Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare

Handbook of Health and Welfare Statistics 2023

Part 2 Health

Chapter 4 Pharmaceutical Affairs

Table 2-85 Number of facilities with approval/registration/notification for business of medicine, etc., by type of business (Excel:19KB)
Table 2-86 Number of pharmacies and municipalities without pharmacy by prefecture (Excel:21KB)
Table 2-87 Number of pharmaceutical inspectors and status of inspection by year (Excel:20KB)
Table 2-88 Number of inspectors of poisonous and deleterious substances and status of inspection by year (Excel:20KB)
Table 2-89 Status of narcotic addicts by year (Excel:19KB)
Table 2-90 Number of blood donors by facilities for blood collection , by year (Excel:18KB)
Table 2-91 Amounts of blood donation by year (Excel:19KB)
Table 2-92 Amount of drug production by year (Excel:19KB)
Table 2-93 Amount of drug production and percentage distribution by main therapeutic category (Excel:21KB)
Table 2-94 Amount of import and export of drugs and indices by region, by year (Excel:20KB)
Table 2-95 Amount of import and export of drugs by major country and area, by year (Excel:19KB)
Table 2-96 Amount of production of medical devices by year (Excel:19KB)
Table 2-97 Amount of import and export of medical devices and indices by region, by year (Excel:20KB)
Table 2-98 Amount of production of quasi-drugs by year (Excel:19KB)
Table 2-99 Amount of production of quasi-drugs and percentage distribution by therapeutic category, by year (Excel:19KB)

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