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Outline of the first Longitudinal Survey of Babies
in 21st Century

 We have started this survey in 2001. This survey is carried out twice a year because the birthdays of the surveyed subjects are in January and July. We conducted second survey in 2002 and would continue every year.
 This is the first longitudinal survey conducted by the central government in Japan and it covers more than 47000 subjects.

Vital and Health Statistics Division
Statistics and Information Department, Minister's Secretariat
E-mail: c-cohort@mhlw.go.jp



Summary of the Results
 1)  Household
 2)  Guardians
 3)  Employment of mothers
 4)  Child care leave
 5)  Fathers' involvement
 6)  Housing conditions
 7)  Parents' smoking status
 8)  Efforts and attempts
 9)  Advantages of having the babies
 10)  Disadvantages of having the babies
 11)  Worries and anxieties
 12)  Breastfeeding
 13)  Expenses for the babies

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