ホーム > 政策について > 分野別の政策一覧 > 他分野の取り組み > 研究事業 > 平成29年度 厚生労働科学研究の概要 > 事前評価委員会名簿 > 循環器疾患・糖尿病等生活習慣病対策総合研究事業

平成29年度循環器疾患・糖尿病等生活習慣病対策総合研究事業 事前評価委員名簿


赤川 安正 広島大学名誉教授
Takeda Y, Oue H, Okada S, Kawano A, Koretake K, Michikawa M, Akagawa Y,
Tsuga K.Molar loss and powder diet leads to memory deficit and modifies the RNA expression of brain derived neurotrophic factor in the hippocampus of adult mice. BMC Neurosci,2016; 17:81.
Oue H, Miyamoto Y, Okada S, Koretake K, Jung CG, Michikawa M, Akagawa Y.Tooth loss induces memory impairment and neuronal cell loss in APP transgenic mice. Behav Brain Res,2013; 252:318-325.
よくわかる口腔インプラント学(第3版)、赤川安正 他編、2018年.
石田裕美 女子栄養大学・教授
Household income is associated with food and nutrient intake in Japanese schoolchildren, especially on days without school lunch., Murayama N., Ishida H., Yamamoto T., Hazano S., Nakanishi A., Arai Y., Nozue M., Yoshioka Y., Saito S.,and Abe A .: Public Health Nutr., doi:10.1017/S1368980017001100 [Epub ahead of print] (2017)
世帯収入別の児童の栄養素等摂取量に対する学校給食の寄与、新井佑未、石田裕美、中西明美、野末みほ、阿部彩、山本妙子、村山伸子;日本栄養・獲よく量学会誌 70.4.139-146(2017)
高齢者施設入居者の血清セレン濃度とセレン摂取量、金光秀子、縄田敬子、富松理恵子、石田裕美;栄養学雑誌 75.1.29-38(2017)
小川 久雄 国立研究開発法人 国立循環器病研究センター 理事長
Ogawa H, Nakayama M, Morimoto T, Uemura S, Kanauchi M, Doi N, Jinnouchi H, Sugiyama S, Saito Y; Japanese Primary Prevention of Atherosclerosis With Aspirin for Diabetes (JPAD) Trial Investigators. JAMA. 2012 Nov 14;308(18):1861.
Ogawa H, Soejima H, Matsui K, Kim-Mitsuyama S, Yasuda O, Node K, Yamamuro M, Yamamoto E, Kataoka K, Jinnouchi H, Sekigami T; ATTEMPT-CVD investigators.A trial of telmisartan prevention of cardiovascular diseases (ATTEMPT-CVD): Biomarker study. Eur J Prev Cardiol. 2016 Jun;23(9):913-21.
Ogawa H, Isshiki T, Kimura T, Yokoi H, Nanto S, Takayama M, Kitagawa K, Nishikawa M, Miyazaki S, Ikeda Y, Nakamura M, Tanaka Y, Saito S.Effects of CYP2C19 allelic variants on inhibition of platelet aggregation and major adverse cardiovascular events in Japanese patients with acute coronary syndrome: The PRASFIT-ACS study. J Cardiol. 2016 Jul;68(1):29-36.
春日 雅人 国立研究開発法人国立国際医療研究センター・名誉理事長
Hashimoto, N., Kido, Y., Uchida, T., Asahara, S., Shigeyama, Y., Matsuda, T., Takeda, A., Tsuchihashi, D., Nishizawa, A., Ogawa, W., Fujimoto, Y., Okamura, H., Arden, KC., Herrera, PL., Noda, T and Kasuga, M. Ablation of PDK1 in pancreatic βcells induces diabetes as a result of loss of β-cell mass. (2006) Nature Genetics 38:589-593.
Inoue, H., Ogawa, W., Asakawa1, A., Okamoto, Y., Nishizawa, A., Matsumoto, M., Teshigawara, K., Matsuki, Y., Watanab2, E., Hiramatsu, R., Notohara, K., Katayose, K., Okamura, H., Kahn, CR., Noda, T., Takeda, K., Akira, S., Inui, A and Kasuga, M. Role of hepatic STAT3 in brain insulin action on hepatic glucose production. (2006) Cell Metabolism 3:267-275.
Sakai M., Matsumoto M., Tujimural T., Yongheng C., Noguchi T., Inagaki K., Inoue H., Hosooka T., Takazawa K., Kido Y., Yasuda K., Hiramatsu R., Matsuki Y., Kasuga M. CITED2 links hormonal signaling to PGC-lα acetylation in regulation of gluconeogenesis.(2012) Nature Medicine18:612-617
小林 廉毅 東京大学大学院医学系研究科 教授
「ヘルスサービスリサーチ入門:生活と調和した医療のために」田宮菜奈子、小林廉毅共編、他共著 東京大学出版会、2017
Five-year follow-up study of the association between periodontal disease and myocardial infarction among Japanese male workers: MY Health Up Study. Noguchi S, Toyokawa S, Miyoshi Y, Suyama Y, Inoue K, Kobayashi Y. Journal of Public Health. 2015; 37(4): 605-611.
Process quality of diabetes care under favorable access to healthcare: a 2-year longitudinal study using claims data in Japan. Tanaka H, Tomio J, Sugiyama T, Kobayashi Y. BMJ Open Diabetes Research and Care. 2016; 4:e000291, doi:10.1136/bmjdrc-2016-000291.
斎藤 能彦 公立大学法人奈良県立医科大学 循環器内科学講座・教授
Saito Y, Ogawa H, Morimoto T.
Response by Saito et al to Letter Regarding Article, "Low-Dose Aspirin for Primary Prevention of Cardiovascular Events in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: 10-Year Follow-Up of a Randomized Controlled Trial".
Circulation. 135:e1010-e1011, 2017.
Onoue K, Uemura S, Takeda Y, Somekawa S, Iwama H, Imagawa K, Nishida T, Morikawa Y, Takemoto Y, Asai O, Soeda T, Okayama S, Ishigami K, Nakatani K, Kawata H, Horii M, Nakajima T, Akai Y, Iwano M, Saito Y
Reduction of circulating soluble fms-like tyrosine kinase-1 plays a significant role in renal dysfunction-associated aggravation of atherosclerosis.
Circulation. 15;120(24):2470-2477, 2009
Ogawa H, Nakayama M, Morimoto T, Uemura S, Kanauchi M, Doi N, Jinnouchi H, Sugiyama S, Saito Y
Low-dose aspirin for primary prevention of atherosclerotic events in patients with type 2 diabetes: a randomized controlled trial.
JAMA. 300(18):2134-2141, 2008
杉本 壽 大阪大学 名誉教授
Age and sex analyses of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest in Osaka, Japan. Iwami T, Hiraide A, Sugimoto H, et al Resuscitation 2003, 57:145-152
Serial changes in leukocyte deformability and whole blood rheology in patients with sepsis or trauma. Nishino M, Tanaka H, Ogura H, Inoue Y, Koh T, Fujita K, and Sugimoto H J Trauma, Vol.59 No.6, p1425~1431,2005
Protective effects of a selective neutrophil elastase inhibitor (sivelestat) on lipopolysaccharide-induced acute dysfunction of the pulmonary microcirculation. Inoue Y, Seiyama A, Tanaka H, Ukai I, Akimau P, Nishino M, Shimazu T, and Sugimoto H Crit care med, Vol.33 No.8, p1814~1822, 2005
田代 順子 聖路加国際大学大学院 看護学研究科 特任教授
Toward Advanced Nursing Practice along with People-Centered Care Partnership Model for Sustainable Universal Health Coverage and Universal Access to Health. T. Kamia, K. Takahashi, J. Omori, N. Arimori, H. Hishinuma, K. Asahara, y. Shimpuku, K. Ohashi, J. Tashiro . Rev. Latino-Am. Enfermagem. 2017; 25:e2839.www.eerup.usp.br/raise
ワークブック:国際保健・看護基礎論.監修 田代順子他共著、PILAR Press. (2016)
Graduate Nursing Education for Advanced Practice in Japan: Roles of APN, and Development of Program. At The 4th International Nursing Conference in 2017. September, 20-22, 2017. Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia

Schoolchildren's Obesity Status, Lifestyle Behaviotos, and Their Predictors: Development of Healthy Weight Model in Urban Indonesia. A. Ogata, A. Mafutuhah, M. Mardinanti, J. Tashiro. The International Council of Nurses Congress in 2017, Barcelona, Spain,
松井茂之 名古屋大学・教授
Nakamura T, Matsumoto T, Sugimoto T, Hosoi T, Miki T, Gorai I, Yoshikawa H, Tanaka Y, Tanaka S, Sone T, Nakano T, Ito M, Matsui S, Yoneda T, Takami H, Watanabe K, Osakabe T, Shiraki M, Fukunaga M. Clinical Trials Express: fracture risk reduction with denosumab in Japanese postmenopausal women and men with osteoporosis: denosumab fracture intervention randomized placebo controlled trial (DIRECT). J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2014;99(7):2599-607
Shoji S, Suzuki M, Tomono Y, Bockbrader HN, Matsui S.
Population pharmacokinetics of pregabalin in healthy subjects and patients with post-herpetic neuralgia or diabetic peripheral neuropathy. Br J Clin Pharmacol. 2011;72(1):63-76
Yamashita S, Hbujo H, Arai H, Harada-Shiba M, Matsui S, Fukushima M, Saito Y, Kita T, Matsuzawa Y. Long-term probucol treatment prevents secondary cardiovascular events: a cohort study of patients with heterozygous familial hypercholesterolemia in Japan. J Atheroscler Thromb. 2008;15(6):292-303.
木村 剛 京都大学医学部附属病院・循環器内科・教授
Yoshikawa Y, Shiomi H, Watanabe H, Natsuaki M, Kondo H, Tamura T, Nakagawa Y, Morimoto T, Kimura T. Validating Utility of DAPT Score in a Large Pooled Cohort from Three Japanese PCI Studies. Circulation. 2017 Oct 5. pii: CIRCULATIONAHA.117.028924.
Yamaji K, Shiomi H, Morimoto T, Nakatsuma K, Toyota T, Ono K, Furukawa Y, Nakagawa Y, Kadota K, Ando K, Shirai S, Onodera T, Watanabe H, Natsuaki M, Sakata R, Hanyu M, Nishiwaki N, Komiya T, Kimura T. Effects of Age and Sex on Clinical Outcomes after Percutaneous Coronary Intervention Relative to Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting in Patients with Triple Vessel Coronary Artery Disease. Circulation. 2016 Mar 23. pii: CIRCULATIONAHA.115.020955. [Epub ahead of print]
Shiomi H, Nakagawa Y, Morimoto T, Furukawa Y, Nakano A, Shirai S, Taniguchi R, Yamaji K, Nagao K, Suyama T, Mitsuoka H, Araki M, Takashima H, Mizoguchi T, Eisawa H, Sugiyama S, Kimura T; CREDO-Kyoto AMI investigators. Association of onset to balloon and door to balloon time with long term clinical outcome in patients with ST elevation acute myocardial infarction having primary percutaneous coronary intervention: observational study. BMJ. 2012 May 23;344:e3257. doi: 10.1136/bmj.e3257.
木裕三 東京医科歯科大学名誉教授
The distribution of periodontopathic bacteria among Japanese children and their parents. Umeda M, Miwa Z, Takeuchi Y, Ishizuka M, Huang Y, Noguchi K, Tanaka M, Takagi Y, Ishikawa I. Journal of Periodontal Research. 2004; 39: 398-404.
Detection of occlusal caries in primary teeth using swept source optical coherence tomography. Nakajima Y, Shimada Y, Sadr A, Wada I, Miyashin M, Takagi Y, Tagami J, Sumi Y. Journal of Biomedical Optics. 2014 Jan; 19 (1), 016020, 9 pages.
「小児歯科学(第4版第7刷)」木裕三 他編、医歯薬出版(2017).
伊達ちぐさ 兵庫県立大学・名誉教授
Serum vitamin C concentration was inversely associated with subsequent 20-year incidence of stroke in a Japanese rural community The Shibata Study. Yokoyama T, Date C, Kokubo Y, Yoshiike N, Matsumura K, Tanaka H. Stroke, 2000 Oct; 31(10):2287-2294.
The relationship between waist circumference and the risk of stroke and myocardial infarction in a Japanese urban cohort: the Suita study. Furukawa Y, Kokubo Y, Okamura T, Watanabe M, Higashiyama A, Ono Y, Kawanishi K, Okayama A, Date C. Stroke, 2010 Mar; 41(3):550-3.
Dietary patterns and risk of cardiovascular deaths among middle-aged Japanese: JACC Study. Maruyama K, Iso H, Date C, Kikuchi S, Watanabe Y, Wada Y, Inaba Y, Tamakoshi A; JACC Study Group. Nutr Metab Cardiovasc Dis. 2013 Jun; 23(6):519-27.
浜田知久馬 東京理科大学 教授
Kimura K, Nakao K, Shibata Y, Sone T, Takayama T, Fukuzawa S, Nakama Y,Hirayama H, Matsumoto N, Kosuge M, Hiro T, Sakuma H, Ishihara M, Asakura M,Hamada C, Kaneko A, Yokoi T, Hirayama A; AMITY study group. Randomized controlled trial of TY-51924, a novel hydrophilic NHE inhibitor, in acute myocardial infarction. J Cardiol. 2016 Apr;67(4):307-13.
Nakamura M, Nanto S, Hirayama A, Takayama T, Nishikawa M, Kimura K, Morita S, Aizawa T, Asano R, Matsumaru Y, Hamada C, Isshiki T; OPERA Steering Committee and Investigators. Optimal duration of dual antiplatelet therapy following treatment with the endeavor zotarolimus-eluting stent in real-world Japanese patients with
coronary artery disease (OPERA): study design and rationale. Catheter Cardiovasc Interv. 2014 Sep 1;84(3):368-74.
Hirano M, Hara K, Ikari Y, Jinzaki M, Iino M, Hamada C, Kuribayashi S.Dose-finding study of landiolol hydrochloride: a short-acting β1-blocker for controlling heart rate during coronary computed-tomography angiography in Japan. Adv Ther. 2013 Sep;30(9):803-18.
春山 早苗 自治医科大学看護学部・学部長
Characteristic of the district to have to devise the public health nurses practice to reduce health disparities in Japan Haruyama S., T. Sekiyama, T. Tsukamoto, S. Esumi, S. Aoki, H. Shimada, K. Suzuki, S. Tamura, Y. Nakano, K. Yasuda, and Y. yamazaki, The 6th International Conference on Community Health Nursing Research,2015
「へき地における公衆衛生看護活動.最新公衆衛生看護学 第2版 2018年版 各論2」春山早苗,日本看護協会出版会,150-164,(2018)
地域特性に応じた看護のマネジメントとリーダーシップ 春山早苗,日本地域看護学会誌,19(3),79-87,2016.

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