Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare

Expert Meeting

Expert Meeting

Date and venue

Date: 21-22 February, 2011

Venue: Toki Messe (Niigata)

Participants: Governments (ILO, etc.), Experts and Professors of research institute and University, worker and employer organizations

Building Social Safety Nets for Employment – Strategies in Asia –

This Expert Meeting had aimed to identify key elements for the promotion of social safety nets for employment. The first part of the meeting covered an overview of the evolution of social safety nets in Asian countries; and defining the concept of social safety nets. The second part focused on safety nets for employment, review different types of safety net programmes taking examples from the response to the crisis. Particular attention was paid to promoting unemployment insurance combined with active labour market policies, for which the challenges, strategies and the role of tripartite partners was identified.

The outcomes of the Meeting will be distributed as background information in the Special Session which will be organized by the MHLW on 12 April, in conjunction with 15th Asian and the Pacific Regional Meeting to be held in April 2011 in Kyoto.


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