Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare

V  Industrial Accidents and Occupational Health

A   Survey on Industrial Accidents
87 Industrial accident rate by industry and degree of disability Excel [45KB]
88 Industrial accident rate by industry and size of establishment Excel [42KB]
89 Industrial accident rate by industry Excel [45KB]
B   Status Survey on Industrial Safety and Health
90  Ratio of establishments by size of establishment and industry, status of risk assessment enforcement and details of the activity  Excel [35KB]
91 Ratio of establishments by size of establishment and industry, and the reasons why a risk assessment has not been implemented   Excel [32KB]
92  Ratio of employees by size of establishment and industry, employees who retired or took leave from work due to mental health reasons  Excel [28KB]
93  Ratio of establishments by size of establishment and industry, status of mental health-measures Excel [35KB]
94  Ratio of establishments by size of establishment, the implementation timing of workers’ stress-testing Excel [28KB]
95  Ratio of establishments by employment type, with or without workers who require industrial health and safety education, and the implementation of health and safety education Excel [30KB]
96 Ratio of establishments by industry, kinds of harmful work Excel [30KB]
97  Ratio of establishments by harmful work type, implementation of special health examinations, participation rate in special health examinations and the ratio of workers with related findings Excel [31KB]
98  Ratio of establishments by size of establishment, with or without measures to prevent backache, and details of the efforts Excel [31KB]
99 Ratio of establishments by size of establishment, whether they are with or without an interview consultation provided by a doctor for workers who worked overtime or worked over the holidays for more than 45 hours in one month including July 1. Excel [31KB]
100  Ratio of establishments by size of establishment and industry, with or without measures to promote non-smoking and status of measures for non-smoking/separation of areas Excel [33KB]
101  Ratio of employees by age group, sex, employment type, the details of participation in health and safety activities Excel [33KB]
102  Ratio of employees by size of establishment, industry, age group, sex, employment type, with or without a near-miss experience, a report to the company (supervisor), and aftercare by the company (supervisor) Excel [41KB]
103 Ratio of employees by age group, sex, employment type, existence of stress regarding working condition  Excel [30KB]
104 Ratio of employees by age group, sex, having smoking at the work site, whether or not they feel discomfort from passive smoking at their work site, or by whether or not their physical condition is deteriorating Excel [29KB]
105 Ratio of employees by age group, sex, with or without passive smoking, preferred measures for passive smoking prevention taken by the company (installation of a non-smoking area)  Excel [31KB]

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