Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare

1. General Welfare and Labour  (1)厚生労働全般

01 The Population Pyramid in Japan 我が国の人口ピラミッド
02 Vital Statistics Overview 我が国の人口動態
03 Population Trends of Japan 我が国の人口の推移
04 Population Projection for Japan (Estimated in December 2006) 日本の将来推計人口(平成18年12月推計)
05 Same as above 同上
06 Changes in the Number of Live Birth and Tatal Fertility Rate 出生数・合計特殊出生率の推移
07 Changes in Total Fertility Rates in Developed Countries 先進諸国における合計特殊出生率の推移
08 Annual Changes in Mean Life Expectancy 平均余命の推移
09 International Comparison of Average Life Expectancy 平均寿命の国際比較
10 Annual Changes in Death Rate for Leading Causes of Death 主な死因別にみた死亡率の推移(人口10万対)グラフ
11 Same as above 主な死因別にみた死亡率の推移(人口10万対)表
12 Changes in the number of Deaths 死亡数の推移
13 Annual Changes in the Number of Households and Average Number of Household Members 世帯数及び平均世帯人員の推移
14 Changes in the Number of Households by Type 世帯構造別に見た世帯数の推移
15 Average Income per Household and per Household Member by Age Group of Householder 世帯主の年齢階級別に見た1世帯あたり一世帯人員1人当たり平均所得金額
16 Average Income per Household by Type of Income and Percentage Distribution 所得の種類別1世帯当たり平均所得金額及び構成割合
17 Changes in Labour Force 労働力人口の推移
18 Changes in Labour Force Rations by Sex and Age 性、年齢階級別労働力人口比率の推移
19 Changes in Number of Unemployed Persons and Unemployment 完全失業者数及び年齢別完全失業率の推移
20 Changes in Job Offers, Applicants and Job offers to applicants Ratio 求人・求職及び求人倍率の推移
21 Trends of Changes in Total Cash Earnings and Scheduled Cash Earnings 現金給与総額及び所定内給与の増減率の推移
22 Changes in Yearly Hours Worked (establishments with 30 employees or more) 年間労働時間の推移(事業所規模30人以上)
23 Changes in social Security-Related Expenditure in the Government  Expenditure 国の予算における社会保障関係費の推移
24 Changes in the General Account Expenditure Budget Classified by Expense Item Allocated for the Ministry of Health Labour and Welfare 厚生労働省所管一般会計主要経費別歳出予算額(当初)の推移
25 Same as above 同上
26 Trends in Social Security Benefits 社会補償給付費の推移
27 Changes in Social Security Benefits by Category 社会保障給付費の部門別推移
28 Changes in Social Security Benefits (In Percentage of National Income) by Category 社会保障給付費(対国民所得比)の部門別推移
29 Estimates on Social Security Benefits and Burdens 社会保障の給付と負担の見通し
30 Trends in National Burden Ratio (In the Percentage of  National Income) 国民負担率の推移(対国民所得比)
31 International Comparison of National Burden Ratio 国民負担率の国際比較
32 Schedule of Reforms in Social Security System and Its Main Arguments (FY 2006~) 社会保障制度改革の工程と主な論点(平成18~)

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