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大島 悦男 協和発酵キリン(株)執行役員、研究本部長
Synthesis and Antiallergic Activity of 11-(Aminoalkylidene)-6,11-
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倉田 毅 国際医療福祉大学塩谷病院中央検査部 部長、教授
Akira Ainai, Shin-ichi Tamura, Tadaki Suzuki, Elly van Riet, Ryo Ito, Takato Odagiri, Masato Tashiro, Takeshi Kurata
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高坂 新一 国立精神・神経医療研究センター 理事
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Sanagi T, Nakamura Y, Suzuki E, Uchino S, Aoki M, Warita H, Itoyama Y, Kohsaka S, Ohsawa K.:
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Ohsawa K, Sanagi T, Nakamura Y, Suzuki E, Inoue K, Kohsaka S.:
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佐竹元吉 お茶の水女子大学 生活環境教育研究センター
日本の有毒植物 株)学研教育出版(2012年 5月)
Kanami Mori-Yasumoto, Ryoko Izumoto, Hiroyuki Fuchino, Takashi Ooi, Yutaka Agatsuma, Takenori Kusumi, Motoyoshi Satake, Setsuko Sekita, Leishmanicidal activities and cytotoxicities of bisnaphthoquinone analogues and naphthol derivatives from Burman Diospyros burmanica, Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Vol. 20 (2012)5215-5219
Shin-ichiro Kawada, Kohei Kazuma, Haruka Asahina, Takashi Tsuchida, Noriko Tominaga and Motoyoshi Satake, Insectivorous Small Mammals inNorthern and Middle Myanmar, Mem. Natl. Mus. Nat. Sci., Tokyo (48), pp. 75-80, March 28, 2012
早川 堯夫 近畿大学薬学総合研究所 所長
ヒト幹細胞を用いた細胞・組織加工医薬品等の品質・安全性確保に関する指針整備と主なポイント.(その1)−(その8).早川堯夫、青井貴之、梅澤明弘、小澤敬也、佐藤陽治、澤 芳樹、松山晃文、大和雅之、山中伸弥、再生医療、10(3), 86-152 (2011)
Japanese Regulatory Perspective on Immunogenicity. Detection and Quantification of Antibodies to Biopharmaceuticals : Practical and Applied Considerations (ed. by Michael G. Tovey), Takao Hayakawa and Akiko Ishii: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New Jersey, USA, August 2011
A Possible Role for Protein Phosphorylation in the Activation of the Respiratory Burst in Human Neutrophils: Evidence from studies with cells from patients with chronic granulomatous disease, T. Hayakawa, K. Suzuki, S. Suzuki, P.C. Andrews and B.M. Babior: J. Biol. Chem., 261(20), 9109-9115 (1986)
福重 潤一郎 第一三共株式会社 研究開発業務部 主査
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山口 一成 熊本大学発生医学研究所 特別研究員
Takizawa K, Nakashima T, Mizukami T, Kuramitsu M, Endoh D, Kawauchi S, Sasaki K, Momose H, Kiba Y, Mizutani T, Furuta RA, Yamaguchi K, Hamaguchi I: Degenerate PCR strategy with DNA microarray for detection of multiple and various subtypes of virus during blood screening. Transfusion 53:2545-2555,2013
Current prevalence of HTLV-1 in Japan as determinined by screening of blood donors. Satake M, Yamaguchi K, Tadokoro K. J Med Virol 84(2):327-35,2012
HCV infection and B-cell lymphomagenesis. Ito M, Kusunoki H, Mochida K, Yamaguchi K, Mizuochi T: Advances in Hematology 10.1155,2011
山西 弘一 医薬基盤研究所 理事長
Intranasal immunization with a formalin-inactivated human influenza a virus whole-virion vaccine alone and intranasal immunization with a split-virion vaccine with mucosal adjuvants show similar levels of cross-protection.
Okamoto S, Matsuoka S, Takenaka N, Haredy AM, Tanimoto T, Gomi Y, Ishikawa T, Akagi T, Akashi M, Okuno Y, Mori Y, Yamanishi K.
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Rapid and efficient introduction of a foreign gene into bacterial artificial chromosome-cloned varicella vaccine by Tn7-mediated site-specific transposition.
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A community-based survey of varicella-zoster virus-specific immune responses in the elderly.
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吉木 淳 理化学研究所バイオリソースセンター・実験動物開発室長
Mochida, K., Hasegawa, A., Li, M. W., Fray, M. D., Kito, S., Vallelunga, J. M., Lloyd, K. C., Yoshiki, A., Obata, Y. and Ogura, A. High osmolality vitrification: a new method for the simple and temperature-permissive cryopreservation of mouse embryos. PLoS One 8, e49316, 2013.
Cao, L., Kobayakawa, S., Yoshiki, A. and Abe, K. High resolution intravital imaging of subcellular structures of mouse abdominal organs using a microstage device. PLoS One 7, e33876, 2012.
Kasahara, T., Abe, K., Mekada, K., Yoshiki, A. and Kato, T. Genetic variation of melatonin productivity in laboratory mice under domestication. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 107, 6412-6417, 2010.

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