Table 3-1 |
Composition of public assistance recipients and general population, and ratio of public assistance recipients by age group, by year
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Table 3-2 |
Composition of households receiving public assistance and general households by number of household members,by year; Average number of household members by year
(Excel:20KB) |
Table 3-3 |
Composition of households receiving public assistance and general households, ratio of public assistance recipient households by types of households, by year
(Excel:20KB) |
Table 3-4 |
Actual number of households receiving public assistance by type of assistance (multiple count) , by fiscal year
(Excel:19KB) |
Table 3-5 |
Actual number and ratio of public assistance recipients by type of assistance (multiple count) , by fiscal year
(Excel:20KB) |
Table 3-6 |
Number of households actually received public assistance by type of labour force in households - type of household, by fiscal year
(Excel:21KB) |
Table 3-7 |
Number of households and persons for which assistance is initiated or terminated by fiscal year
(Excel:19KB) |
Table 3-8 |
Actual number of households and persons receiving public assistance and ratio of public assistance recipients by prefecture - designated city - core city (Special count)
(Excel:28KB) |
Table 3-9 |
Number of households for which assistance is initiated or terminated, by reason for initiation or termination and by fiscal year
(Excel:22KB) |
Table 3-10 |
Number of medical assistance recipients by hospitalization - outpatient / single assistance - multiple assistances / psychosis - others, by fiscal year
(Excel:20KB) |
Table 3-11 |
Actual number of aided households whose householders have no Japanese nationality and that of their members by fiscal year
(Excel:19KB) |