Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare

V  Industrial Accidents and Occupational Health

A   Survey on Industrial Accidents
105 Industrial accident rate by industry and degree of disability Excel [47KB]
106 Industrial accident rate by industry and size of establishment Excel [41KB]
107 Industrial accident rate by industry Excel [42KB]
B Survey on Labour Environment
108 Ratio of establishments by kinds of harmful work Excel [29KB]
109 Ratio of enterprises by kinds of work and existence and description of facilities countermeasures in primary harmful work Excel [31KB]
110 Ratio of establishments by the kind of work, by the presence and description of preventive measures against radiation damage due to decontamination operations and operations under specified doses Excel [32KB]
111 Ratio of enterprises by kinds of work and result of working environment measurement Excel [31KB]
112 Ratio of establishments by description of workplace environment improvement Excel [29KB]
113 Ratio of establishments by reason for not implementating workplace environment improvement Excel [29KB]
114 Ratio of establishments with employees being examined for dust inhalation and dust-inhalation examination implementation rates Excel [37KB]
115 Dust medical examination rate and anomaly observation rate Excel [41KB]
116 Ratio of establishments by the size of establishment and by industry, by the use of chemical substances, by the issuance of Safety Data Sheets (SDS), and by the provider's response to issuance requests (for chemical substances to which Article 57-2 of the Industrial Safety and Health Law is applicable) Excel [35KB]
117 Ratio of establishments by the size of establishment and by industry, by the use of chemical substances, by the issuance of Safety Data Sheets (SDS), and by the provider's response to issuance requests (for chemical substances to which Article 57-2 of the Industrial Safety and Health Law is not applicable, but are hazardous)  Excel [32KB]
118 Ratio of establishments by the size of establishment and by industry, and by the use of Safety Data Sheets (SDS) Excel [34KB]
119 Ratio of establishments by the size of establishment and by industry, and by the use of construction materials containing asbestos Excel [30KB]
120 Ratio of employees by kinds of work,type of harmful work and knowledge of work conditions and harmful work Excel [30KB]
121 Ratio of workers by presence of absence of education or explanation regarding action of harmful work upon human body,presence of absence of effects Excel [33KB]
122 Ratio of workers whether or not influence of organic solvent on human  body is recognized Excel [28KB]
123 Ratio of workers by place of use of organic solvent Excel [28KB]
124 Ratio of employees by size of establishment, industry and knowledge of chemical substance risk assessment Excel [34KB]
125 Ratio of employees by the size of establishment and by industry, by the recognition of pictograms used in GHS labeling and the meaning thereof, by the confirmation of content thereof, and by the presence of related dissemination and training Excel [37KB]
126 Ratio of construction sites by existence of dust source and dust-generating site Excel [28KB]
127 Ratio of construction sites by work site classification and control measure pertaining to work sites that generate dust Excel [31KB]
128 Ratio of construction sites by existence of ventilation equipment and ventilation type Excel [29KB]
129 Ratio of construction sites by use of dust-prevention masks Excel [28KB]
130 Ratio of construction sites by measurement item and frequency of working environment measurement Excel [29KB]

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