ホーム > 政策について > 分野別の政策一覧 > 他分野の取り組み > 研究事業 > 平成30年度 厚生労働科学研究の概要 > 事前評価委員会名簿 > がん対策推進総合研究事業事前評価委員名簿



天野 慎介 一般社団法人グループ・ネクサス・ジャパン 理事長
天野 慎介.患者が確実に専門的な緩和ケアにつながる仕組みに向けて.がん患者と対症療法, メディカルレビュー社, 28巻1号, 2019年3月
天野 慎介.国のがん対策におけるサバイバーシップ支援の今までとこれから.癌と化学療法, 癌と化学療法社, 44巻8号, 2017年8月
天野 慎介.緩和ケアの推進に向けた課題と今後の対策.公衆衛生, 医学書院, 81巻3号, 254-259, 2017年3月
有賀 悦子 帝京大学医学部緩和医療学講座 教授
Inoue S, Saito Y, Tsuneto S, Aruga E, Ogata T, Uemori M. A double-blind, randomized comparative study to investigate the morphine to hydromorphone conversion ratio in Japanese cancer patients. Japanese Journal of Clinical Oncology. 2018; 48(5): 442-449.
Inoue S, Saito Y, Tsuneto S, Aruga E, Takahashi H, Uemori M. A randomized, double-blind, non-inferiority study of hydromorphone hydrochloride immediate-release tablets versus oxycodone hydrochloride immediate-release powder for cancer pain: efficacy and safety in Japanese cancer patients. Japanese Journal of Clinical Oncology. 2018; 48(6): 542-547.
北川雄光 慶應義塾大学医学部 外科学・教授
Takeuchi M, Kawakubo H, Mayanagi S, Suzuki Y, Okabayashi K, Yamashita T, Kamiya S, Irino T, Fukuda K, Nakamura R, Suda K, Wada N, Takeuchi H, Kitagawa Y. Perioperative risk calculator for distal gastrectomy predicts overall survival in patients with gastric cancer. Gastric Cancer 22(3): 624-631, 2019.05
Seino T, Kawasaki S, Shimokawa M, Tamagawa H, Toshimitsu K, Fujii M, Ohta Y, Matano M, Nanki K, Kawasaki K, Takahashi S, Sugimoto S, Iwasaki E, Takagi J, Itoi T, Kitago M, Kitagawa Y, Kanai T, Sato T. Human Pancreatic Tumor Organoids Reveal Loss of Stem Cell Niche Factor Dependence during Disease Progression. Cell Stem Cell 22(3): 454-467.e6, 2018.03
Kudo T, Hamamoto Y, Kato K, Ura T, Kojima T, Tsushima T, Hironaka S, Hara H, Satoh T, Iwasa S, Muro K, Yasui H, Minashi K, Yamaguchi K, Ohtsu A, Doki Y, Kitagawa Y. Nivolumab treatment for oesophageal squamous-cell carcinoma: an open-label, multicentre, phase 2 trial. Lancet Oncol 18(5): 631-639, 2017.05
小西 郁生 独立行政法人国立病院機構 京都医療センター・院長
Basu P, Mukhopadhyay A, Konishi I.
Targeted therapy for gynecologic cancers: Toward the era of precision medicine.
Int J Gynaecol Obstet. 2018;143 Suppl 2:131-136
Ikuo Konishi
Basic principle and step-by-step procedure of abdominal hysterectomy: Part 2
In: Precision Surgery in Obstetrics and Gynecology, Surg J, 2018, pp1-12,
DOI: 10.1055/s-0038-1676467
Thieme Medical Publishers, New York, USA
第72回国立病院総合医学会 基調講演
小松 浩子 慶應義塾大学看護医療学 学部長
がん看護学 緩和ケア
Komatsu H, Yagasaki K, Yamauchi H. Fertility decision-making under certainty and uncertainty in cancer patients. Sex Reprod Healthc. 2018. 15:40-45.
Molassiotis A, Yates P, Li Q, So WKW, Pongthavornkamol K., Pittayapan P, Komatsu H, Thandar M, Li M-S, Titus Chacko S, Butcon J, Wyld W, Chan RJ on behalf of the STEP study collaborators. Mapping unmet supportive care needs, quality of life perceptions and current symptoms in cancer survivors across the Asia-Pacific region: Results from the international STEP study. Annals of Oncology. 2017. 28(10):2552-2558.
Chan RJ, Yates P, Li Q, Komatsu H, Lopez V, Thandar M, Chacko ST, So WKW, Pongthavornkamol K, Yi M, Pittayapan P, Butcon J, Wyld D, Molassiotis A; STEP study collaborators.Oncology practitioners' perspectives and practice patterns of post-treatment cancer survivorship care in the Asia-Pacific region: Results from the STEP study.BMC Cancer. 2017. 17(1):715.
祖父江 友孝 大阪大学大学院医学系研究科・教授
Sobue T, Suzuki T, Naruke T. A case-control study for evaluating lung-cancer screening in Japan. Int J Cancer, 50: 230-7, 1992.
Sobue T, Moriyama N, Kaneko M, Kusumoto M, Kobayashi T, Tsuchiya R, Kakinuma R, Ohmatsu H, Nagai K, Nishiyama H, Matsui E, Eguchi K. Screening for lung cancer with low-dose helical computed tomography: Anti-Lung Cancer Association Project. J Clin Oncol, 20: 911-20, 2002.
Sobue T, Yamamoto S, Hara M, Sasazuki S, Sasaki S, Tsugane S, JPHC Study Group. Japanese Public Health Center. Cigarette smoking and subsequent risk of lung cancer by histologic type in middle-aged Japanese men and women: the JPHC study. Int. J. Cancer, 99: 245-251, 2002.
中釜 斉 国立がん研究センター 理事長・総長
Miyazaki M, Otomo R, Matsushima-Hibiya Y, Suzuki H, Nakajima A, Abe N, Tomiyama A, Ichimura K, Matsuda K, Watanabe T, Ochiya T,Nakagama H, Sakai R, Enari M. The p53 activator overcomes resistance to ALK inhibitors by regulating p53-target selectivity in ALK-driven neuroblastomas. Cell Death Discov, 4:56, 2018
Yachida S, Wood LD, Suzuki M, Takai E, Totoki Y, Kato M, Luchini C, Arai Y, Nakamura H, Hama N, Elzawahry A, Hosoda F, Shirota T, Morimoto N, Hori K, Funazaki J, Tanaka H, Morizane C, Okusaka T, Nara S, Shimada K, Hiraoka N, Taniguchi H, Higuchi R, Oshima M, Okano K, Hirono S, Mizuma M, Arihiro K, Yamamoto M, Unno M, Yamaue H, Weiss MJ, Wolfgang CL, Furukawa T, Nakagama H, Vogelstein B, Kiyono T, Hruban RH, Shibata T. Genomic Sequencing Identifies ELF3 as a Driver of Ampullary Carcinoma. Cancer Cell, 29(2):229-40, 2016
Shiokawa D, Sato A, Ohata H, Mutoh M, Sekine S, Kato M, Shibata T, Nakagama H, Okamoto K. The Induction of Selected Wnt Target Genes by Tcf1 Mediates Generation of Tumorigenic Colon Stem Cells. Cell Rep, 19(5):981-994, 2017
原 純一 大阪市立総合医療センター副院長、小児医療センター長
Rearrangement of variable region T cell receptor gamma genes in acute lymphoblastic leukemia. V gamma gene usage differs in mature and immature T cells. Hara J, Benedict SH, Yumura K, Ha-Kawa K, Gelfand EW. J Clin Invest 83(4):1277-1283. 1989.
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Okada K, Nakano Y, Yamasaki K, Nitani C, Fujisaki H, Hara J. Sorafenib treatment in children with relapsed and refractory neuroblastoma: an experience of four cases. Cancer Med.5(8):1947-9. 2016.
伏見 清秀 東京医科歯科大学医療政策情報学分野・教授
Mikayo Toba, Mutsuko Moriwaki, Noriko Ohshima, Akifumi Aiso, Mari Shima,Yoko Nukui, Satoshi Obayashi and Kiyohide Fushimi. Prevention of surgical site infection via antibiotic administration according to guidelines after gynecological surgery. J Obstet Gynaecol Res.44:1800-1807, 2018.
Sano, M., Fushimi, K. Association of Palliative Care Consultation With Reducing Inpatient Chemotherapy Use in Elderly Patients With Cancer in Japan: Analysis Using a Nationwide Administrative Database. Am J Hosp Palliat Care. 201708; 34(7): 685〜691.
Ayako Oda, Hiroyo Kuwabara, Kiyohide Fushimi. Disparities associated with breast reconstruction in Japan. Plast. Reconstr. Surg. 132(6): 1392-1399, 2013

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