ホーム > 政策について > 分野別の政策一覧 > 他分野の取り組み > 研究事業 > 令和元年度 厚生労働科学研究の概要 > 事前評価委員会名簿 > 循環器疾患・糖尿病等生活習慣病対策総合研究事業事前評価委員名簿



赤川 安正 広島大学名誉教授
A multi-centered epidemiclogical study evaluating the validity of the treatment difficulty indices developed by the Japan Propsthodontic Society
Kuboki T, Ichikawa T, Baba K, Fujisawa M, Sato H, Aita H, Koyama S, Hideshima M, Sato Y, Wake H, Kimura-Ono A, Nagao K, Kodaira-Ueda Y, Tamaki K, Sadamori S, Tsuga K, Nishi Y, Sawase T, Koshino H, Masumi SI, Sakurai K, Ishibashi K, Ohyama T, Akagawa Y, Hirai T, Sasaki K, Koyano K, Yatani H, Matsumura H.
J Prosthodont Res. 62(2): 162-170,2018.
A stability evaluation of a novel titanium dental implant/interconnected porous hydroxyapatite complex under functional loading conditions.
Doi K, Kubo T, Kajihara S, Makihara Y, Oue H, Oki Y, Perrotti V, Piattelli A, Akagawa Y, Tsuga K.
Dent Mater J. 36(5): 647-653,2017.
よくわかる口腔インプラント学(第3版)、赤川安正、松浦正朗、矢谷博文、渡邉文彦 編集、医歯薬出版、2018年.
石田裕美 女子栄養大学・教授
Association between parents’work hours and nutrient inadequacy in
Japanese schoolchildren on weekdays and weekends. Horikawa C,
Murayama N, Ishida H, Yamamoto T, Hazano S, Nakanishi A, Arai Y,
Nozue M, Yoshioka Y, Saito S, Abe A. Nutrition 70 110598 2020
栄養学雑誌 78143-151 2020
衛生行政報告例からみた事業所給食施設における栄養士、管理栄養士の配置の現状 高橋孝子、石田裕美 給食経営管理学会誌 14 21-30 2020
小川 久雄 国立研究開発法人 国立循環器病研究センター 理事長
Ogawa H, Nakayama M, Morimoto T, Uemura S, Kanauchi M, Doi N, Jinnouchi H, Sugiyama S, Saito Y; Japanese Primary Prevention of Atherosclerosis With Aspirin for Diabetes (JPAD) Trial Investigators. JAMA. 2012 Nov 14;308(18):1861.
Ogawa H, Kim-Mitsuyama S, Matsui K, Jinnouchi T, Jinnouchi H, Arakawa K, for the OlmeSartan and Calcium Antagonists Randomized (OSCAR) Study Group. Angiotensin II receptor blocker-based therapy in Japanese elderly, high-risk, hypertensive patients. Am J Med 125(10):981-990, 2012
Yasuda S, Kaikita K, Akao M, Ako J, Matoba T, Nakamura M, Miyauchi K, Hagiwara N, Kimura K, Hirayama A, Matsui K, Ogawa H; AFIRE Investigators. Antithrombotic Therapy for Atrial Fibrillation with Stable Coronary Disease. The New England Journal of Medicine 381(12):1103-1113, 2019.
春日 雅人 公益財団法人 朝日生命成人病研究所・所長
CITED2 links hormonal signaling to PGC-lα acetylation in regulation of gluconeogenesis.
Sakai M., Matsumoto M., Tujimural T., Yongheng C., Noguchi T., Inagaki K., Inoue H., Hosooka T., Takazawa K., Kido Y., Yasuda K., Hiramatsu R., Matsuki Y., Kasuga M.
Nature Medicine18:612-617 (2012)
Structure and function of the insulin receptor-a personal perspective
Masato Kasuga
The PDK1-Fox01 signaling in adipocytes controls systemic insulin sensitivity through the 5-lipoxygenase-leukotriene B4 axis
Hosooka.T., ... Kasuga.M.,Ogawa.W.
Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci.USA 117,11674-11684(2020)
小林 廉毅 東京大学大学院医学系研究科 教授
管理職の健康―─他職種との比較,時代的変遷,今後の課題.田中宏和、小林廉毅.日本労働研究雑誌 2020; No.725: 82-98.
Light to moderate amount of lifetime alcohol consumption and risk of cancer in Japan. Zaitsu M, Takeuchi T, Kobayashi Y, Kawachi I. Cancer 2020; 126: 1031-1040.
Effect of a medical subsidy on health service utilization among schoolchildren: a community-based natural experiment in Japan. Miyawaki A, Kobayashi Y. Health Policy 2019; 123: 353-359.
斎藤 能彦 公立大学法人奈良県立医科大学 循環器内科学講座・教授
Saito Y, Ogawa H, Morimoto T.
Response by Saito et al to Letter Regarding Article, "Low-Dose Aspirin for Primary Prevention of Cardiovascular Events in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: 10-Year Follow-Up of a Randomized Controlled Trial".
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Onoue K, Uemura S, Takeda Y, Somekawa S, Iwama H, Imagawa K, Nishida T, Morikawa Y, Takemoto Y, Asai O, Soeda T, Okayama S, Ishigami K, Nakatani K, Kawata H, Horii M, Nakajima T, Akai Y, Iwano M, Saito Y
Reduction of circulating soluble fms-like tyrosine kinase-1 plays a significant role in renal dysfunction-associated aggravation of atherosclerosis.
Circulation. 15;120:2470-2477, 2009
Ogawa H, Nakayama M, Morimoto T, Uemura S, Kanauchi M, Doi N, Jinnouchi H, Sugiyama S, Saito Y
Low-dose aspirin for primary prevention of atherosclerotic events in patients with type 2 diabetes: a randomized controlled trial.
JAMA. 300:2134-2141, 2008
嶋津 岳士 大阪大学大学院医学系研究科 教授
Epidemiology and outcome of adult out-of-hospital cardiac arrest of non-cardiac origin in Osaka: a population-based study.
Kitamura T, Kiyohara K, Sakai T, Iwami T, Nishiyama C, Kajino K, Nishiuchi T, Hayashi Y, Katayama Y, Yoshiya K, Shimazu T.
BMJ Open. 2014 Dec 22;4(12):e006462.
Epidemiological profile of emergency medical services in Japan: a population-based descriptive study in 2016.
Nakao S, Katayama Y, Kitamura T, Hirose T, Sado J, Ishida K, Tachino J, Umemura Y, Kiguchi T, Matsuyama T, Kiyohara K, Shimazu T.
Acute Med Surg. 2020 Jan 30;7(1):e485.
Epidemiological profile of emergency medical services in Japan: a population-based descriptive study in 2016.
Nakao S, Katayama Y, Kitamura T, Hirose T, Sado J, Ishida K, Tachino J, Umemura Y, Kiguchi T, Matsuyama T, Kiyohara K, Shimazu T.
Acute Med Surg. 2020 Jan 30;7(1):e485.
杉本 壽 大阪大学 名誉教授
Age and sex analyses of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest in Osaka, Japan. Iwami T, Hiraide A, Sugimoto H, et al Resuscitation 2003, 57:145-152
Serial changes in leukocyte deformability and whole blood rheology in patients with sepsis or trauma. Nishino M, Tanaka H, Ogura H, Inoue Y, Koh T, Fujita K, and Sugimoto H J Trauma, Vol.59 No.6, p1425~1431,2005
Protective effects of a selective neutrophil elastase inhibitor (sivelestat) on lipopolysaccharide-induced acute dysfunction of the pulmonary microcirculation. Inoue Y, Seiyama A, Tanaka H, Ukai I, Akimau P, Nishino M, Shimazu T, and Sugimoto H Crit care med, Vol.33 No.8, p1814~1822, 2005
田代 順子 聖路加国際大学 名誉教授
Toward Advanced Nursing Practice along with People-Centered Care Partnership Model for Sustainable Universal Health Coverage and Universal Access to Health. T. Kamia, K. Takahashi, J. Omori, N. Arimori, H. Hishinuma, K. Asahara, y. Shimpuku, K. Ohashi, J. Tashiro . Rev. Latino-Am. Enfermagem. 2017; 25:e2839.www.eerup.usp.br/raise
ワークブック:国際保健・看護基礎論.監修 田代順子他共著、PILAR Press. (2016)
Graduate Nursing Education for Advanced Practice in Japan: Roles of APN, and Development of Program. At The 4th International Nursing Conference in 2017. September, 20-22, 2017. Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia

Schoolchildren's Obesity Status, Lifestyle Behaviotos, and Their Predictors: Development of Healthy Weight Model in Urban Indonesia. A. Ogata, A. Mafutuhah, M. Mardinanti, J. Tashiro. The International Council of Nurses Congress in 2017, Barcelona, Spain,
松井茂之 名古屋大学 教授
Matsui S, Noma H, Qu P, Yoshio Sakai, Matsui K, Heuck C, Crowley J. (2018). Multi-subgroup gene screening using semi-parametric hierarchical mixture models and the optimal discovery procedure: application to a randomized clinical trial in multiple myeloma. Biometrics 74, 313-320.
Matsui S, Crowley J. (2018). Biomarker-stratified phase III clinical trials: enhancement with a subgroup-focused sequential design. Clinical Cancer Research 24, 994-1001.
Matsui S, Buyse M, Simon R. (eds). Design and Analysis of Clinical Trials for Predictive Medicine. CRC Press, 2015.

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