Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare


(8) Help by Children

The largest proportion was for “set and clear the table”.

Concerning the status of help (multiple answers), “set and clear the table” accounted for the largest proportion of 74.1%.

According to sex, the proportion of boys was high for “set and clear the table” (69.2%), “carry shopping bags” (47.1%), and “cleaning” (35.7%), while that of girls was high for “set and clear the table” (79.4%), “fold laundry” (55.6%), and “carry shopping bags” (47.5%).

Children with younger sibling(s) who “take care of younger sibling(s)” accounted for 83.4% (Figure 14).

Figure 14 Types of help by children (multiple answers)

Figure 14  Types of help by children (multiple answers)
Note: The figures are based on the total number of responses in the 6th survey (total number of replies:
38,535 (boys: 20,013, girls: 18,522)). However, the figures of “take care of younger sibling(s)” are
based on the total number of children with younger sibling(s) (total number of replies: 16,128).

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