ホーム > 政策について > 分野別の政策一覧 > 他分野の取り組み > 研究事業 > 平成26年度 厚生労働科学研究の概要 > 各研究事業評価委員会名簿(平成26年度) 厚生労働科学研究委託費 > 事前評価委員会名簿 > B型肝炎創薬実用化等研究事業



宮村 達男 国立感染症研究所 名誉所員
An assay for circulating antibodies to a major etiologic virus of human non-A, non-B hepatitis. Kuo,G., Choo,Q-L., Alter,H.J., Gitnick,G.L., Redeker,A.G., Purcell,R.H., Miyamura,T. Dienstag J.L., Alter,M.J., Stevens,C.E., Tegtmeier,G.E., Bonino,F., Colombo,M., Lee,W-S., Kuo,C., Berger,K., Shuster,J.R., Overby,L.R., Bradley,D.W., and Houghton,M. Science 244: 362-364, 1989.
Detection of antibody against antigen expressed by molecularly cloned hepatitis C virus cDNA: Application to diagnosis and blood screening for post transfusion hepatitis. Miyamura,T., Saito,I., Katayama,T., Kikuchi,S., Tateda,A., Houghton,M., Choo,Q-L., and Kuo,G. Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci.USA, 87: 983-987, 1990.
A cDNA fragment of hepatitis C virus isolated from an implicated donor of post-transfusion non-A, non-B hepatitis in Japan. Kubo,Y., Takeuchi,K., Boonmar,S., Katayama,T., Choo,Q-L., Kuo,G., Weiner,A.W., Bradley,D.W., Houghton,M., Saito,I., and Miyamura,T.  Nucl.Acids Res. 17:10367-10372, 1989.
林 紀夫 関西労災病院院長
Quantitative analysis of pre-S1 and pre-S2 in relation to HBsAg expression. Yuki N, Hayashi N, Katayama K, Kasahara A, Ueda K, Fusamoto H, Sato N, Kamada T. Hepatology 11:38-43, 1990
Identification of multiple transcription factors, HLF, FTF, and E4BP4, controlling hepatitis B virus enhancer II. Ishida H, Ueda K, Ohkawa K, Kanazawa Y, Hosui A, Nakanishi F, Mita E, Kasahara A, Sasaki Y, Hori M, Hayashi N.
J Virol 74:1241-1251,2000
Supportive role played by precore and preS2 genomic changes in the establishment of lamivudine-resistant hepatitis B virus. Ohkawa K, Takehara T, Kato M, Deguchi M, Kagita M, Hikita H, Sasakawa A, Kohga K, Uemura A, Sakamori R, Yamaguchi S, Miyagi T, Ishida H, Tatsumi T, Hayashi N.
J Infect Dis 198:1150-1159, 2008
樋野 興夫 順天堂大学 医学部 病理・腫瘍学 教授
専門分野 病理学・発がん
Hino O., Kitagawa T. and Sugano H.: Relationship between serum and histochemical markers for hepatitis B virus and rate of viral integration in hepatocellular carcinomas in Japan. Int J Cancer 35: 5-10, 1985
Hino O., Shows T. B. and Rogler C. E.: Hepatitis B virus integration site in hepatocellular carcinoma at chromosome 17;18 translocation. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 83: 8338-8342, 1986
Hino O., Tabata S. and Hotta Y.: Evidence for increased in vitro recombination with insertion of human hepatitis B virus DNA. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 88: 9248-9252, 1991
沖田 極 社会保険下関厚生病院名誉院長・顧問
Furutani T, Hino K, Okita K, et al.:Hepatic iron overload induces hepatocellular carcinoma in transgenic mice expressing the hepatic C virus polyprotein. Gastroenterology 131:461-469,2006
Nishina S, Hino K, Okita K, et al.:Hepatitis C virus induced reactive oxygen species raise hepatic iron level in mice by reducing hepcidin transcription. Gastroenterology 134:226-238,2008
発明者:寺井崇二、沖田 極(特許権者:国立大学法人山口大学)
倉田 毅 国際医療福祉大学塩谷病院中央検査部長 教授
Akira Ainai, Shin-ichi Tamura, Tadaki Suzuki, Elly van Riet, Ryo Ito, Takato Odagiri, Masato Tashiro, Takeshi Kurata
and Hideki Hasegawa: Intranasal vaccination with an inactivated whole influenza virus induces strong antibody
resposes in serum and nasal mucus of healthy adults. Human vaccines and Immunotherapeutics 9-9,:1962-1970 , 2013
Masae Iwai-Itamochi, Hiromu Yoshida,Mayumi Obara-Nagoya, Eiji Horimoto, Takeshi Kurata, Takenori Takizawa:
Development of real-time PCR to detect oral vaccine-like poliovirus and its application to enviromental surveillance.
J.Virological Methods195, 148-155, 2014
西島 正弘 昭和薬科大学・学長
Molecular machinery for non-vesicular trafficking of ceramide
K. Hanada, K. Kumagai, S. Yasuda, Y. Miura, M. Kawano, M. Fukasawa, and M. Nishijima
Nature (Article), 426, 803-809, 2003
A Potent Adjuvant Monophosphoryl Lipid A Triggers Various Immune Response, but Not Secretion of lL-1・ or Activation of Caspase-1
K. Okemoto, K. Kawasaki, K. Hanada, M. Miura, and M. Nishijima
J. Immunol., 176, 1203-1208, 2006
Structural basis for specific lipid recognition by CERT responsible for nonvesicular trafficking of ceramide
N. Kudo, K. Kumagai, N. Tomishige, T. Yamaji, S. Wakatsuki, M. Nishijima, K. Hanada, and R. Kato
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci.USA., 105, 488-493, 2008
関谷 剛男 公益財団法人佐々木研究所・常務理事 附属佐々木研究所・所長
M. Orita, H. Iwahana, H. Kanazawa, K. Hayashi and T. Sekiya. Detection of polymorphisms of human DNA by gel electrophoresis as single-strand conformation polymorphisms. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 86, 2766-2770, 1989
M. Orita, Y. Suzuki, T. Sekiya and K .Hayashi. Rapid and sensitive detection of point mutation and DNA Polymorphisms using the polymerase chain reaction. Genomics 5, 874-879, 1989
T. Sekiya. Nucleotide sequence changes in human genome: detection by single-strand conformation polymorphism analysis. Proc. Japan Acad. Ser B, 80, 92-102, 2004
岩尾 總一郎 一般社団法人日本尊厳死協会理事長
清澤 研道 社会医療法人城西医療財団 城西病院
Yoshizawa K, Matsumoto A, Ichijo T, Umemura T, Joshita S, Komatsu M, Tanaka N, Tanaka E, Ota M, Katsuyama Y, Kiyosawa K, Abe M, Onji M.  Long-term outcome of japanese patients with type 1 autoimmune hepatitis. Hepatology 2012 Aug;56(2):668-76
Yokosuka O, Takaguchi K, Fujioka S, Shindo M, Chayama K, Kobashi H, Hayashi N, Sato C, Kiyosawa K, Tanikawa K, Ishikawa H, Masaki N, Seriu T, Omata M. Long-term use of entecavir in nucleoside-naive Japanese patients with chronic hepatitis B infection. J Hepatol. 2010 Jun;52(6):791-9.
Kiyosawa K, Sodeyama T, Tanaka E, Gibo Y, Yoshizawa K, Nakano Y, Furuta S, Akahane Y, Nishioka K, Purcell RH, et al.: Interrelationship of blood transfusion, non-A, non-B hepatitis and hepatocellular carcinoma: analysis by detection of antibody to hepatitis C virus. Hepatology 1990;12: 671-675.

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