ホーム > 政策について > 分野別の政策一覧 > 他分野の取り組み > 研究事業 > 令和2年度 厚生労働科学研究の概要 > 中間・事後評価委員名簿 > 循環器疾患・糖尿病等生活習慣病対策総合研究事業中間・事後評価委員名簿



川上 康 筑波大学医学医療系・教授
The redox status of cysteine thiol residues of apolipoprotein E impacts on its lipid interactions.
Yamauchi K, Kawakami Y. Biol Chem. 2020 Apr 28;401(5):617-627.
The impact of right bundle branch block on right ventricular size and function assessed by three-dimensional speckle-tracking echocardiography.
Nakazawa N, Ishizu T, Seo Y, Kawamatsu N, Sato K, Yamamoto M, Machino-Ohtsuka T, Horigome H, Hiramatsu Y, Ieda M, Kawakami Y.Heart Vessels. 2020 Apr;35(4):576-585.
Left Ventricular Longitudinal Strain as a Marker for Point of No Return in Hypertensive Heart Failure Treatment.
Ishizu T, Seo Y, Namekawa M, Murakoshi N, Ieda M, Kawakami Y.J Am Soc Echocardiogr. 2020 Feb;33(2):226-233.
合田 敏尚 静岡県立大学食品栄養科学部 副学長
Self-reported faster eating is positively associated with accumulation of visceral fat in middle-aged apparently healthy Japanese men. Mochizuki K, Yamada M, Miyauchi R, Misaki Y, Kasezawa N, Tohyama K, Goda T. Eur J Nutr. 53: 1187-1194, 2014.
The alpha-glucosidase inhibitor miglitol decreases glucose fluctuations and inflammatory cytokine gene expression in peripheral leukocytes of Japanese patients with type 2 diabetes. Osonoi T, Saito M, Mochizuki K, Fukaya N, Muramatsu T, Inoue S, Fuchigami M, Goda T. Metabolism 59: 1816-1822, 2010.
Availability, fermentability and energy value of resistant maltodextrin: A modeling of short-term indirect calorimetry measurements in healthy adults. Goda T, Kajiya Y, Suruga K, Tagami H, Livesey G. Am J Clin Nutr. 83: 1321-1330, 2006.
齊藤 延人 国立大学法人東京大学・教授
Comprehensive investigation of RNF213 nonsynonymous variants associated with intracranial artery stenosis. Hongo H, Miyawaki S, Imai H, Shimizu M, Yagi S, Mitsui J, Ishiura H, Yoshimura J, Doi K, Qu W, Teranishi Y, Okano A, Ono H, Nakatomi H, Shimizu T, Morishita S, Tsuji S, Saito N. Sci Rep 10(1): 11942, 2020.
Association Between the Onset Pattern of Adult Moyamoya Disease and Risk Factors for Stroke. Hirano Y, Miyawaki S, Imai H, Hongo H, Ohara K, Dofuku S, Teranishi Y, Nakatomi H, Saito N. Stroke 51(10): 3124-3128, 2020.
Re-Evaluation of the Size Limitation in Single-Session Stereotactic Radiosurgery for Brain Arteriovenous Malformations: Detailed Analyses on the Outcomes with Focusing on Radiosurgical Doses. Hasegawa H, Hanakita S, Shin M, Sugiyama T, Kawashima M, Takahashi W, Ishikawa O, Nakatomi H, Saito N. Neurosurgery 86(5): 685-696, 2020.
代田 浩之 順天堂大学保健医療学部教授・学部長
Relationship Between Kihon Checklist Score and Anxiety Levels in Elderly Patients Undergoing Early Phase II Cardiac Rehabilitation. Honzawa A, Nishitani-Yokoyama M, Shimada K, Kunimoto M, Yamada M, Matsubara T, Matsumori R, Fujiwara K, Abulimiti A, Aikawa T, Ouchi S, Shimizu M, Sugita Y, Shimada A, Yamamoto T, Amano A, Asai T, Saito M, Morisawa T, Takahashi T, Fujiwara T, Daida H, Minamino T. CARDIOLOGY RESEARCH 2020, 11(6): 405-411
Effect of pemafibrate (K-877) a novel selective peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor alpha modular (SPPARM alpha) in atherosclerosis model using low density lipoprotein receptor knock-out swine with balloon injury. Konishi H, Miyauchi K, Onishi A, Suzuki S, Fuchimoto D, Shitara J, Endo H, Wada H, Doi S, Naito R, Ogita M, Dohi T, Kasai T, Daida H. PLOS ONE 2020, 15(11): e0241195
Preliminary Pilot Study of Combined Effects of Physical Activity and Achievement of LDL-Cholesterol Target on Coronary Plaque Volume Changes in Patients with Acute Coronary Syndrome. Nishitani-Yokoyama M, Miyauchi K, Shimada K, Yokoyama T, Ouchi S, Aikawa T, Kunimoto M, Yamada M, Honzawa A, Okazaki S, Tsujita H, Koba S, Daida H. JOURNAL OF CLINICAL MEDICINE 2020, 9(5): 1578
中村好一 自治医科大学・教授
中村好一.疫学と統計手法:特に因果関係を中心に(科学と裁判).判例時報 2020:2446号:106-110.
Ae R, Makino N, Kosami K, Kuwabara M, Matsubara Y, Nakamura Y. Epidemiology, treatments, and cardiac complications in patients with Kawasaki disease: The nationwide survey in Japan, 2017-2018. J Pediatr 2020; 225: p23-29.e2. doi:10.1016/j.jpeds.2020.05.034.
中村好一.基礎から学ぶ楽しい疫学 第4版.東京:医学書院,2020.
成松 英智 札幌医科大学医学部救急医学講座・教授
Narimatsu E, Niiya T, Takada Y, Takahashi K, Yamauchi M, Yamakage M. Blockers of adenosine A1, but not muscarinic acetylcholine, receptors improve excessive extracellular glutamate-induced synaptic depression. Neurosci Res. 2013 Feb;75(2):103-11.
Narimatsu E, Niiya T, Takahashi K, Yamauchi M, Yamakage M. Pralidoxime inhibits paraoxon-induced depression of rocuronium-neuromuscular block in a time-dependent fashion. Am J Emerg Med. 2012 Jul;30(6):901-7.
Narimatsu E, Niiya T, Kawamata T, Kawamata M, Yamakage M. Effects of atropine and pralidoxime on neuronal actions of paraoxon in rat hippocampal slices. Neurosci Res. 2010 Dec;68(4):276-84.
籏持知恵子 大阪府立大学大学院看護学研究科 教授
Work-related, personal, and diabetes-related factors relevant to dropout from outpatient diabetes treatment visits among Japanese male employees with diabetes: Nao Sonoda, Soichiro Watanabe, Yuko Ohno, Kayo Godai, Chieko Hatamochi, Yoshie Sugimoto, Satoko Okawa, Maiko Shikama, Akiko Morimoto, Diabetology International,    DOI: 10.1007/s13340-019-00420-x,2019
前期高齢糖尿病患者の血糖コントロールに関連する要因; 増田誠一郎、籏持知恵子, 日本糖尿病教育・看護学会誌,24(1), 87-94 DOI:10.24616/jaden.24.1_87,2020.
Intervention Effect Based on Self-Regulation to Promote the Continuation of Self-Care Behavior of Patients with Type-2 Diabetes Mellitus, Nariko Chuman, Chieko Hatamochi, Health, 13,472-481, 2021. DOI: 10.4236/health.2021.134037
早渕 仁美 奈良女子大学生活環境学部 特任教授
Effect of monosodium glutamate on saltiness and palatability
ratings of low-salt solutions in Japanese adults according to
their early salt exposure or salty taste preference. Morita R, Ohta M, Umeki M, Nanri A, Tsuchihashi T. and Hayabuchi H. Nutrients 2021; 13, 577. https://doi.org/10.3390/nu13020577
Validation of preferred salt concentration in soup based on a randomized blinded experiment in multiple regions in Japan - influence of umami (L-glutamate) on saltiness and palatability of low-salt solutions. Hayabuchi H, Morita R, Ohta M, Nanri A, Matsumoto H, Fujitani S, Yoshida S, Ito S, Sakima A, Takase H, Kusaka M, Tsuchihashi T. Hypertens res. 2020; 43, 525-533.
減塩のすべて〜理論から実践まで〜. 日本高血圧学会減塩委員会編,早渕仁美 他共著,東京:南江堂,2019
三嶋 理晃 大阪府済生会野江病院 院長
Mishima M, Hirai T, Itoh H, Nakano Y, Sakai H, Muro S, Nishimura K, Oku Y, Chin K, Ohi M, Nakamura T, Bates JH, Alencar AM, Suki B. Complexity of terminal airspace geometry assessed by lung computed tomography in normal subjects and patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1999; 96(16): 8829-34.
Setoh K, Terao C, Muro S, Kawaguchi T, Tabara Y, Takahashi M, Nakayama T, Kosugi S, Sekine A, Yamada R, Mishima M, Matsuda F. Three missense variants of metabolic syndrome-related genes are associated with alpha-1 antitrypsin levels. Nat Commun. 2015; 6: 7754.
Yamamoto Y, Gotoh S, Korogi Y, Seki M, Konishi S, Ikeo S, Sone N, Nagasaki T, Matsumoto H, Muro S, Ito I, Hirai T, Kohno T, Suzuki Y, Mishima M.Long-term expansion of alveolar stem cells derived from human iPS cells in organoids. Nat Methods. 2017; 14(11): 1097-1106.
水澤 英洋 国立研究開発法人国立精神・神経医療研究センター・理事長
The Neurology of COVID-19 revisited: A proposal from the Environmental Neurology Specialty Group of the World Federation of Neurology to implement international neurological registries. Roman C.G, Spencer S.P, Reis J, Buguet A, Mostafa El Alaoui Faris, Katrak M.S, Lainez M, Medina T.M, Meshram C, Mizusawa H, Ozturk S, Wasay M, and, on behalf of the WFN Environmental Neurology Specialty Group. J Neuro Sci. 2020 May 07; 414:116884.
Longitudinal analysis of risk factors for dementia based on Mild Cognitive Impairment Screen results and questionnaire responses from healthy Japanese individuals registered in an online database. Ogawa M, Maruo K, Sone D, Shimada H, Suzuki K, Watanabe H, Matsuda H, Mizusawa H. Alzheimers Dement (N Y). 2019 Aug 2; 5:347-353.
Tyrosol Reduces Amyloid-β Oligomer Neurotoxicity and Alleviates Synaptic, Oxidative, and Cognitive Disturbances in Alzheimer's Disease Model Mice. Taniguchi K, Yamamoto F, Arai T, Yang J, Sakai Y, Itoh M, Mamada N, Sekiguchi M, Yamada D, Saitoh A, Kametani F, Tamaoka A, Araki YM, Wada K, Mizusawa H, Araki W. J Alzheimers Dis. 2019 Jun 21; 70(3):937-952.
安井 利一 明海大学・学長
スタンダード衛生・公衆衛生(第16版)・安井利一 他・学建書院・2019年
Quantification of the Ability of Natural Products to Prevent Herpes Virus Infection. Fukuchi K, Sakagami H, Sugita Y, Takao K, Asai D, Terakubo S, Takemura H, Ohno H, Horiuchi M, Suguro M, Fujisawa T, Toeda K, Oizumi H, Yasui T, Oizumi T. Medicines (Basel). 2020 Oct 6;7(10)
クマ笹葉アルカリ抽出液(ササヘルス®)は,瞬間的にウイルスを不活化する。坂上宏、福地邦彦、 浅井大輔、寺久保繁美、竹村弘、堀内美咲、藤澤知弘、勝呂まどか、戸枝一喜、安井利一、大泉浩史、大泉高明、New Food Industry 62(11): 785-790. 2020.
横山 啓太郎 慈恵医大晴海トリトンクリニック所長
Randomised clinical trial of ferric citrate hydrate on anaemia management in haemodialysis patients with hyperphosphataemia: ASTRIO study.
Yokoyama K, Fukagawa M, Akiba T, Nakayama M, Ito K, Hanaki K, Wolf M, Hirakata H.
Sci Rep. 2019 Jun 20;9(1):8877.

Long-Term Efficacy and Safety of Evocalcet in Japanese Patients with Secondary Hyperparathyroidism Receiving Hemodialysis.
Yokoyama K, Shimazaki R, Fukagawa M, Akizawa T; Evocalcet Study Group.
Sci Rep. 2019 Apr 23;9(1):6410.

Safety and efficacy of etelcalcetide, an intravenous calcimimetic, for up to 52 weeks in hemodialysis patients with secondary hyperparathyroidism: results of a post-marketing surveillance in Japan.
Yokoyama K, Fukagawa M, Shigematsu T, Akiba T, Yoshikawa K, Tsuchiya A, Kuwabara M, Akizawa T.
Clin Exp Nephrol. 2021 Jan;25(1):66-79.
「健康をマネージメントする」横山啓太郎 単著, C.C.C.メディアハウス, (2019).
「生活習慣病克服プログラム」横山啓太郎 単著, 学研プラス(2021)
Effect of Ferric Citrate Hydrate on Fibroblast Growth Factor 23 and Serum Alpha-Klotho in Hemodialysis Patients with Hyperphosphatemia, under Serum Phosphate Level was maintained: ASTRIO Study, Supplementary Analysis. Yokoyama K. Fukagawa M, AkibaT, Nakayama M, Hanaki K, Kyoko I, Hirakata H N. American Society of Nephrology Kidney Week New Orleans. 2018 Nov. (J Am Soc Nephrol.掲載)

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