, article 77. doi: 10.3389/fncir.2019.00077 (2020)
Nicotinic acetylcholine receptor signaling in neuroprotection. Akaike, A., Shimohama, S. and Misu, Y., Springer (2018) ISBN 978-981-10-8487-4
Integrin α5β1 expression on dopaminergic neurons is involved in dopaminergic neurite outgrowth on striatal neurons. 288. Izumi, Y., Wakita, S., Kanbara, C., Nakai, T., Akaike, A. and Kume, T., Sci. Rep., 7:42111. doi: 10.1038/srep42111 (2017)
秋山 治彦 横浜市立脳卒中・神経脊椎センター 臨床研究部長
Akiyama H, McGeer PL,Specificity of mechanisms for plaque removal after Abeta immunotherapy for Alzheimer's disease,Nat Med 10: 117-118,2004
Akiyama H, Mori M, Saido T, et al., Occurrence of the diffuse amyloid β-protein(Aβ) deposits with numerous Aβ-containing glial cells in the cerebral cortex of patients with Alzheimer's disease, Glia 25: 324-331, 1999
Akiyama H, Kameyama M, Akiguchi I, et al., Periodic acid-Schiff(PAS)-positive, granular structures increase in the brain of senescence accelerated mouse(SAM), Acta Neuropathol 72:124-129, 1986
飯島 節 筑波大学名誉教授
Yamaguchi Y, Mori H, Ishii M, Okamoto S, Yamaguchi K, Iijima S, Ogawa S, Ouchi Y, Akishita M: Interview- and questionnaire-based surveys on elderly patients’ wishes about artificial nutrition and hydration during end-of-life care. Geratr Gerontol Int, 16: 1204-1210, 2016.
Ouchi Y, Toba K, Ohta K, Kai I, Shimizu T, Higuchi N, Shimazono S, Iijima S, Suwa S, Nishimura M, Ninomiya H and Aita K: Guidelines from the Japan Geriatrics Society for the decision-making processes in medical and long-term care for the elderly: Focusing on the use of artificial hydration and nutrition. Geriatr Gerontol Int 18: 823-827, 2018.
The Japanese Geriatric Society Ethics Committee: Iijima S, Aida N, Ito H, Endo H, Ohrui T, Sodei T, Toba K, Hara K, Momose Y, Uemura K, Nakano H, Miura H and Kuzuya M: Position statement from the Japan Geriatrics Society 2012: End-of-life care for the elderly. Geriatr Gerontol Int 14: 735-739, 2014.
石井 好二郎 同志社大学スポーツ健康科学部・教授
Comparison of quadriceps setting strength and knee extension strength tests to evaluate lower limb muscle strength based on health-related physical fitness values in elderly people. Ito Y, Aoki T, Sato T, Oishi K, Ishii K. BMJ Open Sport Exerc Med. 6(1): e000753, 2020.
Optimal conditions for obtaining valid step count measurements in hospitalized patients with abnormal gait. Oba T, Iwase H, Oshima Y, Miyazaki J, Ishii K. Prog Rehabil Med, 2: 20170016, 2017.
Effects of a year-long pedometer-based walking program on cardiovascular disease risk factors in active older people. Miyazaki R, Kotani K, Tsuzaki K, Sakane N, Yonei Y, Ishii K. Asia Pac J Public Health, 27(2): 155-163, 2015.
鳥羽 研二 東京都健康長寿医療センター 理事長
Relationship between dementia and gut microbiome-associated metabolites: a cross-sectional study in Japan.
Saji N, Murotani K, Hisada T, Kunihiro T, Tsuduki T, Sugimoto T, Kimura A, Niida S, Toba K, Sakurai T.Sci Rep. 2020 May 18;10(1)
Are Japanese Older Adults Rejuvenating? Changes in Health-Related Measures Among Older Community Dwellers in the Last Decade. Suzuki T, Nishita Y, Jeong S, Shimada H, Otsuka R, Kondo K, Kim H, Fujiwara Y, Awata S, Kitamura A, Obuchi S, Iijima K, Yoshimura N, Watanabe S, Yamada M, Toba K, Makizako H.
Rejuvenation Res. 2021 Feb;24(1)
Hearing impairment is associated with cognitive function in community-dwelling older adults: A cross-sectional study. Saji N, Makizako H, Suzuki H, Nakai Y, Tabira T, Obuchi S, Kawai H, Murotani K, Katayama N, Toba K, Uchida Y, Nakashima T.
Arch Gerontol Geriatr. 2021 Mar-Apr;93
羽生 春夫 東京医科大学高齢総合医学分野特任教授/総合東京病院認知症疾患研究センター長
Shimizu S, Takenoshita N, Tsugawa A, Hirose D, Kaneko Y, Ogawa Y, Serisawa S, Ueda K, Sakurai S, Hirao K, Kanetaka H, Kanbayashi T, Imanishi T, Sakurai H, Hanyu H. Positive association between cognitive function and cerebrospinal fluid orexin A levels in Alzheimer’s disease. J Alzheimers Dis. 73:117-123,2020.
Hirose D, Shimizu S, Hirao K, Ogawa Y, Satou T, Kaneko Y, Takenoshita N, Namioka N, Fukasawa R, Umahara T, Sakurai H, Watanabe R, Hanyu H. Neuroimaging Characteristics of Frailty Status in Patients with Alzheimer's Disease. J Alzheimers Dis. 67:1201-1208, 2019.
Takenoshita N, Shimizu S, Kanetaka H, Sakurai H, Suzuki R, Miwa T, Odawara M, Ishii K, Shimada H, Higuchi M, Suhara T, Hanyu H. Classification of clinically diagnosed Alzheimer disease associated with diabetes based on amyloid and tau PET results. J Alzheimers Dis. 71: 261-271, 2019
正木 治恵 千葉大学大学院看護学研究院・教授
Consensus development of quality indicators for end‐of‐life care for elders in Japan. Harue Masaki, Nobuko Kawai, Keiko Matsumoto, Miyoko Kuwata, Sachiko Yoshioka, Midori Nishiyama, Ryoko Uchino, Hiroko Nagae, Megumi Teshima, Sayuri Sakai, Kazuko Endo. International Journal of Nursing Practice. 23(S1), 2017.
高齢者の主体的な健康を創出・支援する老人看護専門技術の評価指標の開発. 正木治恵、谷本真理子、黒田久美子、高橋良幸、鳥田美紀代、喜多敏明、千葉大学大学院看護学研究科紀要、4、9-19、2018.
看護学テキストNiCE『老年看護学概論 「老いを生きる」を支えることとは』 正木治恵、真田弘美編集、正木治恵他共著、改訂第3版、南江堂、2020.
丸山 晋二 愛知県衣浦東部保健所・所長
多職種連携における行政の役割 丸山晋二. 第21回日本医療マネジメンント学会学術総会シンポジウム. 2019 (名古屋)
愛知県における社会医学系専門医制度の現状と展望. 公衆衛生.  2018; 82(4): 306-312.

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