ホーム > 政策について > 分野別の政策一覧 > 他分野の取り組み > 研究事業 > 平成29年度 厚生労働科学研究の概要 > 中間・事後評価委員会名簿 > 循環器疾患・糖尿病等生活習慣病対策総合研究事業

平成29年度 循環器疾患・糖尿病等生活習慣病対策総合研究事業 中間・事後評価委員名簿


相川直樹 慶應義塾大学・名誉教授
Cardiopulmonary resuscitation training in schools; A comparison of trainee satisfaction among different age groups. Hori S, Suzuki M, Yamazaki M, Aikawa N, Yamazaki H: Keio J Med. 65: 49-56. 2016.
Early evaluation of severity in patients with severe sepsis: A comparison with “septic shock” : Subgroup analysis of the Japanese Association for Acute Medicine Sepsis Registry (JAAM-SR). Tarui T, Yamaguchi Y, Suzuki Y, Tsuruta R, Ikeda H, Ogura H, Kushimoto S, Kotani J, Shiraishi SI, Suzuki Y, Takuma K, Takeyama N, Fujishima S, Mayumi T, Miki Y, Yamashita N, Aikawa N, Gando S: Acute Med Surg. doi: 10.1002/ams2.299, 2017.
Assessment of mortality by qSOFA in patients with sepsis outside ICU: A post hoc subgroup analysis by the Japanese Association for Acute Medicine Sepsis Registry Study Group. Umemura Y, Ogura H, Gando S, Kushimoto S, Saitoh D, Mayumi T, Fujishima S, Abe T, Ikeda H, Kotani J, Miki Y, Shiraishi SI, Shiraishi A, Suzuki K, Suzuki Y, Takeyama N, Takuma K, Tsuruta R, Yamaguchi Y,Yamashita N, Aikawa N:J Infect Chemother. 2017; Aug 25. pii: doi: 10.1016 /j.jiac. 07.0052017..
浅井康文 札幌医科大学名誉教授、函館新都市病院名誉院長
浅井康文:私の心に残る1例、救急医療と人工心肺、救急医学、40:484-486, 2016
河口 てる子 日本赤十字北海道看護大学・学 長
<著作> 「臨床看護学業書2 経過別看護(第2版):慢性期にある患者の看護,河口てる子,川島みどり,菱沼典子監修,190-249,メヂカルフレンド社,2011.
<研究論文> 慢性看護の基盤となる患者教育研究のとりくみ 熟練看護師による慢性疾患看護の実践知, 河口てる子,日本慢性看護学会誌, 2008;2(2): 66-71.
<著作> 「臨床看護学業書2 経過別看護(第2版):慢性期にある患者の看護,河口てる子,川島みどり,菱沼典子監修,190-249,メヂカルフレンド社,2011.
岸 玲子 北海道大学名誉教授
Bannai A., Yoshioka E., Saijo Y., Sasaki S., Kishi R and Tamakoshi A,; The risk of developing diabetes in association with long working hours differs by shift work schedules, Journal of Epidemiology 26(9):481-487, 2016
Hanley S.J., Yoshioka E., Ito Y. and Kishi R.; HPV vaccination crisis in Japan. Lancet. 385 2571, 2015.
Yoshioka E., Saijo Y., Kita T., Satoh H., Kawaharada M., Kishi R.; Effect of the interaction between employment level and psychosocial work environment on insomnia in male Japanese public service workers. Int J Behav Med. 20 (3):355-364, 2013.
桐野高明 なし(東京大学名誉教授)
Kirino T: Delayed neuronal death in the gerbil hippocampus following ischemia. Brain Res 239:57-69,1982
Kirino T, Tsujita Y, Tamura A: Induced tolerance to ischemia in gerbil hippocampal neurons. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab 11:299-307,1991
Morita A, Kirino T, Hashi K, Aoki N, Fukuhara S, Hashimoto N, Nakayama T, Sakai M, Teramoto A, Tominari S, Yoshimoto T: The natural course of unruptured cerebral aneurysms in a Japanese cohort. N Engl J Med 366:2474-2482,2012
坂田 隆造 神戸市立医療センター中央市民病院 院長
The myocardial regenerative potential of three-dimensional engineered cardiac tissues composed of multiple human iPS cell-derived cardiovascular cell lineages. Masumoto H, Nakane T, Tinney JP, Yuan F, Ye F, Kowalski WJ, Minakata K, Sakata R, Yamashita JK, Keller BB. Sci Rep. 2016 Jul 20;6:29933.
Effects of Age and Sex on Clinical Outcomes After Percutaneous Coronary Intervention Relative to Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting in Patients With Triple-Vessel Coronary Artery Disease. Yamaji K, Shiomi H, Morimoto T, Nakatsuma K, Toyota T, Ono K, Furukawa Y, Nakagawa Y, Kadota K, Ando K, Shirai S, Onodera T, Watanabe H, Natsuaki M, Sakata R, Hanyu M, Nishiwaki N, Komiya T, Kimura T. Circulation. 2016 May 10;133(19):1878-91.
Green Tea Polyphenol Prevents Diabetic Rats From Acute Kidney Injury After Cardiopulmonary Bypass. Funamoto M, Masumoto H, Takaori K, Taki T, Setozaki S, Yamazaki K, Minakata K, Ikeda T, Hyon SH, Sakata R. Ann Thorac Surg. 2016 Apr;101(4):1507-13.
伊達ちぐさ 兵庫県立大学・教授
Serum vitamin C concentration was inversely associated with subsequent 20-year incidence of stroke in a Japanese rural community The Shibata Study. Yokoyama T, Date C, Kokubo Y, Yoshiike N, Matsumura K, Tanaka H. Stroke, 2000 Oct; 31(10):2287-2294.
The relationship between waist circumference and the risk of stroke and myocardial infarction in a Japanese urban cohort: the Suita study. Furukawa Y, Kokubo Y, Okamura T, Watanabe M, Higashiyama A, Ono Y, Kawanishi K, Okayama A, Date C. Stroke, 2010 Mar; 41(3):550-3.
Dietary patterns and risk of cardiovascular deaths among middle-aged Japanese: JACC Study. Maruyama K, Iso H, Date C, Kikuchi S, Watanabe Y, Wada Y, Inaba Y, Tamakoshi A; JACC Study Group. Nutr Metab Cardiovasc Dis. 2013 Jun; 23(6):519-27.
中垣晴男 愛知学院大学名誉教授
Ichizo Morita, Haruo Nakagaki et al.: Relationship between periodontal status and levels of glycated hemoglobin Journal of Dental Research 91, 161-166, 2012
中村丁次 神奈川県立保健福祉大学学長
Searching for a long healthy life.Spotlight on Food Science in Japan.Teiji Nakamura , nature.2016, Vol.534.No.7606.12-13
1)「チーム医療に必要な人間栄養学の取り組み」、中村丁次編著、第一出版 (2012)
2)Nutrition-Macronutrients.Encyclopedia of Cardiovascular Research and Medicine, Teiji Nakamura,S.Kuranuki.(2016)
1) Nutritional Roles in Prevention and Care of Disease. History of Practice in Japan, Symposium of Epidemiology Disease and Nutrition, Dietetics in Hospitalized Patients, Hanoi Medical University, 2016
中村 好一 自治医科大学公衆衛生学 教授
Nakamura Y, Yashiro M, Yamashita M, Aoyama N, Otaki U, Ozeki Y, Sano T, Kojo T, Ae R, Aoyama Y, Makino N, Kotani K. Cumulative incidence of Kawasaki disease in Japan. Pediatrics International 2018; 60(1): 19-22..
柳川洋,中村好一,編.公衆衛生マニュアル 2018 (第36版).東京:南山堂,2018.
中村好一.第32回日本心臓財団予防賞を受賞して 受賞テーマ:循環器予防に携わる人材育成と川崎病による冠状動脈瘤予防研究.日本循環器病予防学会誌 2017;52(3):283-284.
貫和敏博 公益財団法人結核予防会・常務理事
EGFR Mutation Analysis of Circulating Tumor DNA Using an Improved PNA-LNA PCR Clamp Method. Watanabe K, Fukuhara T, Tsukita Y, Morita M, Suzuki A, Tanaka N, Terasaki H, Nukiwa T, Maemondo M. Can Respir J. 2016; 2016: 5297329.
OX40 ligand newly expressed on bronchiolar progenitors mediates influenza infection and further exacerbates pneumonia. Hirano T, Kikuchi T, et al, Nukiwa T, Watanabe A, Ichinose M. EMBO Mol Med. 2016 Apr 1;8(4):422-36.
水澤 英洋 国立研究開発法人国立精神・神経医療研究センター・理事長
Structural connectivity in spatial attention network: reconstruction from left hemispatial neglect. Hattori T, Ito K, Nakazawa C, Numasawa Y, Watanabe M, Aoki S, Mizusawa H, Ishiai S, Yokota T. Brain Imaging Behav. 2017 Mar; 12(2): 309-323.
Depressive disorder may be associated with raphe nuclei lesions in patients with brainstem infarction. Numasawa Y, Hattori T, Ishiai S, Kobayashi Z, Kamata T, Kotera M, Ishibashi S, Sanjo N, Mizusawa H, Yokota T. J Affect Disord. 2017 Apr; 213: 191-198.
Re-evaluation of soluble APP-α and APP-β in cerebrospinal fluid as potential biomarkers for early diagnosis of dementia disorders. Araki W, Hattori K, Kanemaru K, Yokoi Y, Omachi Y, Takao H, Sakata M, Yoshida S, Tsukamoto T, Murata M, Saito Y, Kunugi H, Goto Y, Nagaoka U, Nagao M, komori T, Arima K, Ishi K, Murayama S, Matsuda H, Tachimori H, Arai M.Y, Mizusawa H. Biomarker Research. 2017 Sep; 5: 28.
山科 章 東京医科大学医学教育推進センター・特任教授、東京医科大学病院健診予防医学センター・センター長(兼任)
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