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市村 恵一 自治医科大学名誉教授・石橋総合病院病院長
Ichimura K :Mechanism of nasal obstruction in patients with allergic rhinitis. Clin Exper Allergy Rev, 10:20-27,2010.
Sejima T, Madoiwa S, Mimuro J, Sugo T, Okada S, Ueshima Shi, Matsuo S, Ishida T, Ichimura K, Sakata Y: Protection of plasminogen activatorinhibitor-1-deficient mice from nasal allergy. Immunology 174:8135-8143, 2005.
2016年版鼻アレルギー診療ガイドライン−通年性鼻炎と花粉症― ライフ・サイエンス 2015
興梠 博次 社会保険大牟田天領病院・病院長
CD8 and CD103 are highly expressed in asthmatic bronchial intraepithelial lymphocytes, I Hirosako S, Goto E, Tsumori K, Fujii K, Hirata N, Ando M, Kohrogi H. Int Arch Allergy Immunol 2010, 153:157-165.
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Allergen exposure induces the expression of endothelial adhesion molecules in passively sensitized human bronchus: time course and the role of cytokines, Hirata N, Kohrogi H, Iwagoe H, Goto E, Hamamoto J, Fujii K, Yamaguchi T, Kawano O, Ando M. Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol 1998, 18:12-20.
桑名 正隆 日本医科大学大学院医学研究科 大学院教授
Kuwana M, Okazaki Y, Yasuoka H, Kawakami Y, and Ikeda Y. Defective vasculogenesis in systemic sclerosis. Lancet. 2004; 364(9434): 603-610.
Gono T, and Kuwana M. Choosing the right biomarkers to predict ILD in myositis. Nat. Rev. Rheumatol. 2016; 12(9): 504-506. doi:10.1038/nrrheum.2016.120
Kuwana M and Medsger TA, Jr. The clinical aspects of autoantibodies. In “Scleroderma -From Pathogenesis to Comprehensive Management”. Second edition. Edited by Varga J, Denton CP, Wigley FM, Allanore Y, and Kuwana M: Springer, New York, USA. 2017: p207-220.
竹内 勤 慶應義塾常任理事
Tasaki S, Suzuki K, Kasai Y, Takeshita M, Murota A, Kondo Y, Ando T, Nakayama Y, Okuzono Y, Takiguchi M, Kurisu R, Miyazaki T, Yoshimoto K, Yasuoka H, Yamaoka K, Morita R, Yoshimura A, Toyoshiba H, and Takeuchi T. Multi-omics monitoring of drug response in rheumatoid arthritis: In pursuit of molecular remission. Nature communications, 9:2755, 2018.
Takeuchi T, Genovese MC, Haraoui B, Li Z, Xie L, Klar R, Pinto-Correia A, Otawa S, Lopez-Romero P, de la Torre I, Macias W, Rooney T, and Smolen JS. Dose reduction of baricitinib in patients with rheumatoid arthritis achieving sustained disease control: Results of a prospective study. Ann Rheum Dis, 78:171-8, 2019.
Genovese MC, Kalunian K, Walker D, Gottenberg G-C, de Vlam K, Mozaffarian N, Bartok B, Matzkies F, Gao J, Guo Y, Tasset C, Sundy JS, and Takeuchi T. Filgotinib in patients with bDMARD-refractory active rheumatoid arthritis: a randomized, placebo-controlled global phase 3 trial. JAMA online July 23, 2019.


菱田 明 浜松医科大学・名誉教授
Cardiovascular events and death in Japanese patients with chronic kidney disease.
Tanaka K, Watanabe T, Takeuchi A, Ohashi Y, Nitta K, Akizawa T, Matsuo S, Imai E, Makino H, Hishida A; CKD-JAC Investigators. Kidney Int. 91(1):227-234. 2017.
Risk factors for CKD progression in Japanese patients: findings from the Chronic Kidney Disease Japan Cohort (CKD-JAC) study.
Inaguma D, Imai E, Takeuchi A, Ohashi Y, Watanabe T, Nitta K, Akizawa T, Matsuo S, Makino H, Hishida A; Chronic Kidney Disease Japan Cohort Study Group. Clin Exp Nephrol. 21(3):446-456.2017.
Risk of end-stage renal disease in Japanese patients with chronic kidney disease increases proportionately to decline in estimated glomerular filtration rate.
Matsushita K, Chen J, Sang Y, Ballew SH, Shimazaki R, Fukagawa M, Imai E, Coresh J, Hishida A. Kidney Int. 90(5):1109-1114.2016.
佐々木 成 東京医科歯科大学・名誉教授
AKAPs-PKA disruptors increase AQP2 activity independently of vasopressin in a model of nephrogenic diabetes insipidus. Ando F, Mori S, Yui N, Morimoto T, Nomura N, Sohara E, Rai T, Sasaki S, Kondo Y, Kagechika H, Uchida S. Nat Commun. 2018 Apr; 9(1):1411.
Anaemia management and mortality risk in newly visiting patients with chronic kidney disease in Japan: The CKD-ROUTE study. Iimori S, Naito S, Noda Y, Nishida H, Kihira H, Yui N, Okado T, Sasaki S, Uchida S, Rai T. Nephrology. 2015 Sep;20 (9):601-8.
Hereditary nephrogenic diabetes insipidus in Japanese patients: analysis of 78 families and report of 22 new mutations in AVPR2 and AQP2. Sasaki S, Chiga M, Kikuchi E, Rai T, Uchida S. Clin Exp Nephrol. 2013 Jun; 17(3):338-44.
富野 康日己 医療法人社団松和会・常務理事
“How to treat patients with chronic kidney disease: With special focus on IgA nephropathy” Yasuhiko Tomino. Nephrology. 2018 Oct. 23; Vol.23 Suppl. 4 :76-79,
“Clinical Features of Hereditary and Mast Cell-mediated Angioedema Focusing on the Differential Diagnosis in Japanese Patients” Isao Ohsawa, Daisuke Honda, Atsuko Hisada, Hiroyuki Inoshita, Kisara Onda-Tsueshita, Satoshi Mano, Nobuyuki Sato, Yuya Nakamura, Tatsuo Shimizu, Hiromichi Gotoh, Yoshikazu Goto, Yusuke Suzuki and Yasuhiko Tomino: Intern Med. 2018 Feb 1; 57(3) :319-324.
“Rac1 in podocytes promotes glomerular repair and limits the formation of sclerosis” Rin Asao, Takuto Seki, Miyuki Takagi, Hiroyuki Yamada, Fumiko Kodama, Yoshiko Hosoe-Nagai, Eriko Tanaka, Juan Alejandro Oliva Trejo, Kanae Yamamoto-Nonaka, Yu Sasaki, Teruo Hidaka, Takashi Ueno, Motoko Yanagita, Yusuke Suzuki, Yasuhiko Tomino, Katsuhiko Asanuma. Sci Rep. 2018 Mar 22; 8(1):5061.
東原 英二 杏林大学医学部 遺伝性腎疾患研究講座 特任教授
Eiji Higashihara, John B.Stokes,Juha P.Kokko,William B.Campbell, Thomas D.DuBose. Cortical and papillary micropuncture examination of chloride transport in segments of the rat kidney during inhibition of prostaglandin production. J Clin Invest. 64: 1277-1287, 1979.
Eiji Higashihara, Kikuo Nutahara, Kiichiro Tago, Akira Ueno, Tadao Niijima. Medullary sponge kidney and renal acidificantion defect. Kidney Int. 25: 453-459, 1984.
Eiji Higashihara, Kikuo Nutahara, Mitsuhiro Tanbo,Hidehiko Hara, Isao Miyazaki, Kuninori Kobayashi, Toshiaki Nitatori. Does increased water intake prevent disease progression in autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease? Nephrol Dial Transplant. 29: 1710-1719. 2014.

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