ホーム > 政策について > 分野別の政策一覧 > 他分野の取り組み > 研究事業 > 2019年度(平成31年度) 厚生労働科学研究の概要 > 中間・事後評価委員会名簿 > 長寿科学政策研究・認知症政策研究事業中間・事後評価委員名簿



赤池 昭紀 和歌山県立医科大学・客員教授
(業績・実績その1) (著書)
Nicotinic acetylcholine receptor signaling in neuroprotection. Akaike, A., Shimohama, S. and Misu, Y., Springer (2018) ISBN 978-981-10-8487-4
(業績・実績その2) (研究論文)
Integrin α5β1 expression on dopaminergic neurons is involved in dopaminergic neurite outgrowth on striatal neurons. 288. Izumi, Y., Wakita, S., Kanbara, C., Nakai, T., Akaike, A. and Kume, T., Sci. Rep., 7:42111. doi: 10.1038/srep42111 (2017)
(業績・実績その3) (研究論文)
Isolation, identification, and biological evaluation of Nrf2-ARE activator from the leaves of green perilla (Perilla frutescens var. crispa f. viridis). Izumi, Y., Matsumura, A., Wakita, S., Akagi, K., Fukuda, H., Kume, T., Irie, K., Takada-Takatori, Y., Sugimoto, H., Hashimoto, T. and Akaike, A., Free Radic. Biol. Med., 53, 669-679 (2012)
秋山 治彦 横浜市立脳卒中・神経脊椎センター 臨床研究部長
Long-term oral intake of aluminium or zinc does not accelerate Alzheimer pathology in AβPP and AβPP/tau transgenic mice. Akiyama H, Hosokawa M, Kametani F, Kondo H, Chiba M, Fukushima M, Tabira T. Neuropathology 2012, 32:390-397
Specificity of mechanisms for plaque removal after Abeta immunotherapy for Alzheimer's disease,Akiyama H, McGeer PL, Nat Med 10: 117-118,2004
Occurrence of the diffuse amyloid β-protein(Aβ) deposits with numerous Aβ-containing glial cells in the cerebral cortex of patients with Alzheimer's disease, Akiyama H, Mori M, Saido T, Kondo H, Iked K, and McGeer PL, Glia 25: 324-331, 1999
浅井 清文 名古屋市健康福祉局・医監
The Janus kinase inhibitor to facitinib inhibits TNF-α-induced gliostatin expression in rheumatoid fibroblast-like synoviocytes. Kawaguchi Y, Waguri-Nagaya Y, Tatematsu N, Oguri Y, Kobayashi M, Nozaki M, Asai K, Aoyama M, Otsuka T. Clin Exp Rheumatol. 2018 Jul-Aug;36(4):559-567. Epub 2018 Jan15. PMID:293528463.
Developmental defects and aberrant accumulation of endogenous psychosine in oligodendrocytes in a murine model of Krabbe disease. Inamura N, Kito M, Go S, Kishi S, Hosokawa M, Asai K, Takakura N, Takebayashi H, Matsuda J, Enokido Y. Neurobiol Dis. 2018 Dec;120:51-62. doi:10.1016/j.nbd.2018.08.023. Epub 2018 Aug 31.PMID:301763524.
Neuroprotective erythropoietin attenuates microglial activation, including morphological changes, phagocytosis, and cytokine eproduction. Tamura T, Aoyama M, Ukai S, Kakita H, Sobue K, Asai K. BrainRes. 2017 May1;1662:65-74. doi:10.1016/j.brainres.2017.02.023. Epub 2017 Mar 1. PMID:282577807.
犬塚 貴 岐阜市民病院・認知症疾患医療センター長
1 Reduction in the numbers of drugs administered to elderly in-patients with polypharmacy by a multidisciplinary review of medication using electronic medical records.
Hayashi Y, Godai A, Yamada M, Yoshikura N, Harada N, Koumura A, Kimura A, Okayasu S, Matsuno Y, Kinosada Y, Itoh Y, Inuzuka T.
Geriatr Gerontol Int. 2017;17(4):653-658.
2 Association between naturally occurring anti-amyloid β autoantibodies and medial temporal lobe atrophy in Alzheimer's disease.
Kimura A, Takemura M, Saito K, Yoshikura N, Hayashi Y, Inuzuka T.
J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry. 2017; 88(2):126-131.
3 Antibodies against the tom40 subunit of the translocase of the outer mitochondrial membrane complex and cognitive impairment in Alzheimer's disease.
Kimura A, Sakurai T, Yamada M, Koumura A, Hayashi Y, Tanaka Y, Hozumi I, Ohtaki H, Chousa M, Takemura M, Seishima M, Inuzuka T.
J Alzheimers Dis. 2012;29(2):373-377.
植田耕一郎 日本大学歯学部・教授
<研究論文> Measurement of Pharyngo-laryngeal Volume During Swallowing Using 320-Row Area Detector Computed Tomography. Takatoshi Iida, Hitoshi Kagaya, Yoko Inamoto, Seiko Shibata, Eiichi Saitho, Daisuke Kanamori, Shuji Hashimoto, Kazuhiro Katada, Haruka Tohara, Kouchiro Ueda. Dysphagia, June, 2017. 22-29.
<著作> 「脳卒中患者の口腔ケア 第2版」植田耕一郎単著,医歯薬出版,(2015)
<学術的発表> 摂食嚥下リハビリテーションの見地にたった口腔ケア,植田耕一郎,第30回日本老年歯科医学会シンポジウム,2019(仙台)
上月 正博 東北大学大学院医学系研究科教授
Renal-protective effects of chronic exercise and antihypertensive therapy in hypertensive rats with renal failure. Kohzuki M, Kamimoto M, Wu X-M, Xu H-L, Kawamura T, Mori N, Nagasaka M, Minami N, Kanazawa M, Saito T, Yoshida K: J Hypertens 2001;19: 1877-1882.
「新編内部障害のリハビリテーション第2版」上月正博編著, 医歯薬出版、2018.
「重複障害のリハビリテーション」上月正博編著, 三輪書店、2015.
諏訪 さゆり 千葉大学大学院看護学研究科・教授
Sayuri Suwa, Mayuko Tsujimura, Naonori Kodate, Sarah Donnelly, Helli Kitinoja, Jaakko Hallila, Marika Toivonen, Hiroo Ide, Camilla Bergman-Karpijoki,Erika Takahashi,Mina Ishimaru,Atsuko Shimamura, Wenwei Yu.(2020) Exploring perceptions toward home-care robots for older people in Finland, Ireland, and Japan: A comparative questionnaire study. Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics. DOI:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.archger.2020.104178
Sayuri Suwa,Akiyo Yumoto,Mari Ueno,Tomoko Yamabe,Yumiko Hoshishiba,Mihoko Sato. Characteristics of care methods for daily life disabilities in Alzheimer’s type dementia that respect autonomy and independence. Nursing Open.2019;00:1-12.
Sayuri Suwa,Sayuri Otani,Mayuko Tsujimura,Kotoko Nogawa,Yoko Shiya.The diary of a nonagenarian‐centenarian woman with dementia: Memory loss, life changes, and community care in Japan. Int J Nurs Pract. 2018;24(S1):e12655.https://doi.org/10.1111/ijn.12655
鳥羽研二 国立長寿医療センター理事長特任補佐
The relationship between the gut microbiome and mild cognitive impairment in patients without dementia: a cross-sectional study conducted in Japan. Naoki Saji , Kenta Murotani , Takayoshi Hisada , Tsuyoshi Tsuduki , Taiki Sugimoto , Ai Kimura Shumpei Niida , Kenji Toba, Takashi Sakurai Sci Rep. Dec 18;9(1) 2019
Geriatric practice during and after the COVID-19 pandemic.
Omura T, Araki A, Shigemoto K, Toba K.
Geriatr Gerontol Int. 2020 Jul;20(7)
Are Japanese Older Adults Rejuvenating? Changes in Health-Related Measures Among Older Community Dwellers in the Last Decade.
Suzuki T, Nishita Y, Jeong S, Shimada H, Otsuka R, Kondo K, Kim H, Fujiwara Y, Awata S, Kitamura A, Obuchi S, Iijima K, Yoshimura N, Watanabe S, Yamada M, Toba K, Makizako H.
Rejuvenation Res. 2020 Jul 8. doi: 10.1089

ホーム > 政策について > 分野別の政策一覧 > 他分野の取り組み > 研究事業 > 2019年度(平成31年度) 厚生労働科学研究の概要 > 中間・事後評価委員会名簿 > 長寿科学政策研究・認知症政策研究事業中間・事後評価委員名簿
