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吉川泰弘 千葉科学大学危機管理学部 教授
Influenza A virus infection in Japanese wild boars (Sus scrofa leucomystax)
H, Shimoda, D. V. Nguyen, K. Yonemitsu, S. Minami, N. Nagata, N. Hara, R. Kuwata, S. Murakami, Y. Kodera, T. Takeda, Y. Yoshikawa, T. Horimoto, K. Maeda, Journal of Veterinary Medical Science, 79, 848-851, (2017)
Evaluation of bovine viral diarrhoea virus control strategies in dairy herds in Hokkaido, Japan, using stochastic modelling. Sekiguchi S, Presi P, Omori R, Staerk K, Schuppers M, Isoda N, Yoshikawa Y, Umemura T, Nakayama H, Fujii Y, Sakoda Y. Transbound Emerg Dis. 65,135-144, (2018)
「感染症とバイオセーフティ」 吉川泰弘 空気清浄、55、47−55、(2017)
一色 賢司 (一財)日本食品分析センター学術顧問、北海道大学名誉教授
「意図的食品汚染と食品衛生」一色賢司、食品衛生学雑誌、56(2),j25-30 (2015)
永井 良三 自治医科大学・学長
Taguchi I, Nagai R et al. High-Dose Versus Low-Dose Pitavastatin in Japanese Patients With Stable Coronary Artery Disease (REAL-CAD): A Randomized Superiority Trial. Circulation 2018;137:1997-2009.
Nakaya T, Nagai R et al. KLF5 regulates the integrity and oncogenicity of intestinal stem cells. Cancer Res. 2014; 74: 2882-91.
Fujiu K, Nagai R et al. A heart-brain-kidney network controls adaptation to cardiac stress through tissue macrophage activation and cellular communication. Nat Med 2017, 23:611-622.
高坂新一 国立精神・神経医療研究センター名誉所長
Microglial Ramification, Surveillance, and Interleukin-1β Release Are Regulated by the Two-Pore Domain K+ Channel THIK-1. Madry C. et al., Neuron 97, 299-312, 2017
Transgenic Monkey Model of the Polyglutamine Diseases Recapitulating Progressive Neurological Symptoms. Tomioka I. et al., eNuero 28, 0250-16, 2017.
Microglia turnover with aging and an Alzheimer model via long-term in vivo single-cell imaging. Fuger et al., Nat, Neurosci. 1371-1376, 2017
今井田克己 香川大学医学部長
Imaida K., Current Situation and Issues of Risk Analysis of Food Safety in Japan Foods & Food Ingredients. J. Jpn. 223:1-2. 2018.
Yokohira M, Nakano-Narusawa Y, Yamakawa K, Hashimoto N, Yoshida S, Kanie S, Imaida K. Chronic mesothelial reaction and toxicity of potassium octatitanate fibers in the pleural cavity in mice and F344 rats. Cancer Sci., 107(7):1047-54, 2016.
今井田克己. 4.内分泌撹乱化学物質(環境ホルモン)、第2部 社会問題となった疾患と病理学〈環境〉. 深山正久, 樋野興夫, 坂元亨宇, 中山淳, 羽場礼次(編集), 病理と臨床 臨時増刊号, 27: 137 - 142, 2009.
早川 堯夫 一般財団法人化学及血清療法研究所理事長・所長
専門分野 薬学、生物化学
遺伝子組換え食品等の安全性評価(Safety Assessment of Genetically Modified Foods).早川堯夫、食品衛生化学会誌(J. Food Hyg. Soc. Japan)、46, J-286〜J-288(2005)
Antibody-targeted cell fusion.
Nakamura T, Peng K-W, Vongpunsawad S,Mizuguchi H, Hayakawa T, Cattaneo R and Russell S. J., Nature Biotech., 22, 331-336 (2004)
Notch Signaling Enhances Stemness by Regulating Metabolic Pathways Through Modifying p53, NF-κB, and HIF-1α.
Moriyama H, Moriyama M, Ozawa T, Tsuruta D, Iguchi T, Tamada S, Nakatani T, Nakagawa K, Hayakawa T., Stem Cells Dev.,27(13),935-947 (2018)
大野 泰雄 木原記念横浜生命科学振興財団 理事長
Intra-/inter-laboratory validation study on reactive oxygen species assay for chemical photosafety evaluation using two different solar simulators.
Satomi Onoue, Kazuhiro Hosoi, Tsuguto Toda, Hironori Takagi, Naoto Osaki, Yasuhiro Matsumoto, Satoru Kawakami, Shinobu Wakuri, Yumiko Iwase, Toshinobu Yamamoto, Kazuichi Nakamura, Yasuo Ohno, and Hajime Kojima.
Toxicol In Vitro. 28: 515-23, 2014.
Open TG-GATEs: a large-scale toxicogenomics database.
Igarashi Y, Nakatsu N, Yamashita T, Ono A, Ohno Y, Urushidani T, Yamada H.
Nucleic Acids Res. 2015 Jan 28; 43(Database issue): D921-7.
JaCVAM-organized international validation study of the in vivo rodent alkaline comet assay for detection of genotoxic carcinogens: II. Summary of definitive validation study results.
Uno Y, Kojima H, Omori T, Corvi R, Honma M, Schechtman LM, Tice RR, Beevers C,De Boeck M, Burlinson B, Hobbs CA, Kitamoto S, Kraynak AR, McNamee J, Nakagawa Y,Pant K, Plappert-Helbig U, Priestley C, Takasawa H, Wada K, Wirnitzer U, Asano N,Escobar PA, Lovell D, Morita T, Nakajima M, Ohno Y, Hayashi M.
Mutat Res Genet Toxicol Environ Mutagen. 2015 Jul;786-788:45-76.
那須 民江 中部大学生命健康科学部教授
Bile acid detoxifying enzymes limit susceptibility to liver fibrosis in female SHRSP5/Dmcr rats fed with a high-fat-cholesterol diet. Yetti H, Naito H, Yuan Y, Jia X, Hayashi Y, Tamada H, Kitamori K, Ikeda K, Yamori Y, Nakajima T. PLoS One. 2018 Feb;13(2):e0192863.
Combination of Hypertension Along with a High Fat and Cholesterol Diet Induces Severe Hepatic Inflammation in Rats via a Signaling Network Comprising NF-κB, MAPK, and Nrf2 Pathways.
Yuan Y, Naito H, Jia X, Kitamori K, Nakajima T. Nutrients. 2017 Sep;9(9):1018-34.
Prenatal exposure to di(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate and subsequent infant and child health effects.
Nakajima T, Hayashi Y, Ito Y. Food Safety Commission, Cabinet Office, Government of Japan. 2015;3(3):70-83.
品川 邦汎 岩手大学 名誉教授
Submucosal mast cells in the gastrointestinal tract are
a target staphylococcal enterotoxin type A. One,H.K.,Hu,D.L.
Shinagawa,K.,Omoe,K. FEMS Immunol.Med.Microbiol.,392-402(2012).
pp.324-338, 日本食品衛生協会出版(2018).
「食肉の危害分析重要管理点(HACCP)方式, pp.6-13,
(公益法)日本食肉消費総合センター (2018).
福島昭治 (一社)化学物質安全性評価研究推進機構理事長
Chapter 1: Qualitative and quantitative assessments on low-dose carcinogenicity of genotoxic hepatocarcinogens: Dose-response for key events in rat hepatocarcinogenesis. Fukushima S, Gi M, kakehashi A, Wanibuchi H. Thresholds of Genotoxic Carcinogens: From mechanisms to regulation (Eds. Nohmi T and Fukushima S). Academic Press 1-17,2016
Carcinogenicity of multi-walled carbon nanotubes:challenging issue on hazard assessment. Fukushima S, Kasai T, Umeda Y, Sasaki T, Matsumoto M. Journal of Occupational Health 60,10-30, 2018
Carcinogenicity of quinoline by drinking-water administration in rats and mice. Matsumoto M, Kano H, Suzuki M, Noguchi T, Umeda Y, Fukushima S. The Journal of Toxicological Sciences 43, 113-137, 2018
廣田 良夫 保健医療経営大学 学長
Vitamin D receptor gene polymorphisms, smoking, and risk of sporadic Parkinson’s disease in Japan. Tanaka K, Miyake Y, Fukushima W, Kiyohara C, Sasaki S, Tsuboi Y, Oeda T, Shimada H, Kawamura N, Sakae N, Fukuyama H, Hirota Y, Nagai M, Nakamura Y, Fukuoka Kinki Parkinson’s Disease Study Group. Neurosci Lett 2017;643:97-102.
Rate of eating in early life is positively associated with current and later BMI among young Japanese children: the Osaka Maternal and Child Health Study. Okubo H, Miyake Y, Sasaki S, Tanaka K, Hirota Y. Nutr Res 2017;37: 20-28.
Feeding practices in early life and later intake of fruit and vegetables among Japanese toddlers: the Osaka Maternal and Child Health Study. Okubo H, Miyake Y, Sasaki S, Tanaka K, Hirota Y. Pub Hlth Nutr 2016;19(4):650-657.

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